ATC studio monitors

No. I doubt that 3-bollox has done a proper controlled comparison either, and I bet he's never heard 100As on phase 11 Mana. You too, come to that.

If ATCs are as shite as he is saying, then they have one hell of a marketing dept - what with the pro boys being immune to marketing, and all that.

ATC's are awesome, I assure you that!

Please don't read too much into my experience above. It's a personal thing. The ATC's may well sound better than the PMC's bass in another room. The only way to tell is to try them in your own room, with your own music. The differences between them may not be very much at all in another situation.

Who knows, maybe I'm wrong. I don't know what's the correct sound, all I can say is I had a lot of fun. That's all. Knocking either make is really pointless. They're both awesome!
If ATCs are as shite as he is saying

Bub, please forgive me, but nowhere in this thread do I read Thorsten saying that ATCs were shite. The only thing he contends is that, in his view, there are better studio monitors available if you choose to look for them. I really cannot see why this view is so difficult for you to accept.
Well nice detailed write up Paul, just think what the PMC's could do with some quality amplification on the end of them. :)
I do concur with your assesment though. Which if you look back at the thread I feel quite a few people have mentioned :)
Now your heard the IB2's, perhaps you'd like to come and listen to Meadowlarks. Wm
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The Devil said:
The great thing about the internet is that you can't see my smiling face.

I'm more than happy with ATC 100A, fed by my Mana-supported system, and safe in the knowledge that you guys really have no idea!

I doubt whether 3-bollox has ever heard what ATCs can do.

James you just want to be the king of hi-fi hill. It's as simple as that, but you can't be because taste is subjective and there's nothing you can do about that.
Robbo said:
Bub, please forgive me, but nowhere in this thread do I read Thorsten saying that ATCs were shite. The only thing he contends is that, in his view, there are better studio monitors available if you choose to look for them. I really cannot see why this view is so difficult for you to accept.
What he actually said was: "if you want a "true monitor" speaker they are pretty much at the bottom of the pile, both where technolgy and preformance are concerned."

I think that is perhaps overstating the case.

ATCs allow me to hear edits, studio hum, and all the low level detail with clarity which I've never heard from any other speaker except Quad electrostatics. The bass performance is awesome. I've never heard anything to approach them where a drum kit/kick drum is concerned. You guys telling me they are rubbish doesn't alter the sound I am getting, and that's why I am so amused by you all.

Keep trying if you like.
I don't think anyone in their right mind would claim they are rubbish, just that they can be bettered once you step out of the hifi arena.

They were of course fairly unique back in the 70's when they were launched. More efficient and capable of higher SPL's than the low colouration monitors used at the time, such as the Spendor BC1 and others, whilst offering lower colouration than the Tannoys and JBL's used for high level monitoring.

All people are saying is that things have moved on in thirty years. Whilst the ATC's are credible, particularly if you like their flavour ( I find them slightly dense sounding in the midrange and lacking HF resolution in comparison with my references), it is like a red rag to a bull when someone claims they are the finest and most accurate monitors on the planet. They clearly are not.

The Devil said:
What he actually said was: "if you want a "true monitor" speaker they are pretty much at the bottom of the pile, both where technolgy and preformance are concerned."

I think that is perhaps overstating the case.

I think on that note we can actually agree mostly and agree to disagree.

I feel that in the world of true high end monitors ATC are near the bottom of what is available, you feel that is overstating the case, cool with me.

Ciao T
merlin said:
it is like a red rag to a bull when someone claims they are the finest and most accurate monitors on the planet. They clearly are not.
We therefore have a case against ATC wrt to Trades descriptions act.

Nothing I've heard has come close, and when you can hear the studio, then what more is there?

Any takers for July? Or heads in the sand.
The Devil said:
Ah, the "I'm more amused than you" line. Seen it before.
It's not a line, I do find it amusing that you are unable to grasp opposing views regardless of the weight of the evidence or triviality of the subject.

The Devil said:
I'm hosting a nerd-a-thon last weekend of July. Come if you like, and see.
I'd love to, but you live too far away.
merlin said:
I don't think anyone in their right mind would claim they are rubbish, just that they can be bettered once you step out of the hifi arena.
This is the simple message that Bub's incapable of grasping (IMO).
Devil, The atc's do have some very fine bass. They offer some decent power and control in that reigon. Taken in isolation I would be very happy with them!

It's just by comparison the PMC's offer much more low frequency volume. It's like the difference between turning a sub on and off. Also, when I turned the PMC's up to really silly volumes there remained in scary tight control. Something I've never heard so well at those immense volumes, at such a low frequency.
The Devil said:
We therefore have a case against ATC wrt to Trades descriptions act.

Sadly ATC only claim to make the world's most accurate reference loudspeakers. Everyone else makes monitors.

One of their more level headed claims is that they produce loudspeakers of a quality far above the industry norm. No issues there, have you heard the industry norm?

On a serious note I'm sure you will have a great time in July and play some great music. Sadly from my point of view, Scotland is a bit far to travel to hear a loudspeaker I know I am not a great fan of. Now if you had some TAD's or big JBL's that would be a different story!

This last week I had the pleasure of listening to Bottleneck's new Altec Valencias. These originate from the same era as the ATC's (mid seventies) and provide a quite extraordinarily different presentation from that foisted on most listeners today. Dynamics were quite scary on those horn loaded beasts!
merlin said:
These originate from the same era as the ATC's (mid seventies) and provide a quite extraordinarily different presentation from that foisted on most listeners today. Dynamics were quite scary on those horn loaded beasts!
Valencias are great speakers IMHO, but the drivers are derived from work done in the 1930s by James B. Lansing when he worked for Altec.
There was a rather nice demo of the *new* A7 VOTT at my local Audio Union today (SSB knows how large this shop, isn't). They really needed a better amp and front end, but are superb speakers and, compared for the unmitigated crap that mostly passes for "high-end" these days, rather good value - at least if the price is for a pair rather than one...
Dev said:
It's not a line, I do find it amusing that you are unable to grasp opposing views regardless of the weight of the evidence or triviality of the subject.
I have absolutely no difficulty grasping what is being said, thank you. I disagree with some of it - and that's what you can't seem to abide.
pauldixonuk said:
Devil, The atc's do have some very fine bass. They offer some decent power and control in that reigon. Taken in isolation I would be very happy with them!

It's just by comparison the PMC's offer much more low frequency volume.
Did you try the ATCs on Mana stands?
No I haven't heard any mana yet, so I don't know how much improvement the is to be had. I presume the bass tightness would improve? Although I doub't the lower bass volume level would increase, as they won't be able to make the drive unit shift more air, obviously.

I have heard ATC50's on ATC stands in a large room, and they sounded rather good. Better than my recent experience with 100's in a smaller room. They didn't like to be close to room boundaries very much.

Trouble is I want lots of sub bass output, with immense control, at high volume levels. The PMC IB2's seem to be perfect in this respect. The bass volume may even be technically wrong, but I don't care, as it's fun to my ears, with my tunes :D
joel said:
Valencias are great speakers IMHO, but the drivers are derived from work done in the 1930s by James B. Lansing when he worked for Altec.

Sorry Joel,

I did of course mean manufactured in '75 but they do show just where we have gone wrong in so many areas, losing something exciting in the persuit of low colouration.

There's something intrinsically right about a big two way IMO.

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