ATC studio monitors

Trouble is I want lots of sub bass output, with immense control, at high volume levels.

You aren't really going to get this from any of the ATC speakers. They all roll off quite quickly from 35 hz or so.

If this is one of your main requirements, I'll say it again, you really ought to be trying a velodyne DD series sub (preferably 15" or more). They do it so much better than pretty much everything else.

I'll bear than in mind. It's not a main requirement though, more a nice element to have covered, like everything else in the spectrum. The PMC IB2's offer a HUGE amount of low end pressure with controlled detail. I really can't imagine any sane person would require more, especially in a modest room.

However I'm not so sure how easily any sub might integrate into a stereo system anyway. I always had trouble with my previous REL in that respect. Anyway, that's now been sold off earlier today, to a couple of reggae nutters. No more slow blurred bass for me, or having to sod about with placement and settings. I do think servo assisted subwoofers are the way forward, to those who really need it. I wouldn't think about a normal one again, unless it was a monster studio PMC transmission line. :)
However I'm not so sure how easily any sub might integrate into a stereo system anyway. I always had trouble with my previous REL in that respect.

Trust me, It is perfectly possible to do with the right kit. But not with the over hyped REL garbage - you are best off without it (I say this as an ex REL stadium owner who was disillusioned with subs until hearing my current one. Oh and some rather special JBLs)
There's always something better, of course, but I have yet to hear it myself. Other sensible-ish reccommendations are always welcome mind you.

Michael at Cornflake was telling me about one of their clients. He had a full reference mark levinson kit installed in his castle, at £100k or so, along with some reasonable £50k dynaudio's. Apparently is sounded quite good, in a mind blowing, financially depressing, kind of way.
Well your welcome to come hear some :)
AS for willy waving, I believe 3 systems on here are in excess of £140K, I know of (and heard) 2 of £250KPlus systems, does it make them amazing, well there lies a tale :)
What did you think of these super systems? Do they sound quite amazing?

I wonder at what level the diminishing returns rule starts to be heavily applied? Maybe at 3k per component, and possibly 8k for speakers, I might guess. At this level things are already pretty good. Where do you think that line is drawn?
Honestly Paul, they are wow and boring at the same time, sublime reproduction of the instruments & placement on the stage, huge bass and an image you can drive a bus through, truly Musical? not that I've heard.
After an hour or so it becomes plainly obvious that the system is speaking to you, not the music all beit in a great way.
Both staggeringly good and yet lacking too, some of the best systems I've listen too and appreciated were in the £5-8K region. Does spending large sums guarantee you are great sound, only when implemented properly, and the majority of those are not (imho).
I don't think there are any written in stone rules either, I've heard £25K cdps sound grim and £2k ones sound stunning *in their perspective set ups*.
Same for speakers, the room being the most important issue. Which a great many forget. Hifi such a wholly mixed bag. Wm
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That seems to mesh with other opinions I've come across regarding super systems. In fact Michael at cornflake mentioned a customer who used six brystons 7B monoblocks with a pair of vast PMC's. Apparently it didn't sound as cohesive or natural as using a single 4B running in passive mode! A rather unfortunate result, given the money and space consumed.

I had a quick look for those larks you mentioned. It seems the site has died:
They look well finished. I had those mids in my previous wilson benesch actually. How low does the sub bass extend? Are we talking delicate or prodigious low end power? I'll check out their site when it's working again. What's the RRP in sterling £?

At the show (Bristol) PMC came in the room and asked us to turn the subs off we had on :) We had no SUBS just the BH2's baby brothers have recored 22hz in room 25 are the figures (depends on room and equipment). oh and the do dynamics too.
Retail is about £8K, though I'm sure you can pick them up for £5k.
If you want a listen more than welcome. Wm
22Hz is impressive. Sounds as low as the IB2's. I'll see if there is a closer to home pair, otherwise I may be interested in that offer. Can never do any harm to have a listen, if only to eliminate options along the way. I'll have a web browse tomorrow.
pauldixonuk said:
No I haven't heard any mana yet, so I don't know how much improvement the is to be had. I presume the bass tightness would improve? Although I doub't the lower bass volume level would increase, as they won't be able to make the drive unit shift more air, obviously.
The problem most sytems have is uncontrolled bass which screws up the rest of the sound. Mana stands seem to reduce bass issues of that type. When everything isn't being shaken to buggery, the bass does appear to go lower, and cleaner.

My room measures about 27 by 19 with a 13 foot ceiling. The speakers roll-off about 34Hz, but there is useful and easily audible output down to 25 Hz. This does me fine because I think I'd be pushing my luck with possible room effects at frequencies lower than that. I certainly don't want to risk screwing up the sound in search of the last five Hz.
Sounds like mana would have been useful when I moved the 100's nearer the back wall at cornflake, when they lost control a touch (in my recent review a few pages ago). These shops could do with this kit as standard stock if it's useful. PMC want £500 for their rather tasty looking stands, so it makes no odds if I order a different make. Not sure whether I would want something ugly under them, as they sound pretty damn amazing already. I'll have to have a look & listen sometime.

Is Avid a shop, or a person?
I think that there's generally some 'price compression' which means very expensive components are not necessarily as much better as might be expected. Let's take 3 hypothetical components:

Component A is chucked out in China at a cost of £25 a throw and ends up at £100 in the shops.

Component B costs £250 and retails at £1,000.

Component C costs £1,250 and retails at £5,000.

Now, C might only sell in quantities of 100 per annum, B in quantities of 2,000 and A 200,000 per annum.

So, C costs £1,250 but they only make 100 per year. How much would it cost if it was made in quantities of 200,000?

See what I mean?

Disclaimer: Components A, B and C are fictitious products and bear no relation to costs, prices and quantities of products sold by any real company including ATC or Seventh Veil Loudspeakers - cough, cough.

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