Another pointless Mana debate

I really can't understand why you (analoguekid) and penance are in such a huff (should that be two separate huffs, or one collective one?). All I am doing is trying to help you with suggestions as to how you might improve your sound. I thought that was what these forums were all about.

Ho hum.
Julian I whole heartadly agree wth you, it's because of these comments that I have resorted to this over reaction, I have always beleived that this hobby is subjective, whatever PR says I don't profess to having the best system or all the answers, I have said that James' sytem does bass better than "what I'm used to" but that I prefer the other things that mine does, i don't then follow it up with subtle comments that smack of elitism and arrogant self righteousness. His comments are almost sneering for example "yes you like your system" but then sneeringly adding but to these ears it doesn't sound as good as whatI'm used to and I'm used to the best there is, everyone else thinks so"

I would extend an offer to you Ju if yer ever in MNOTW then please pop over for some beer and a listen to some toons I may ven have som Ant Forcione by that time, I would also love to hear yours especially as it is a bit different from the norm.

I didn't read Paul Ranson's comments that way at all. I think you should perhaps try to put all this into perspective. There's no point in getting upset by what other people think.

My system has been thoroughly "dissed" on-line by many people, including your good self when you compared it with a £100 ghetto-blaster! Do I mind? Not a bit.
The Devil said:
I really can't understand why you (analoguekid) and penance are in such a huff (should that be two separate huffs, or one collective one?). All I am doing is trying to help you with suggestions as to how you might improve your sound. I thought that was what these forums were all about.

Ho hum.

BTW I saw this from my mailwasher account, and have taken you off ignore list to answer this.

Your post James explains exactly why we are in the huff as you put it, where did Andy and I ask for you opinion on how we can improve on something that we are already happy with, and even if we asked for your advice, what makes you think you are correct all the time, did you ever consider that you may be wrong.
The Devil said:
The room measures about 27 feet by about 18 feet (20 or so into bay window behind speakers) by 13 feet. Does this help at all?
Well, if he's going to do an accurate analysis of your room, rather than the theoretical physics he got wrong earlier, he'll also need to know the dimensions, positions and acoustic properties of all your furniture too. Most people find it easier and more accurate to find the acoustic properties of a room by taking readings within the room, but I'm sure others will disagree.

James I never asked you to comment on my system and never said any negative remarks regarding yours until you proceeded to tell me something I never asked for. When will you realise that sometimes peoples opinions are neither wanted or needed, here's a suggestion, wait till your advice is asked for before passing comment, it makes life so much more harmonious, James you are becoming a BOOR, and I know that deep down you are a nice guy and being a boor doesn't suit you
Heath don't defend him, it will only make him worse, let him do his own research to disprove Merlin's theories, instead of spouting nonsense, that he has picked up from others.
guys, calm down. it's only hi-fi, it's not like its religon or anything... oh HOBBY we may have a problem. bub, please no strapping vials of those killer, antibiotic resistant bugs to yourself and then hurling yourself at ak screaming HOBBY akbar.
ak, that goes double for you too
and penance, please stop work on your prof farnsworth stylee doomsday device you've been working on in your spare room.

julian2002 said:
guys, calm down. it's only hi-fi, it's not like its religon or anything... oh HOBBY we may have a problem. bub, please no strapping vials of those killer, antibiotic resistant bugs to yourself and then hurling yourself at ak screaming HOBBY akbar.
ak, that goes double for you too
and penance, please stop work on your prof farnsworth stylee doomsday device you've been working on in your spare room.


Ok Ju you playing Dad then :D
All together now...

Who art in HiFi
Hallowed be thy Naim
Thy upgrades come
Thy will be done on earth as it is in Angelsey
Give us this day our daily thread
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive them that trespass against our better taste
And lead us often into temptation
But deliver us from sceptics
For thine is the cable
The Mana, the green pen
For ever and ever
The Devil said:
No, because some recordings are far too complex for basic hi-fi systems to resolve all of the details which are present, so it comes across as an awful din/mush, and you assume that there's something wrong with it. As you improve the system, the details become clearer and better-separated from each other, and a "bad recording" becomes a "good" one.


A bad recording is still a bad recording "Quod erat demonstrandum" back at you :p
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analoguekid said:
Heath don't defend him, it will only make him worse, let him do his own research to disprove Merlin's theories, instead of spouting nonsense, that he has picked up from others.
Sorry, didn't realise it was Bub-baiting season. Do we just insult his ATCs or can we use sharp sticks too?

How 'bout we all just assume that from now on, everything said by anyone on this forum, ever, has an invisible 'IMHO' in front of it. Will that keep everyone happy? (I've been doing this for years and it seems to work for me.)

I've always taken Bub's 'arrogance' as just a facet of his charming persona, and I've never taken offence at it (perhaps easier for me than some, given I'm also an active ATC devotee ;) ). Sometimes it's good to be mild-mannered. :)

Can't we all just get along? (Or would that be too boring for this forum..?)

Gee whiz, some blows being Parried at the end there, Seems I've missed all the fun, never got to fire a shot let alone a full spread@ Maxium yeild, oh well take us out of bass less combat zone No.1
Julian wrote,
but then i'm not claiming stunning levels of accuracy from my gear just that i like the way it sounds.
which is my point exactly. But then the Milkybar Kid quoted Julian and wrote,
My point exactly I'm trying to find the root of all this hifi expertise
So now I'm very confused.

'Hifi' is by definition an absolute goal, a goal which can be pretty much defined, and about which we can make some objective judgments. I don't see why this is controversial, or why a choice to follow a slightly divergent path causes so much angst.

Analoguekid(!) wrote a rather rambling post that included,
I find it most odd that you say this Paul as most of the engineers are two blinkered to mix it in stereo and pan left or right (this from and engineer friend) who incidentally works with Derek forbes and has been involved with Simple Minds engineering,
Almost every band I've ever seen has the bassist to the left or right and the drums in the centre. Almost every stereo recording I have of a band presents an image that matches this.

For an example I have a soft spot for the Deep Purple live recording 'Made in Japan'. At least the Osaka tracks are recorded left-right reversed. But the drummer sounds right handed, which is normal. Examination of photos however shows that the drummer is actually playing left handed. The mix produces a stereo image of the drums, the bass is to the right of the hi-hat and snare, where it should be left, the lead guitar is left when it should be right, the organ right when it should be left. Vocals are mixed to the centre.

What does it sound like on your system?


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