Amplifier musings

Originally posted by Paul Ranson
ISTM that 'AV' and 'Hifi' don't mix. You inevitably compromise the hifi for the AV, which is a shame given it's the shallower medium.
It's not inevitable. I don't view reducing my choice of amplifiers because of it's AV integration requirements as a compromise provided I can get what I want.

You would no doubt say that because I have my TV between my speakers (at some distance, but still between) that's compromising them but if I'm happy with the results that's all that matters.

Life is full of compromises anyway. We have the room in our flat to have a separate HiFi and Av system (in separate rooms) but whilst that might be better from a purist point of view, IMO the sacrifices (losing a spare bedroom) aren't worth it.

I could have a special "no compromise" car for track days, another one for doing the shopping, another for going on holiday with/crusing the motorways and a covertible for enjoying the good weather we have here and later (when we have kids) perhaps a 5th car for taking them to school but that would be utterly absurd. Instead I have just a BMW M3 convertible. Of course in each of its roles it's compromised but so what? It does all of them more capably than I probably need it to and I love it!

(btw, I was just using my car as an example - this is not an excuse to turn this thread into a BMW loving/bashing fest or general discussion about cars :rolleyes: )

Originally posted by merlin
At least that is what you must be thinking, you know, "just what is it really capable of?". In which case this...............
Ah no - that's where you're wrong ;) Sure, I do think it's one of the best digital front ends bar none but since it was available for a very reasonable price I got it. I don't need to know what it's really capable of, and even if I did, it wouldn't convince me to upgrade to a system that showed it if that meant spending an extra £10K (or even an extra £5K).

The fact is that for my budget at the time it was far and away the best sound I had heard so it was a no brainer.

I have a TV between the speakers, needs must.

But the presence of a secondary AV system confuses the hifi issue. Why not add two more cheap speakers to the AV and separate them completely? Or a speaker level switch box.

Originally posted by Paul Ranson
But the presence of a secondary AV system confuses the hifi issue. Why not add two more cheap speakers to the AV and separate them completely? Or a speaker level switch box.
An extra pair of speakers - that would doubtless look fabulous :D I'm sure the wife would love it too ;)

A speaker level switch box isn't a bad idea but then you start to wonder about the sonic effect it might be having and so it's as much a compromise as having to have a unity gain input :)

Buy a good quality power amp with multiple inputs and run both your hi-fi pre and AVPre into it.

No speaker boxes, no extra speakers.
Originally posted by bottleneck
Hi again - OTL - output transformerless, like GRAAF for example.

Second hand GM20's can be had for £15-£1900. Second hand GM100s around £2.5- £3k.

The graafs are OCT/OCL - with neither a capacitor nor transformer in the output.


If you want to be different, whilst still getting true state of the art sound quality have a look here:

This little baby truly does sound extraordinary, it's the integrated I would probably go for if I sell the Sim gear.

OK so two inputs, no remote, and big power consumption. Oh and I admit she's no looker but having heard one, I could live with that for the sheer directness of the sound on offer.
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Originally posted by voodoo
Buy a good quality power amp with multiple inputs and run both your hi-fi pre and AVPre into it.
That's something I've been considering awell - a 5ch. power amp, in particular, building my own from LC Audio ZAPPulse modules :eek: (but then I'd still need a pre-amp for stereo).

In the end I know what's most likely to happen. Come February I'll see a s/h SimAudio i-5 for around £1500 and I'll just buy it - end of story and a lot of cash saved :cool: I've heard the i-5 in my system and I know it's a big improvement over the Arcam.

Either way, I'll hopefully listen to a lot of stuff between now and then :)

A speaker level switch box isn't a bad idea but then you start to wonder about the sonic effect it might be having and so it's as much a compromise as having to have a unity gain input
Turn this to your psychological advantage. Normal use through the switch box, it will definitely sound OK, especially if it's a tweaky DIY job... Then when you feel the need for total non-compromise you move the plugs about....

I love the statement "you cant mix stereo and AV"... :chunder:

Yes, it is much better to hear an opera with your eyes shut, the play is just crap put there for silly people... :zzzz:

Sure, movies are to be watched on a crap TV with crap speakers, all you want is to hear dialog, or better yet, read the legends, the music they put there is also for silly people... :bookworm:

And concerts, dont we "audiophiles" attend them with our backs turned to the stage... :SLEEP:

:ffrc: :ffrc: :ffrc:
Originally posted by lowrider
And concerts, dont we "audiophiles" attend them with our backs turned to the stage... :SLEEP:

:ffrc: :ffrc: :ffrc:

Actually I do prefer concerts with my eyes closed, although I admit that visuals help to take your attention away from the poorer sonics inherent in most audio/video scenarios.
when you're right you're right.....;)

still i think at a given price point stereo <SHOULD> sound better than multichannel, that's not to say it's always the case.

i think michaels chice will depend on his listening habits as well as his music collection. certainly in my case it would make no sense buying a full on a/v system as i'm mainly listening with my eyes and brain engaged elsewhere. when i do watch a film or the tv then what i have is adequate. i believe it's the same situation for michael.

most of the concerts i've been to, if you closed your eyes you'd get trampled :D


still i think at a given price point stereo <SHOULD> sound better than multichannel, that's not to say it's always the case.

Of course I agree, but one has to get the best compromise for what gives him/her more pleasure... :MILD:

If you like to keep your eyes shut, an exoteric cane would be the best compromise... :p
Originally posted by julian2002
when i do watch a film or the tv then what i have is adequate. i believe it's the same situation for michael.
It is. The AV part of my system is a budget setup but I'm more than happy with it for watching DVDs in surround sound. I'm not interested in getting a full-on multichannel music/AV system - probably not for quite some time and maybe not ever.

António - even with your system I prefer listening to music on it in stereo for most things. That said, even though it's an "AV" system it does stereo music extremely well :)

Originally posted by michaelab
It is. The AV part of my system is a budget setup but I'm more than happy with it for watching DVDs in surround sound. I'm not interested in getting a full-on multichannel music/AV system - probably not for quite some time and maybe not ever.

In that case I reckon you should definitely go the route of a power amp with multiple inputs and have separate preamps for music and AV. That way you can concentrate on getting a good stereo preamp rather than limiting yourself to gear that has unity gain...

Gives you much larger choice on the secondhand market, and may well mean you get something better for less money than you were planning to spend.

Feel free to ignore this, of course...

-- Ian

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