All aboard the atheist bus?

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With buboe the old adage has never been truer - you can take an Ass to water but you cant make it drink.

Frightful bores like him abound where ever men congregate to drink coffee. Usually they discuss cars touting BMW endlessly and pretending to be experts. On just about everything. It came as no surprise to me when Bub admitted he drove one. Priceless ... simply priceless. What an oaf!

As I pointed out earlier, posting what you believe to be insults is a sign that you have lost the argument, and now the plot.

BMWs are good cars - but I don't suppose you have ever driven one. They are not priceless, but are actually very good value for money.

Please stop trying to derail the thread.
I posted above a refutation of your argument but you responded only with silly comments like "I see mr hazyknowledge is back" so you are not really in a position to preach.

I have no interest in discussing cars other than to say I have been in a bmw.

You have just read a couple of popular science books. Below a very shallow surface knowledge you have no idea what you are talking about.
I have explained several times what the difference between DNA (a coded set, dependant on the physical layer) and "a code" is. As you either cannot or will not understand this very simple distinction, there is no point in repeating the explanation to you.
No you have not - as I keep explaining, you dont even understand what the basics of information, coding and encoding sets are. Your misunderstanding is based upon your own incorrect assumptions and very narrow outlook.
If DNA was actually "a code", it could encode "extreme boredom", which is what you bring to every thread you post in. Obviously, it isn't, and it can't. DNA is a molecule which is required for protein synthesis. The base sequences & resultant peptides form a "coded set". It is dependent of the physical environment to work. Compare & contrast DNA and the alphabet.

You are both an instant expert and also a "oneupman". Quick shop demo of some loudspeakers? World authority on speakers. Cadged a lift in a BMW once? Car expert. Someone's been on holiday somewhere nice? So have you, only, guess what? Yes, your holiday was better. I hope for your sake it impresses the girls you chase online.
Your rebukes are gratefully received.

Now, do you have anything constructive to say about the topic?

Not really.

I'm just going to take notes on how to demonstrate one's intellectual manhood. It may come in useful one day.
Thanks for your concern bub but I have a special lady friend (and a real one too!) - I suggest you give it a try.

DNA encodes genetic information - the genetic code - using the encoding blocks that comprise it. Are you really a doctor? Its hard to believe. What do you think a gene is you oaf! Its information.

Not interested in cars bub nor an expert in them and I dont even own one - but what I do know is that your kind blathers on about them (usually BMWs) in every workplace in the land.

If DNA was actually "a code", it could encode "extreme boredom", which is what you bring to every thread you post in. Obviously, it isn't, and it can't. DNA is a molecule which is required for protein synthesis. The base sequences & resultant peptides form a "coded set". It is dependent of the physical environment to work. Compare & contrast DNA and the alphabet.

You are both an instant expert and also a "oneupman". Quick shop demo of some loudspeakers? World authority on speakers. Cadged a lift in a BMW once? Car expert. Someone's been on holiday somewhere nice? So have you, only, guess what? Yes, your holiday was better. I hope for your sake it impresses the girls you chase online.
The amusing & frustrating thing is that you only have a layman's understanding of the terms "genetic code" and "evolution". If you want to see an "oaf", look in the mirror.
I am not a layman bub, you are. I have been working in AI and genetic and evolutionary problem solving techniques for 15 years. You however read a dummys guide to evolution (and it seems a similiar guide on signal processing) on the back of a cornflakes packet and consider yourself an expert. Which is the epitome of oafishness. You haven't got the faintest idea of what you are talking about.
Please post the base sequence which encodes: Oops, I have made a big mistake.

The City is full of "experts" like you. Or it was, until recently. ;)

Hi Basil.
The difference is bub that I am still in the city and this has been my best year yet. That is what distinguishes the real experts. Experience and survival of the fittest!

Paul - they are reliant on exactly the same processes and require detailed understanding of those processes to work. As does working in signal processing, information theory and encryption. Unlike bub whose sole source of information is "great scientist" top trumps cards ;)
Still waiting for that base sequence, professor. Unqualified people ran big banks, we learn. What qualifications do you have in the biological sciences?
Its quite simple bub - you choose a mapping of alphabet to a set of 3 consecutive blocks (4^3 giving you enough permutations to code the alphabet) and then encode the sequence to describe the text you want.

The encoding of gentic information is just as arbitrary it just happened to be picked by evolution. I see the point you are trying to make however it is based upon an almost totally oafish misunderstanding of both encoding and genetics.

I dont work in a bank thanks buboe - I have my own investment fund and doing very nicely thank you during this difficult period.

I have qualifications in natural computing all of which require detailed knowledge of evolutionary, genetic and neural fields.
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