Cable Myths Debunked.

done it ....

but the results were shouted down....even the 2db differences were considered as errors ...

waste of time

I believe that it was done for that blue light thing? If so you are correct, it was a waste of time doing what you were doing with the DEQ, it proved nothing. And as if a DEQ is a good enough tool for measuring potentially tiny differences. It's so coarse grained as to be useless.
Yes... a skim-over is probably best TBH...

Thanks for the tips - I'll definately treat behind the rads. The walls are old - wood lath and plaster. The house used to belong to Walter de la Mare then Bram Stoker so want to keep the feel if you know what I mean. It's got lovely original coving which I lose if I reskim


But the artex is probably covering up a multitude of sins. There's no insulation either.

Your ATC's look just right in that room - good size.
Be very careful with Artex type wall coatings removal-some of the stuff from late 60's-early 70's had asbestos in it-best to skim it if that's when it dates from.
having seen it in the flesh, I think it looks fine anyway..

the eye is rather more taken astray by the bleeping lights and machines that go bling bop wee and speakers that dalek you than the wall artex :)
he was happy in the haze of some ASL's, but heaven knows he's miserable now.
Small world. I never saw Leonard in a Monastry to be honest.

I live next door to a rather controversial group of Buddhists here. They have a cool music room though and throw concerts in the summer.

Funny Bram Stoker link. I used to work in an audio shop on the Kings Road - just up the road from the old Duke Of Yorks Barracks. Bram Stoker had a place just around the corner in Royal Avenue. One morning Gary Oldman came into the shop. In the afternoon, Christopher Lee (he was a regular). Then I end up buying this place.

I like the look of the Zebrawood. I think the magnolia on the Anniversaries is great to look at too. I'm just trying to choose a veneer for mine at the moment. Will probably look for some really nice Walnut at Vale Veneers.
One morning Gary Oldman came into the shop. In the afternoon, Christopher Lee (he was a regular). Then I end up buying this place.
Was Christopher Lee a Tannoy man? I could see him with Westminsters...

I like the look of the Zebrawood.
Fox's Zebrawood ATC look fantastic, but TAD/JBL requires a Teak finish or something very rare and highly endangered from the Indonesian rain forest....
Was Christopher Lee a Tannoy man? I could see him with Westminsters...

He was a Sony man IIRC. Sony stack system and loads of books. Had a lovely flat on Cadogan Square.

TAD/JBL requires a Teak finish or something very rare and highly endangered from the Indonesian rain forest....

Well as we are going for a radiused edge, we'll be using quite a lot of solid so Macassar Ebony or Santos might prove rather expensive. Then I wanted piano gloss burr walnut until I got a quote! Something to match Connie perhaps?

Christ I'm listening to Happy Xmas (War Is Over). It's that bloody time already!
Then I wanted piano gloss burr walnut until I got a quote! Something to match Connie perhaps?
piano gloss burr walnut is so not it. I think connie is a redwood of some sort, might look a bit much on huge speakers. Maybe think in terms of contrast.


Christ I'm listening to Happy Xmas (War Is Over). It's that bloody time already!
Yep. Xmas tree is up, lights are up. It's most certainly upon us. Marina would put the tree up in October if she could...
yes I'd done this for the blue light as well. deqing cables was done a couple of years before ....

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