Another pointless Mana debate

Nah Just getting fed up with buboreitt spouting same old shite and his cronies, self righteous wa**kers, he's on the bloddy ignore list now, he should hear himself, he even bloody professes to know my secret thoughts, is he f***in dillusional, he'll say he's just trying to wind me up or yank my chain, but the sad fact is he really believes what he says.

An then along comes Mr Paul Bordeom, well I'm sorry almighty one for doubting your particular prowess, but you see I listen to the composition, as intended buy the musicians, I don't sit and say "Oh the drums are sounding like right handed, blah blah blah blah,..........drone drone..........bore bore,,,,,," I'm sorry matey but I just enjoy the music, i don't disect it and get my bloody tape measure out and check to see if Ian Gillan has dressed to the left or right, If i didn't know better from others that you are not, then i would deduce from your last few posts that you were a pretentios tosser, please don't come accross like this again Paul it does not become you.
"Facing Up to the Facts" on Vibing Up The Senile Man is wonderful. The rest of the album's hard going though. Eyeless in Gaza and This Heat are fan-bloody-tastic.

Looks like AK's exploded. Messy.

-- Ian
paul, bub,
i was using that statement as an example of the kind of crap that can be spouted round here i could equally have said 'mana is the most accurate stand', 'naim make the most accurate electronics' or even 'quad make the most accurate speakers' of course you couldn't see the wood for the trees and chose to focus on one that one sentance and ignore the rest of what i was saying. i would have expected better of you both but clearly i was wrong. well at least i tried.
how bub can say that what he heard after his little recording soire was accurate beggars belief. hearing the effect of his room twice (once on the recording and once on playback) would be enough to torpedo that one for sure. merlins right without a tact system (or similar) you've not heard accurate from hi-fi. but then this is the same do that caused a pc to magically work better when placed on the altar of mana if i'm not mistaken. i would suggest that psycoactive chemicals were present or perhaps that paul mckenna hypnotist bloke was in residence at chez bub.

Any trick cyclists reading this would have a field day. and the aloof pretentiousness of the 'sobbus musicarlius' would not doubt feature highly on their analylitical paritial lobes, in essense erning their fee
Alternative TV's "Vibing up the Senile old Man"

Quality stuff, I'll dig it out for a spin soon, may I also recommend Wire's Document and Eyewitness!

I really must get some more Cabs, I've only got 2x45 and a couple of other singles, which is frankly quite embarrassing - I saw them live somewhere around 1980 in Liverpool though, a good gig.

Talking of ATV, mustn't forget their Live At The Rat Club, recorded, from the audience, on a portable cassette recorder, by Genesis P-Orridge. Gen's sarky comments throughout are very entertaining.

-- Ian
Amazing that the ATV is on CD, I had no idea it had ever been rereleased.

Apparently people who bought it also bought this:

These people have taste. The "Punk Rock Stars"/"Rat City" single was ace ("Rat City, it's pretty shitty", they don't write them like that any more).

Never saw TG live, to my eternal dismay. Saw PTV a few times, but I always regret not seeing TG.

-- Ian
julian2002 said:
how bub can say that what he heard after his little recording soire was accurate beggars belief. hearing the effect of his room twice (once on the recording and once on playback) would be enough to torpedo that one for sure.
Julian. Er, <ahem> you really have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, do you?
but I always regret not seeing TG.

Me too, the stuff they did early on was bizarre / sick / outrageous in exactly the right way. The fairly recent and substantial TG biog Wreckers of Civilisation is an essential read. Highly recommended.

I wonder what happened to Matt@nearfield. He's probably come to the conclusion that this forum has more than its fair share of nerds, raving lunatics and zealots and buggered off by now :(
BTW regards DP's Made in Japan... I played it the other day and mine (a US edition I picked up last time I was there) appears to be mixed the right way round... (Richie to the right, yeah?) I think my speakers are wired in phase but left is to right and right is to left. But as I sit with my back to my speakers It all evens out in the end doesn't it?

Should I be worried?

Yes you should.You play a brilliant piece of music,and instead of picking up a tennis racket and head banging,you sit and listen to your equipment,presumably playing with yourself at the same time.Truly a sad HIFI geek story.Who the fvck cares which way you sit when Ritchie starts the solo in Child In Time? blimey,you need help
Saab said:
Yes you should.You play a brilliant piece of music,and instead of picking up a tennis racket
Oops slight IRONY failure, there, Saab.Maybe you should hahve a coffee before posting. I know it helps me in the mornings. Foxy is more into music and more knowledgeable about it than you might imagine.

If you ever feel like copying that excellent sounding Tibetan tape to CD...

FWIW, my 1972 Pioneer pressing of Live in Japan is also the "wrong way round". Glorious "fat" sound they got on that album, too. Marvellous stuff.
obviously the laws of physics are suspended in your flat. is what you are saying that the recording didn't pic up the accoustics of your room or that your system is unaffected by the accoustics of your room or perhaps both?
unfortunately i'm now making the tactical mistake of arguaing with an idiot. you've dragged me down to your level and are starting to beat me with experience so i'll return to the real world and stop now.

julian2002 said:
you've dragged me down to your level and are starting to beat me with experience
By that logic, you couldn't replay master tapes in the studio. I have the experience of a live recording in my living room. The room was chosen for some very good reasons.

When you do have some experience, get back to me.

Calling me an idiot undermines you.
Ju let me make a suggestion (got the idea from Andy) got to user know the drill, actually kinda funky.

Oh and appologies to Paul and Fox, I was having a bad day and stupidly ley Bubbitt get to me, and consequently (as you seemingly were sympathisers), you got the brunt of it to, good nights sleep and feeling better now. :)

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