Amp time is acoming

What way to go?

  • Buy WAD KAT6550..........

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Buy something else power amp wise.........

    Votes: 7 58.3%
  • STFU and be happy with your lot!

    Votes: 3 25.0%

  • Total voters
Warp speed is good enough for me mate. ;)

Do you reckon you could get the Evo 2i up to warp speed then?
re Dac no worries........just was'nt to be I guess,give me a shout if it goes tits up
weather was too shit last week for the drive down

KSA 100 is this the one that fried?
mail me the figure you had in mind
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Originally posted by penance
Ive not heard of the Michi series from Rotel... good stuff?
I could nearly stretch to the 2 * power and pre if no one bids.

It's the equivalent of things like the Silverline Series from NAD. It is supposed to be fully competitive, it's 4-5 years old I believe although I'm pretty sure that the stuff still exists new. It doesn't have the slightly glassy sound of the cheaper stuff apparently, it is build like a battleship and continues the reputation for ooodles of power. Don't know if it's bridgable, so not sure how you'd want to use 2 of them.

There is a RHB-10 model power amp as well as the 05, can't find any for sale though. For cheap clean power, it might be worth a look. Knowing Rotel, it's not going to be rubbish.

Originally posted by HenryT
Warp speed is good enough for me mate. ;)

Do you reckon you could get the Evo 2i up to warp speed then?

Are you running the B/c on your new box of mains tricks and the gamunts Power chord ? or just the trichord?
Have you tried the Z/S I/c's on it?
I can do 2 things that will help, and won't take away it's fuildic mid bouns, after that it's slightly more 'indepth' Henry
Kev, No not the one which fried, this one is 86? I think tidy, black quite reasonable, going to check it over next week (V.busy at the mo, show & all) and I'll come up with a figure then OK.
Pennance if you would seriously like a good listen to the krell
your welcome, I could also get hold of a VT60 for a give the krell a bit of competiton pm me if you get down this way...

hell may have something to play disc's on by then :rolleyes:
Originally posted by wadia-miester
Are you running the B/c on your new box of mains tricks and the gamunts Power chord ? or just the trichord?
Have you tried the Z/S I/c's on it?
I can do 2 things that will help, and won't take away it's fuildic mid bouns, after that it's slightly more 'indepth' Henry
B/c running on the new box of mains tricks, tried it on the Trichord too, but didn't really improve things :eek: Using Z/S power chord and also Z/S i/c's. Z/S i/c's definitely much better than Zen Silver in this case, I was :eek: as I thought I'd prefer the Zen but not so.

Well, if you can elevate it enough to stop me having to go over to a pre/power for the same money then the in-depth methods could be worth a go? :)
Hmmm! I bet you Dyns would sing (not to mention kicking some butt) on the end of my ATC :)

BTW, Penance, I just visited your website. You're a strange man :D
Morning all:)

Thanks for the offers yaboo and Robbo, no transport means i probably couldnt do it tho..

So thismornings thoughts are to possibly get a home dem of an RB1070 or 1080, Or back to the WAD kit.......
Still waiting to hear about the BC but i must admit after being ripped on one set of amps thru Epay im rather adverse to private s/h sales, being in the states just serves to increase my paranoia
Mr Bear
what the going rate of the ATC, TBH ive not considered them as i thought probably out of my range.

Nowt wrong with my website, just the way me brain works.......WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
I expect those Rotel Michi's would eat the RB1070 for breakfast.

Actually, we've given the RB1070 back now so I suppose we can tell you what we learnt...

Well, it was generally more refined than the stock RB976 (6 channel AV amp) that we bought to replace it. It was good, refined, clean, powerful, good imaging, decent bass and not in any way hard or glassy as we've found they could be.

BUT, once we'd been into the RB976, fitted a IEC mains inlet, proper power cord and some minimal and subtle (although not especially cheap considering the tiny amount we used) re-wiring, the RB976 walked it. We were running it bridged (3 channel mode, of which we were using 2), it could do everything that the RB1070 did, but had a slightly less ponderousgait, but had real grip and slam and interest.

Is the RB1070 good for 500 quid? Yes, we were impressed, but at always there's more than one way to skin a ***** and there are better bargains out there.

WM says you want valves though?

Hi Timpy

I had the opertunity to hear a valve setup a few weeks ago (WAD KAT6550). I really enjoyed the sound, my main concern is the synergy or not of valve with dynaudio.
I have looked at the Michi on epay, but not really into epay tbh..
Hi Andy

I know what you mean, it's a question of once bitten etc. etc.

In all fairness, they'd be much more reliable than the AVi's, they're not likely to have needed to be ripped apart yet.

I doubt he's going to sell all the stuff on epay tbh, if you're interested why not wait till the end of the auction and offer to go up and listen. It just seemed a shame that it you're likely to buy Rotel anyway, then these will no doubt be quite a bit better, they had much higher aspirations than the 1070.

yep, ill think on that one.
Still got 2 knackered AVI monos sat here :rolleyes:

I may try and get to Newport Pagnell to hear the WAD kit aswell, although that could prove difficult. When i was asking about the 6550 it seemed that around 80% say it will work fine, 15% unsure and 5% say no................
Penance - if you do get to Newport Pagnell let me know.

I live about 2 miles away, and have a valve amp for sale also remember!

If you do come this way, why not bring the Dyns with you?

Hi Chris

good idea:)
I am hopeing to get the Dyns there aswell, just depends if i can blag a lift from a mate with a car. Non of my mates are into HiFi tho so they may just tell me to go away :rolleyes:
If i do make it ill let you know

I think im going to loose the plot on this.

really fancy the WAD kit, but no audition is a royal pain.
The epay Michi setup is tempting, but i just cant get myself to bid. Also Timpy's idea was spot on, but less chance of getting to London with my kit than Newport Pagnell.

Maybe i should go and by a mini system and some CD's:rolleyes:
Penance -

If youre very seriously interested in my 50w valve amp at 800 quid (remember its retail was 3,500 and I bought it from the emporium only a year ago for I think 1200/1300 (I forget)...

then I can bring it to Bristol some time in the next 10 working days (during office hours). I have a road-based sales job that includes Bristol in its catchment area, so this is quite possible.


If not, let me know and I will put it on E-bay...

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