Paul Ranson said:
I find that the bass is rarely mixed centre. Odd that.
I find it most odd that you say this Paul as most of the engineers are two blinkered to mix it in stereo and pan left or right (this from and engineer friend) who incidentally works with Derek forbes and has been involved with Simple Minds engineering, I know Bub prolly asked you for support here but I find it strange you directing these posts just at me, I have heard bubs system and these were my thoughts, It is subjective no matter what you claim, If it sounds right to me then from my point of view I am correct, you have absolutely no idea how my senses have interpreted things therefore you can't tell me i'm wrong, and incidentaly don't take James' word on how my system sounds wait till youi hear it for yourself, you may be correct regarding his systems handling of dynamics etc, but have you considered that my system may be better at these things than his, you seriously can't comment on that one as agian you haven't heard it, I would never say your vsystem was lacking unless I heard it.
I was very polite about James' system upon hearing it, after all the build up and hype, weel, lets just say I was underwhelmed, then Jame's pays me a visit to listen to some music and proceeds to get his most challenging discs out and trys to tear my system apart, he was then describing all the inadequacies that he could hear (if i'm honest I don't think I asked for him to do this, I thought we were here to listen to some music) and IIRC I certainly couldn't hear what he was whittering about and neither could Dunkyboy (IIRC) We disconnected the bass units and Jaames went on to say how much better the sound was than without, strange but he again was the only one to ntice this, I went round to James' place again and proceeded to give him a taste of his own medicine buy disecting what I could and couldn't hear, he certainly didn't like it when the boot was on the other foot, so maybe now you can see why I've been giving him such a hard time, if you look at my other posts you will see that I am fair and well balanced, but I treat others as they treat me, so far the only time you have answered my posts is when I have been arguing with James, your loyalty is touching Paul, but please remeber to get the facts correct before going on the rampage.