unfortunate, but not every piece of hifi can make a good match. maybe we can reccomend some big fat solid state amps for you then. perhaps something with a couple of hundred watts of class A, or digital power might get those hard to drive speakers up and running. these are fantastic beasts [URL]http://cgi.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cl.pl?ampstran&1081270893[/URL] Thats a 250w per channel class A!! amp. They are mosfet, from memory. From experience, you turn them on, the lights dim. Honestly, its a tank in disguise. Even second hand, you're pushing budget... theres a 125w version (havent heard sorry) that you could get imported for under 1000 dollars - 600 quid (ish) MF2250 I believe. You can read all about them at Conrad Johnsons website The MF2500 would be my sub-1,000 pounds power amp of choice if I wanted solid state. Cheers Chris