Belcanto Evo 4

It felt good after all the bashing by some that never heard my system...

Antonio, its great that the guy liked your system, but why do you feel the need to have all this postive reinforcement? You like it, so that's all that matters, right?
Robbo said:
Antonio, its great that the guy liked your system, but why do you feel the need to have all this postive reinforcement? You like it, so that's all that matters, right?

Everybody likes his "thing" to be appretiated, Claudia Shiffer on a desert island sindrome... ;)

One's system is a work of art, very creative, if it isnt an of the shelf solution, of course, most of ours sure arent, they are unique combinations of kit and tweaks, hopefully representing one's personal taste and skill... :MILD:

Dont you agree... :confused:

Having said that, I will one day convince you guys that an AV can play music properly... :p
I don't know if AV can be any good, though doubtless it can. I just can't see the point of it for music. Or movies for that matter, if I want a cinema experience I go to the cinema.

-- Ian
bottleneck said:
The music, now thats art.

I beg to differ here :eek: :eek: :eek: You see, music (If your the listener) can be what ever you want it to be, Mood enhancer, Romantic back ground, pogo session, headbanging or just chillin', or cart you off to a far away time, (I prefer time travel, but hey you humans stick what does it for you :) ), that's not art, but involvement on emotional level or being carried away by the preformance,. Intellectuals look deeper for something that their cerbellum can lock onto :rolleyes: and find an outlet for all that latent sertonin.
If your the composer of the said piece, its a stirring, a feeling an inpisration or just a plain task in Ludvik's case (he was paid to compose I beleive) more mechanical contrivence? (however good).
Weather sat on a bus in the pissing rain, or a tranquil lakeside in switzland, on a mountside, it's not art, its an expression, it comes from deep within, maybe drawing on personal experianies?.Writing music is not art, it's by chance, planned or just constructed over time as the person feels.
A communication of emotions & feelings transmuted into musical form, weather you then interpret this as such, thats down to the indivdual.
Music is a universal tool, in the same way a hammer is :eek: Its got a million a one uses, how you use it, is up to you :)
lowrider said:
Why does one have nice houses, cars, motorcycles, clothes, whatever... :rolleyes:

A Nice house makes living more comfortable, the rest of it is rampant willy waving caused by the rise of capitalism and the comsumer society.

I'm glad this guy said he liked your system Antonio - but have you ever known someone eating your pistachios, drinking your claret and enjoying your best hospitality, to turn round and tell you it's sh$t :confused:

That's for us to do :D
merlin said:
I'm glad this guy said he liked your system Antonio - but have you ever known someone eating your pistachios, drinking your claret and enjoying your best hospitality, to turn round and tell you it's sh$t :confused:

Thats all true, but as he was there 3 times before, with similar treatement, but never said anything alike, I give it some credibility... :rolleyes:
By the way Merlin, do you think your guests praise your bass out of education... :rolleyes:
lowrider said:
By the way Merlin, do you think your guests praise your bass out of education... :rolleyes:

Antonio, I really don't know - you could ask them really (although I think only Robbo has really listened to them - I don't feel the need for third party approval)

And I can categorically state that I have never offered Robbo a glass of wine or even a single pistachio nut :D

I couldn't help noticing the "AV" qualification in your post ;)
merlin said:
Antonio, I really don't know - you could ask them really (although I think only Robbo has really listened to them - I don't feel the need for third party approval)
And I can categorically state that I have never offered Robbo a glass of wine or even a single pistachio nut

Sure, so why do you invite people to listen to your woofers and TACT... :rolleyes:

You are a bad host, or do you serve beer and doritos instead... :confused:
lowrider said:
Sure, so why do you invite people to listen to your woofers and TACT... :rolleyes:

The Tact was a bit of a novelty and I got a lot of requests from people to listen for themselves.

Nowadays Antonio I invite music lovers over to listen to music and chat - the subject of hifi is rarely brought up, but the subject of hifi nerds does surface on occasions ;)
I dont have TACT, but have the only Bel Canto in Portugal, (along with my brother now), also a very odd gear combination for AV, particularly the speakers, so people are curious, anyway, after the first impressions we usually end up playing some of my odd discs, and many go out and buy them afterwards, as I do with some they bring, as was the case with Nitin Sawhney...
lowrider said:
I have the only Bel Canto in Portugal, (along with my brother now),

That means you don't doesn't it ;)

So what do you and your guests listen for, and have any of them ditched their gear for AV?

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