The Devil

I will say that of the other non-Linn TTs I've heard, the Orbe was the best. Would I have one in the house? Definitely.
Would I change what I have? No.
Come off it. The 'space age' was in the 1960's for a start.
I've heard examples of most of your 'advances' given above. The Pink Triangle, various Michell decks, designs from Rega and SME, Notts analogue not heard but favourable reports. I haven't heard them all, obviously, but nothing I've heard so far makes me think that a revolution (sic) has taken place.
Originally posted by The Devil
There are also plenty of people who agree with it. So what?
All this chit-chat is just opinions.
Sorry, I'm getting confused with this generally enlightening thread.Originally posted by merlin
I don't![]()
Originally posted by TonyL
It always puzzles me why every discussion on turntables on this forum degenerates to some kind of slag off of the LP12. Why? What has the thing done to piss people off so much? I guess I can understand some level of resentment from those who have paid 8 times the price and not really got anything to speak of extra in performance, but most here are not using seriously expensive decks.
I've personally owned a lot of turntables over the last 25 years (several LP12s, a Xerxes, a P9 and lots of lesser decks) and have set up / had a lot of experience of a large number of other decks (Logic DM101, Ariston RD11, SME 20, Michell Orbe and Gyro and a whole host of mid range Regas / Thorens etc). The Linn is as serious a contender to any other in this list. I personally prefer it to either the SME or Michell decks by a large margin which may surprise some on this forum who seem to buy the magazine hype from whatever manufacturer has paid the advertising that month.
I actually go as far as thinking the SME to be a rather sterile and boring performer. As ever it's a personal choice, and that is mine despite my being offered said SME with its SME 5 arm a few years ago for just 1500 quid! Didn't like it, didn't buy it. I far prefer my Linn or a Xerxes or P9. Just because I currently own a LP12 doesn't for a minute prevent me from liking other decks though ââ'¬â€œ I am a fan of the Nottingham Analogue range, and would at some stage really like to try out a Hyperspace if I could ever afford one. Same goes for the Kuzma range (I really want to try their unipiovot out on my Linn at some stage).
The Linn is a perfectly valid choice ââ'¬â€œ just because it is the most popular deck doesn't make it a bad one.
Originally posted by bottleneck
Hi James
You should hear that setup, its amazing. Schroeder reference arms are manufactured to work with the cartridge that you specify to Schroeder themselves, the quality on them is just out of this world. The way that the patter floats, and the arm stays in place by use of magnetism gives an incredible sound.
This arm on a Platine V just goes together like coffee and cream - it really does crap on an orbe, honest !!
I suspect the deck in the link below would be another giant step above the Platine, but this one I haven't heard...unfortunately, I probably never will..
Originally posted by SCIDB
Hi Lawrie,
You can still get Oracle in this country. Have a look here. I have not heard one in a long while.