Johnny said:
The debate on cables. That is what this thread is about.
Forgive me for not noticing. I thought it was about you being obtuse and controversial....
Johnny said:
As you are aware, it hasn't really got off the ground, so perhaps what is needed is an initiation.
I did not notice you allowing any debate, actually.
Johnny said:
Static can build up over time so no it's far from minimal.
Yes, of course you could make the cable so that static is drained and cannot build up...
Johnny said:
No capacitance may not neccesarily be shielded, consider the case when the shield isn't grounded.
yes, the main purpose of a shield is as the name implies, to shield, against interference ( electromagnetic)
You not only miss the point, you also show a DEPLORABLE lack of understanding basic elctrics.
First, I was not writing about shielding capacity, but about the fact that any Shield made fron non-magnetic material shields ONLY and SOLELY against capacitive coupling. So it will shield out any capacitive coupling, but what sort of level of capacitive coupling do we have in normal cables in normal envoironments? fractions of picofarad into very low impedance (the output impedance of the source), which translates into a huge attenuation.
Secondly, electromagnetic waves are not readily shielded by non-magentic materials unless the wavelength is small compared to the physical size of the shield, in other words a few millimeters for normal cables.
So, basically the screen in a normal interconnect is ineffective for the audio range, for the medium and short wave, for very high frequency radio, ultra short wave frequency radio, for 2.4GHz range radio waves (that is WiFi wireless networking, Bluetooth) for all intent and purpose.
Johnny said:
And hum or noise in my opinion is detrimental to sound quality.
I agree completely, but shielding a cable with copper will not help with it, most sources for Hum are in fact completely unrelated to capacitively and electromagnetic coupled noise.
Johnny said:
Now let's discuss why cables of similar c, r and h values yet different in other ways, ought to make a difference to sound quality.
I'd be happy to read your explanations.
Johnny said:
Let us debate the truth of the matter regarding why cables ought to be burnt in. Explain to me what burning in is.
Truth cannot be debated, it just is.
Johnny said:
Cables apparently, are directional, in the sense that they sound different when connected the other way around. If you are an audiophile, explain the reason behind this.
They are directional (I mean other than those that have quasi-symmetric construction and the screen connected only on one end)? Can you substantiate that cleaim?
Ciao T