Another pointless Mana debate

In the red corner, 'swaying in' at 11 phases Bubbit baggins leader of the Ferrite worship party (forceable retired from the Isle of ferrous, but still active) and in the Blue corner common sense and Bling factor 10
wadia-miester said:
Well possiby James I suggest you supply some 'Proof', send it to Brunnel University of Engineering, let them 'test' the theories. Would that be independent for you enough?

Okey-doke, go ahead. My stands are in constant use, so I'd suggest sending off the ones that are allegedly under your toolbox, since you are the one demanding "proof". While you are at it, enclose some of your famous cables and see what they make of those!

analoguekid said:
your sysytem was so accurate at phase 7 are you now saying that at phase 11 it is more than accurate.

Not "more than", but "more". Is upgrading difficult to understand?
Am I the only person who finds it ironic that snake oil cable believers are invoking the laws of physics to take the piss out of a stand believer? :D

-- Ian
James I answered that in the paragraph following it.

You have found out again that your system was the most accurate you have heard, at p7and then when it gets even closer to your perceived thoughts on what is accuracy, at p11 then thats an upgrade that, yes of course I know that, but how muxh more accurate can it get or are you just about close to perfection, I find it hard to believe that each Mana upgrade can have such a profound affect, subtle effect exagerated by you maybe, if that was the case then a cheapy £40 DVD player would blow away the best there is if you spenfd enough on mana.

Could you in having your own blinkered limited reference point as to what is accuracy, in fact be wrong, maybe others have systems that are more accurate than yours, and by adding more mana you may even approach the level of accuracy, one day, that others already have with proper hifi placed on a sideboard, I imagine when ATC designed your speaker they tuned it to be accurate on the factory stands, or in a studio, near a mixing desk, not perched 20 feet in the air on wobbly scaffolding.
sideshowbob said:
Am I the only person who finds it ironic that snake oil cable believers are invoking the laws of physics to take the piss out of a stand believer? :D

-- Ian

No. :)
Yes Ian I thought of that myself too, but as a beleiver I also respect your views on wire as being equally valid, and as such would never tell you you are wrong for having those beleifs, Bubbitt, doesn't present his views in the same way asthe rest of us, he states them as self righteous fact, and all us plebs are wrong, thats why I am treating this argument in the way i am.
analoguekid said:
how muxh more accurate can it get or are you just about close to perfection, I find it hard to believe that each Mana upgrade can have such a profound affect.
Dunno. Yes, I know you find it hard to believe. I have no problem with that at all.

As regards using Mana in your system, well it's your gear, your tastes, and if you believe yours is fine, then everyone is happy. Besides, your wife won't let you, which must be a bit annoying for you.

I'm still interested in your views as to how I manage to get deeper louder bass than you can, without vibration in the floor, any offers?
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James that ALMOST approaches a well balanced "the other guy has as valid a point of yiew as me" kinof answer, keep practising answers like this and you may not be ganged up on so much.

The rest of us are happy that you have found you nirvana, what we are not happy with is your unwavering stance that we are all wrong cause we have taken a different path.
Yes, but your floor is full of bass, which, to my ears, is ruining what I presume could be a good sound. The Bow/ART stuff isn't cheap, I'm not sure how highly-regarded it is (apart from by you & Jack) but I guess it must be capable of reasonably good performance if you set it up optimally.
So James, taking Your statement of the 'floor is full of bass', that **** is the only way to deal with this issue?. (I haven't listend to AK system so I can't comment on it)
Whatever happen to good old speaker placement first, sort of back to basiscs optimise what you have first then try other avenues after.
Tony, because wherever he places them in his room, they are in direct contact with the floor. I remember you telling me that your system shook the room so much that the sofa moved about. This rang alarm bells at the time, I hope you've dealt with those issues...
I find it hard to believe that a stand, or indeed a cable could have as much effect on sound as changing a component. Now if someone is wanting to prove otherwise to me and or others I will gladly lend them my listening room and we can see if it does work. The obvious way would be to use the same kit and two different stands, lets say Mana and Quadraspire. It would be interesting to see as I don't have an interactive floor whether it would make a difference there. I do have a feeling that were I to be offered the opportunity of a Wadia CD player or a large pile of Mana the Wadia would make most difference. Again it would be interesting to try. A subject for a bake-off perhaps.

Then if we can't agree how about we settle the arguments with an arm wrestling competition
lordsummit said:
I find it hard to believe that a stand ... could have as much effect on sound as changing a component.

Me too. I was the biggest sceptic of all before I tried it. L&C (Glasgow) lent me their dem room Mana rack for a week. That was the end of the scepticism.
Did you ever think that the guys at ART might have designed my speaker to have an accurate sound in a normal living room without any other form od isolation, and in fact if you moved the speakers onto mana they might not work the same, James you may be right in what you say, but that doesn't mean that I would like the sound better, afterall, i listen to the music and if the emotions come accros hen I have achieved what I set out to do, no where have I said that mana doesn't work, that would be just plain arrogant, I can only comment on my reference points, the only mana'd system I have heard is yours, and I have not heard it sans mana, so cannot compare the before and after, but that is where the differences between our views lie, i accept that others may have an equally valid, but different point of view, you post your views in a condascending manner and show disdain for others views, as if you are right, that smacks of arrogance James, and having met you I know that you are in fact not arrogant (except perhaps with hifi), I have also stated that I have an open mind, but at the moment, my domestic situation/funds will not allow me to experiment further, so for the next few years I'm gonna get your opinion of right and wrong rammed down my throat as fact, IF I try mana one day and it is as you say then I'll happily conmcede that, but I will not pour scorn on others who don't have the same beleifs, but will you accept that if I try your suggestions at some point in the future and don't like them, will you accept that, and also accept that I am just as correct as you.
James I will also extend my invitation as Lord has done, next time you plan to dismantle your system, then let me know and you could come over with some bits, if it's as good as you say then you have nothing to loose and all to gain, and I will be the one with egg on his face, I will also post a full description of it on this forum jsut to let everyone know what a Jackass I have been, on the other hand if you're not sure it would work.....

Lets put it this way James, if I were in your shoes, and i thoroughly believed in my convictions, I would bite the bullet and spend a little time to dismantle bits of my system and bring them over to prove that I was right, just to get satisfaction from sayiong "I told you so"
[reply to 1st post]
That's fine Paul.

I am unconvinced by the ART speakers as I heard them, but you are happy, which is all that matters. The problem is that I am used to the ATCs which are a pretty hard act to follow, particularly on Mana.

You are in a position to comment on P7 vs P11, if you want to come over. Bring your wife if she would like to come: women are more rational than men with these things, and they usually have better hearing.
Dismantling and setting-up at your place is honestly too time-consuming.

Mana do offer a 14-day, no-quibble, money back guarantee, so ...?
and also accept that I am just as correct as you.
This is a paradox. Everybody just as correct as everybody else. Just doesn't work that way.

You have the right to an opinion, and you have the right to be wrong. I celebrate your right to be wrong.


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