I look on this whole debate in two ways
1) You buy the product you want on the terms you want. If that is colour, nice flashy lights a review in a magazine, so what? It is your money and you have every right to spend it how you want.
I would hope that no one has any problems with this?
2) The problems come when we want to justify our purchase, this does appear to be a very human trait. There are all sorts of psychological factors at work, which I for one dont understand.
Historically science has developed ways of removing as much as possible the bias we humans always introduce into the analysis of anything.
Why we humans want to do this I dont think the psychologists understand, but the do know that we do it.
The problems become significantly worse in Males vs Females. What is it about us blokes?
Anyway, in virtually any other field where the human psyche is involved bias controls are introduced to remove as much of the problems of the above as possible.
I know for certain that Harman Industries in the US use Blind tests on there new products.
How many people have you seen or heard of who have purchased product "Y" only to 'upgrade' within a year to another all singing all dancing product. Then the next year and the next etc etc.
This doesnt just happen in Audio.
I am primarily a cyclist, and it happens with new equipment in cycling too.
Is it just the Male genes ?