Belcanto Evo 4

Ya-Boo said:
Merlin, fancy hireing a truck to bring your pro-acs down to kent?

you want too try these speaker's now they are settled in......they are the dog's mate ;) night and day compaired too the Merlins

If and when the D100's are in situ Kevan, they won't be going anywhere until they are sold - piano movers cost £500 :eek:

I know the Alons, see the thread about the Heathrow show and my comments - excellent speakers - although they offer a different set of strengths to the Merlins rather than being better than them. It all comes down to personal preference.

It's a shame Alon have closed down. What's the story with UK distribution of the new company?
merlin said:
Ah those will be blue lights now :D
Massive improvement with oddles more thwack and stage to the stars ;)


and they said it was impossible to teach an old dog new tricks :eek: , I'm impressed sir, they're's hope for you yet :)
Why not get them to hoist the d100 up through the top window with a big cherry picker, would be cheaper to hire one I reckon
Thanks for the suggestion WM but the boxes won't go through the windows, they are too big :D

The main issue will be me wanting my bloody living room back after getting them in, but I look forward to hearing your Blue Herons for comparison as I suspect they are somewhat less intimidating in a normal listening room.

They will be biamped, with a switching amp on the bass and valves for mid and treble (where I feel the digital amps are slightly lacking). This will also give me the ability to tailor the bass response by adjusting the level on the bass amp to compensate for the majority of room gain - something you might want to experiment with ;)
Merlin as a matter of interest what size is your new room
is it for exclusive use as a listening room as your previous abode or sitting room as well ?
knowing how big they are your gonna have a nightmare integrating into a normal sitting room with all the usual furniture clutter ect
will be hugely difficult will it not?........perhaps another 2.2x will help in that regard :D

the new room is 22' x 14' with an 8' ceiling so reasonably sized. Still the D100's will be total overkill :D Two room modes are likely to be excited, but with the D100 being biampable and the bass crossover set at 500hz, it will be possible should I want to, to add some basic EQ soley on the bottom end.

You know you want them really :D Probably a little excessive even for you though - I've been offered a decent sum for the already but would far prefer to experience tem for a while - I doubt I will want to let them go if I can get them to work ;)
merlin said:
They will be biamped, with a switching amp on the bass and valves for mid and treble (where I feel the digital amps are slightly lacking). This will also give me the ability to tailor the bass response by adjusting the level on the bass amp to compensate for the majority of room gain - something you might want to experiment with ;)

:ffrc: :ffrc: :ffrc: :ffrc: :ffrc:
Go on then Antonio, please share the source of your amusement - I'm dying to find out what's confusing you this time :rolleyes:
Jesus you 2 :rolleyes: look both your setups would/do/will I suspect sound the bollocks whats the problemo here??????
With the xover at 500hz compensate for the majority of room gain... :ffrc: :ffrc: :ffrc:

A digital amp till 500hz with a tube amp above, that will integrate beautifully... :ffrc: :ffrc: :ffrc:

D100 in a room 22' x 14' with an 8' ceiling, you need to keep your JBLs... :ffrc: :ffrc: :ffrc:
Merlin when my wife finally divioces me........a distinct possibility when she gets this months Visa bill aca Aero:D I may call you :D
seriously though IF you decide to use the D100 I,d love to hear them

they are awsome :rolleyes: in every sense of the word
Ya-Boo said:
Jesus you 2 :rolleyes: look both your setups would/do/will I suspect sound the bollocks whats the problemo here??????

Dont say that loud, Merlin will kill you... :rolleyes:

there are three things I really hate in this world, Racism, Homophobia, and idiots with a complete lack of understanding posting on internet forums.

So please understand that there is nothing racist or homophobic intended when I say Grow up you Portuguese nonce! ;)
merlin said:
Grow up you Portuguese nonce! ;)

Sure, so I buy big expensive speakers that dont fit in my room, make big expensive subwoofers (or is it woofers :confused: ) that dont fit in my room, then buy TACT to try to fix the mess, and after one month start all over again... :rolleyes:

You are the role model for the hifi industry, they love you... :notworthy

PS- racist comments from Tugs dont bother me... :p
lowrider said:
Sure, so I buy big expensive speakers that dont fit in my room, make big expensive subwoofers (or is it woofers :confused: ) that dont fit in my room, then buy TACT to try to fix the mess, and after one month start all over again... :rolleyes:

That must be you Antonio, I don't remember buying something that wouldn't work ;) As I believe others will attest to, the above is just another example of your childish behavior in attempting to have an arguement based on falsehoods :rolleyes:

As for the racist jibe, I clearly stated that the phrase was not meant in a racist fashion - I can hardly blame the fact that you are Portuguese for your immature and irrational behavior can I?
merlin said:
That must be you Antonio, I don't remember buying something that wouldn't work ;) As I believe others will attest to, the above is just another example of your childish behavior in attempting to have an arguement based on falsehoods :rolleyes:

As for the racist jibe, I clearly stated that the phrase was not meant in a racist fashion - I can hardly blame the fact that you are Portuguese for your immature and irrational behavior can I?

Bad memory too, I remember the comments after you bought TACT, about how your system didnt work properly before... :rolleyes:

Falsehoods is your territory my friend, I mention my experiences and sometimes what I read elsewhere...

Immature is possible, irrational is your way to resort to discrediting the opposition with falsehoods when you have no rational arguments...
lowrider said:
Bad memory too, I remember the comments after you bought TACT, about how your system didnt work properly before... :rolleyes:

You forget the reason for my unhappiness was moving to a bad room and having baby speakers without subs - just like you :D

So exactly what does that have to do with the current discussion then :confused:
This will also give me the ability to tailor the bass response by adjusting the level on the bass amp to compensate for the majority of room gain - something you might want to experiment with

So exactly what does that have to do with the current discussion then... :rolleyes:
Isaac Sibson said:
Indeed there is competition.

I would also expect that any amp costing £4k should be worthy of being described as "awesome", otherwise it wouldn't be worth £4k really... My car cost that much.

Switching amps are indeed coming on...
Looking forward to see what's waiting in the wings. All the switching amps produced so far are just catering for the power amp market, no one seems to be catering for those looking for a hi-end integrated. I'd love to be able to buy an equivalent of an evo4i type product i.e. a evo4 in integrated form that's bridgeable.

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