Another pointless Mana debate

In a word, "hot".
Was away from home last week; when I returned and switched the Walrus back on (at the mains), it took 6-12 hours to get back to its operating radiator temperature.

Just waiting for a new rack which hopefully will allow more air to circulate around it. It currently sits under an Ikea Lack coffee table, which isn't ideal.

I still have my Cyrus AV system, but the aPA7.5s have gone forever - to someone who needed 6 for tri-amping. :eek:

More than happy with the new power amp; just sorting out purchase/delivery of a new DAC, then no more upgrades for the foreseeable future.
So what's this electric walrus do then? I assume it's something to do with hifi, rather than a bizarre sex toy of some kind.

-- Ian

Its a power amp, that runs quite hot, so it could double as a sex-toy if you like cooling fin burns as part of your fooling around.

I knew AK would know what I meant as he has one.

But, thanks for giving me the image of an electric Walrus, it has brightened up my otherwise dull day. I'm now off to use google to see if anyone sells electric Walruses.
I've never heard a Walrus in real life. If it did look like one then I'd have bought it whatever it sounded like, just to impress visitors.

This thread is getting stranger and stranger, but at least no-ones arguing about M***.
stickman said:
I've never heard a Walrus in real life.

According to Boomhauer and Fling's classic 1947 text, Animals Considered As Amplifiers, the adult male walrus (Odobenus rosmarus, to give it its proper Latin name), makes a noise almost exactly like that of a 150wpc MOSFET amp.

-- Ian
I think you need to share-out the drugs you're taking. :D

Would a real Walrus sound better on Mana? Sorry, couldn't resist.
sideshowbob said:
According to Boomhauer and Fling's classic 1947 text, Animals Considered As Amplifiers, the adult male walrus (Odobenus rosmarus, to give it its proper Latin name), makes a noise almost exactly like that of a 150wpc MOSFET amp.

-- Ian
Ian do you have the ISBN number for this particular volume? :cool:

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