It's not inevitable. I don't view reducing my choice of amplifiers because of it's AV integration requirements as a compromise provided I can get what I want.Originally posted by Paul Ranson
ISTM that 'AV' and 'Hifi' don't mix. You inevitably compromise the hifi for the AV, which is a shame given it's the shallower medium.
You would no doubt say that because I have my TV between my speakers (at some distance, but still between) that's compromising them but if I'm happy with the results that's all that matters.
Life is full of compromises anyway. We have the room in our flat to have a separate HiFi and Av system (in separate rooms) but whilst that might be better from a purist point of view, IMO the sacrifices (losing a spare bedroom) aren't worth it.
I could have a special "no compromise" car for track days, another one for doing the shopping, another for going on holiday with/crusing the motorways and a covertible for enjoying the good weather we have here and later (when we have kids) perhaps a 5th car for taking them to school but that would be utterly absurd. Instead I have just a BMW M3 convertible. Of course in each of its roles it's compromised but so what? It does all of them more capably than I probably need it to and I love it!
(btw, I was just using my car as an example - this is not an excuse to turn this thread into a BMW loving/bashing fest or general discussion about cars
