Being relatively inexperienced when it comes to TT's (only owned a few!), it seems to me that Dean highlighted something important when he used the word "interface"
Surely the parts of a record player should go together like a jigsaw for optimum results? Seems to me, the best combinations I have heard of have been TT/arm combos that were designed around each other. Examples would include SME, Linn, Rega, WT, VPI, Rockport, Roksan etc etc etc....
Doesn't it make sense to build the deck and arm to compliment each other? Getting them from the same manufacturer does seem a sensible option, and has anyone heard a mix and match combination that substantially improves on say a WT ref or LP12/Ekos at those price points (excluding the Aro as that was I understand designed with just the one TT in mind)
Surely the parts of a record player should go together like a jigsaw for optimum results? Seems to me, the best combinations I have heard of have been TT/arm combos that were designed around each other. Examples would include SME, Linn, Rega, WT, VPI, Rockport, Roksan etc etc etc....
Doesn't it make sense to build the deck and arm to compliment each other? Getting them from the same manufacturer does seem a sensible option, and has anyone heard a mix and match combination that substantially improves on say a WT ref or LP12/Ekos at those price points (excluding the Aro as that was I understand designed with just the one TT in mind)