Amp time is acoming

What way to go?

  • Buy WAD KAT6550..........

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Buy something else power amp wise.........

    Votes: 7 58.3%
  • STFU and be happy with your lot!

    Votes: 3 25.0%

  • Total voters
unfortunate, but not every piece of hifi can make a good match.

maybe we can reccomend some big fat solid state amps for you then.

perhaps something with a couple of hundred watts of class A, or digital power might get those hard to drive speakers up and running.

these are fantastic beasts

Thats a 250w per channel class A!! amp. They are mosfet, from memory. From experience, you turn them on, the lights dim. Honestly, its a tank in disguise. Even second hand, you're pushing budget... theres a 125w version (havent heard sorry) that you could get imported for under 1000 dollars - 600 quid (ish) MF2250 I believe.

You can read all about them at Conrad Johnsons website

The MF2500 would be my sub-1,000 pounds power amp of choice if I wanted solid state.

Yea that is pushing the budget for me, when import blah blah is added it will be ott
Found an audio research for £750, a D130. Looking for info atm.

I shouls of added that here and not made a new thread.:rolleyes:
Mr P,

I guess we've been saying all along that Dyns need bottom end control.

Having had the pleasure of many Dyns over the years, I have found they work really well with the bigger Rotels, the Primare 30, Myryad 240. Also made nice sounds with an old Restek Challenger. Blue Circle and Sim also do it, but probably over budget. Plinius would be a contender.

The old Contour 2.8 used to boogie with Krell KAV300i and KAV250, older class A Krells should also be fun. Amps to avoid (from a fun point of view) would be some of the less characterful offerings from Bryston and Proceed.

Oh and they sound good with Naim 250:eek:

Good Luck!
Hi Merlin,

Yup you all were right from the start, but i had to see it for myself ;)
I have had a quick scout with some of the names you suggested. Not an awful lot in the UK but did find -

MA240 - £895

Sim Celeste _ £800 - no more info on this one but i may phone later on and enquire.

Thanks for the ideas :)

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