Planet Rush
Nah Just getting fed up with buboreitt spouting same old shite and his cronies, self righteous wa**kers, he's on the bloddy ignore list now, he should hear himself, he even bloody professes to know my secret thoughts, is he f***in dillusional, he'll say he's just trying to wind me up or yank my chain, but the sad fact is he really believes what he says.
An then along comes Mr Paul Bordeom, well I'm sorry almighty one for doubting your particular prowess, but you see I listen to the composition, as intended buy the musicians, I don't sit and say "Oh the drums are sounding like right handed, blah blah blah blah,..........drone drone..........bore bore,,,,,," I'm sorry matey but I just enjoy the music, i don't disect it and get my bloody tape measure out and check to see if Ian Gillan has dressed to the left or right, If i didn't know better from others that you are not, then i would deduce from your last few posts that you were a pretentios tosser, please don't come accross like this again Paul it does not become you.
An then along comes Mr Paul Bordeom, well I'm sorry almighty one for doubting your particular prowess, but you see I listen to the composition, as intended buy the musicians, I don't sit and say "Oh the drums are sounding like right handed, blah blah blah blah,..........drone drone..........bore bore,,,,,," I'm sorry matey but I just enjoy the music, i don't disect it and get my bloody tape measure out and check to see if Ian Gillan has dressed to the left or right, If i didn't know better from others that you are not, then i would deduce from your last few posts that you were a pretentios tosser, please don't come accross like this again Paul it does not become you.