Anyone heard the GBP7000 NAIM CD Player?

I think it must be the longest thread apart from the "my kit" thread which doesn't count.

It has, amazingly, managed not to descend into utter silliness and or violence....yet :D

Cookie - who I always thought a reasonably intelligent chap up until now

Graham, it's easy for us to make these mistakes, as has been demonstrated.

I should have stuck to the breasts. I was on a more sure footing with that one.
Paul, your sobriety and reason has wasted me.

It seems that i am the lazy man which Russell was referring to.

I'll refrain from despatching further nails into my coffin.
why or how the big bang occured - if it did

what would happen if we got to the end of the galaxy and stuck our head thru

Why can particles appear and disappear

What exactly happened to create life on our planet

How can light behave as a particle and yet also as a wave form

Originally posted by GrahamN
although nowhere near as much as Cookie - who I always thought a reasonably intelligent chap up until now :rolleyes:

Not fair, he's by faaaar and away the most entertaining poster on this thead. Don't discourage him, it was getting good.

There's plenty science can't explain. Why you can never reach the bottom pringles without just giving up and turning the can upside down for one.
There's plenty science can't explain. Why you can never reach the bottom pringles without just giving up and turning the can upside down for one.

Gambit my man, you just keep serving up the goods. :)

This is REAL science :)
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Originally posted by Lawrie

If I choose a piece of eqquipment now, I'll be choosing it for it's sound not anything else and if that equipment just happens to be the most expensive of the lot that I tested, then I'll buy it as I only home audition gear that I could afford. If it turns out that I also like the cheapest equipment, then, I'll go for that also as it means my choice was based on what my ears told me (however unreliable my methods may be) not my eyes or any external influences. If you are paying for your own gear out of your own pocket, you have nothing to lose by trying it. Then use the money you save to buy more music. That is all I am saying.;)

One of the first posts to make sense on this thread :)
I've always purchased ALL kit this way, using my ears, as I've said all along from day one.You lot have been dancing around the caldron of untruths, trying to burn away the irrelevancies
and leaving your best guesses, some here with ulterior motives other genuinely interested in how something is achieved which is different from the Norm.
Graham N raised some very relevant 'Crux points', which forms the basis of the 'Ranson'.
Do techniques in cable geometry have an audio effect ?
Does the use of ultra refined base materials have a bearing on it's sonic character? or combo of alloys?
Does dielectric composition and strength help or hinder?
Can atom level reworking be as good as it's cracked up to be?
Does uses an earth screen/efi shield make any difference at all?
All excellent points, any of which may and combination of all could possibly effect the sound that a given *cable* makes.
The ffrc boys use double opposed twisted pairs as does the TNT mains cables.A few companies use Cryogenics in their cable preparations, Cyro treatments are known and used throughout industry for it's ability to greatly enhance the properties of many items drills, taps, dies, engine blocks, cylinder heads, aircraft under carriage lynch pins flap controls, not only in hardness and wear resistance up to 1000% , but in internal stress reduction and other benefits, by altering things at the molecular level.
Has any one compared Isolda DCT to Non DCT ? (I know a few have) any noticeable sonic differences noticed ?
Graham also pointed out that a study into such effects would keep a small team of EX grads busy for a few dozes months with an not insubstanical research grant, also very true.
Now, a lot of effort goes in to formulating a cable sound with O/A, we've haven't been at this as long as more established companies, however it's not just pick a cable bung on some ends and hey bang it in the cryo bath yep sorted.
There are many measurable traits of the whole cable package, dielectrics/cable resistance/shielding strength/capacitance etc.
Have any tests been conducted before and after just one change to a *test sample* & recorded could well be, do we know a reason for the alleged change @possibly, and then maybe not@
I will say, that to produce a certain sound in one of our cables, we use no magic at all :( (sorry to disappoint) but maybe a combination of accepted practise and variations on material types, and possibly a unique dielectric (not may the best, but defiantly different), along with sometimes cryoing & cooking.
Other cables are built differently again. Now this sounds like a cop out, it isn't, but It''ll get called it any way, but we have found how to @change@a given sound by our own time and efforts, and I'm blowed if I'm gunna share it with any one, sorry no offence.
Several cable companies have Patented various cable geometry configurations also really ask Tones. It all has a bearing we have found.
What I can say is we use various testing methods on materials prior to cable formulation, but the end result is with our ears nothing more, yes we have accumulated a fair bit of very relevant
information, some of which is well documented and in the public domain, other pieces are not (as far as we are aware)
Sorry this is fragmented My son has been trying to use the microwave for the first time:D
Cable differences can be down to all or none of the above, materials also have more than a smattering of impact on the final result along with an awful lot of other variables.
Sorry this has been long winded, but I lost my train of thought half way through, my sons efforts to incinerate the tea, grabbed my attention some what.
Until you have used your own ears to judge for your self if any differences have been made or not in a given system context, then theorise all you like, as Mr Toy is so fond of pointing out
'The proof is the Pudding', the pudding well be available at the weekend, and Paul ranson will be on hand to attempt to straighten the spoons we've been using I'm sure.
I've probably used a lot of words to say not a lot sorry, but I would never use DBT to choose any kit, more a 2 week trail at home for each piece, then make my own mind up, I did take 6 months to find my speakers :eek: Tone
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Instead of cloning sheep,maybe scientists should clone human ears,so we can have a genuine blind cable test with 3 humans who have all had cloned ears grafted on

then we will have removed one of the 6 trillion variables that affect these tests

finding a cable that improves your system is a pyrhhic victory,there is always a lttle bit more money you can spend.........................Mr Creosote anyone?
Originally posted by timpy
Three amps belonging to 3 different people, A Nad, a Micromega and an Audiolab, blind listening tests, and the other two people couldn't tell the diffence between them. I could, but again I was running the test so I wasn't blind and don't count. Perhaps a bit more treble here etc. was coming back, but put any one on and they couldn't say which of A, B and C it was.

Most disappointed I was, but as they decided they couldn't tell the difference (the bloke with the Micromega was gutted btw) I suggested they swap their amps for a week (I was happy with my Audiolab and kept it ;) ). The Nad lasted two days with the Micromega owner before he was banging at the door wanting his amp back, and the Nad owner with the Micromega? I thought he was going to try and elope with it!!

:D Right. So, what you're saying is that once they knew what they were supposed to be hearing, ie. after the blind test, they could suddenly hear the difference? Which proves that blind testing doesn't work? :p
Calling Audio rescue.............Calling Audio Rescue................... forum in distress, being assulted by DBT's...............................

Lauching Audio rescue>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Originally posted by penance
science cant explain a lot of things anyway
I personally have never come across a scientist who says it can explain everything - and that's even the greater reason to continue the quest though. What does characterise it IME is:
a) Says quite a lot about the "what" or "how" of our universe, not very much about the "why"
b) When one question is answered it generally exposes the next one that was hiding behind it
c) Successive refinement, progressively explaining what we experience to a higher level of approximation
d) Make a better stab at the "what" and "how" questions than pretty much any other method (including farming reptiles for their oil)
On the whole without it we'd be stuck at the level of the great space-turtle.

WM - when you "use your ears" is that without the assistance of your other senses?

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