David, if folk post crap which flies in the face of the facts they can expect a provocative and, to use your words, frankly slightly insulting reply.
Since when did comments containing repeated stupidity and inaccuracy deserve anything else?
Just how may times is it necessary to point out the blindingly obvious to people before it sinks in?
I am coming incresingly to wonder why I look into this thread. I think its something of a pity people can't (or don 't) make balanced statements...rather than sweeping ones which to me seem at best misguided.
May be this is a poor anology; if I was stood on top of a mountain with soemone and they said they could see soemthing on the horizon which I wasn't able to, I wouldn't swear blind the thing didn't exist.

Perhapts this recent post of Rollos saves us all more trouble;
"We have conducted too many blind tests at our club meetings. The results proved that cables sound different. Actually the only guys who didn't hear a difference [ 2 out of 15 ] were the frugal type."