Considering complete change

you seem to like the rega and shearne's presentation just it's lack of grunt.
my suggestion would be to sell the rotel and your dyns and get some higher efficiency speakers. maybe try some compact horn speakers (audio note or loth-x maybe ?) or some transmission lines? living voice's starter speakers are quite cheap 2nd hand and even b&w's cdm 7nt's are 90w/db efficient (i ran mine with a 30 watt nait 5 for years with no problems in the neighbor anoying area) perhaps even go for some cheap efficient stand mounts and an active sub? but that would probably be frowned on by swmbo.
the other tack would be to sell the rotel and then give your shearne to someone like tone who could stick some ginger up its arse with a phatter psu and reservoir caps etc. but this may change the sound of it.
or you could sell the bloody lot and buy a linn classik and some wharfedale diamonds.

I have never heard your Rotel amp, but they have a very good reputation, and unless it's faulty, I would hang on to it and address set-up in the usual way.
well this is the first time people have said to shift the Dyn's.

i know when most people point out that you may be wrong, it usualy means youre wrong. But the Rotel realy didnt do it for me, unless i was gunna run a nightclub that is. Its been unplugged and un-used since last thursday.

i really dont have the cash to throw at new speakers aswell, and i have enjoyed them up until now. i think i got knocked back one to many times and now i just feel i cant be bothered.
Dyns are great speakers, PD has a pair, and I'm certain that it's only meanness on his part which prevents him upgrading to ATCs.

Part with the Dyns at your peril.
Penance, having used similar Rotels with various equipment I can honestly tell you that they are neutral, pacy, musical amps. I've used varying levels of B&W speakers on them and the smaller (standmount) models I tried just didn't cut it. The amp should be the least of your worries and is worthy of keeping :) .

A few have mentioned that you should just get down to enjoying the music and I can't agree more [trying not to sound patronising]. I'd spend a little time just tidying up your gear, cables etc and try some repositioning of your Dyns. Tell me how many hi-fi orientated people don't enjoy giving their gear a good buff :D and a tweak. You can then sit down and enjoy some music 'cause you'll be knackered after shifting that amp :p .

A few extra clicks on the volume knob also works wonders :cool:.
Originally posted by penance
Its been unplugged and un-used since last thursday.

:eek: :eek: :eek:

Bad, bad, bad, bad boi !
The 1090 needs to be left on. The beast uses Black Gates and I can tell you that they need a loooooooooooong warming up time (:duck: :bub: ).
My Rotels and my Audio Note suffered from the same thing : A long warm up period.

Keep it on and you'll find it changes from a kind of glacial presentation to a much more neutral and enjoyable experience.
it's a process of elimination really, you should be able to scrape up at least 700 quid from selling the dyns and rotel (i'm not up on 2nd hand prices for these 2 really but put the rotel up on e-pay with a lurid write up and flashy pic's and watch it fly out the door just say it's a mini krell or something - it's got the looks)

that should be more than enough for a 2nd hand pair of speakers with high sensitivity.

i'm having trouble getting to listen to stuff too. even if you say youll pay up front for a 2 week home trial it's difficult to get anything concrete about returning kit if you don;t like it.

i wanna keep the Dyn's :cry:

This has to be an exercise of money saving if anything.

Hence the thoughts of just getting an all in one and playing music.

Voodoo, i had the Rotel in system for just over a week before i went back to the Shearne, wich to my ears offered a far better presentation.
Originally posted by penance

Voodoo, i had the Rotel in system for just over a week before i went back to the Shearne, wich to my ears offered a far better presentation.

Maybe just a synergy thing and you're using your ears which is the main thing. Shame :( .
i wanna keep the Dyn's :cry:

This has to be an exercise of money saving if anything.

Hence the thoughts of just getting an all in one and playing music.

Voodoo, i had the Rotel in system for just over a week before i went back to the Shearne, wich to my ears offered a far better presentation.

If you want to save money and preferred the Shearne with the Dyns, why not stick with it until you've got enough cash saved to start seriously looking at alternatives?

Not ideal, but better than embarking on an amp quest when you're having problems demming anything, and when the budget is tight.

I still think when the time comes to make a change you should listen to a variety of different speakers first. I'm sure Dyns are fine, they just may not be for you.

Might be worth embarking on a Grand Tour as well. PM a few members who have systems that are of interest to you, and arrange to gatecrash them for a listen.

-- Ian
Originally posted by sideshowbob

Might be worth embarking on a Grand Tour as well. PM a few members who have systems that are of interest to you, and arrange to gatecrash them for a listen.

-- Ian

I thought of that, but back to the transport issue
im not making excuses, honest guv!
Originally posted by The Devil
If you have a look at this rather sad place , you will observe that the threads fall into four main categories:

1. Technical enquiries about specifications, connections, etc. Boring.

2. Threads to ask what 'upgrade' should come hot on the heels of the previous 'upgrade'. Funny.

3. Threads to congratulate the manufacturer on a fantastic product. Creepy.

4. Threads to complain that the new 'upgrade' hasn't fulfilled expectations, and what could possibly be wrong? Sad.

The reason for all this is that the inhabitants' expectations are as high as the prices charged, because they believe that swapping boxes makes for 'huge differences'.

The hi-fi industry relies on repeated cycles of dissatisfaction-upgrade-dissatisfaction-upgrade, etc.

That's roughly what I was talking about. Sorry if it caused offense. None was meant. It's just that sometime you have to take a step back from upgrading and figure that you could get a whole lot more pleasure out of your money if you spent it on something other than HiFi.
I think at this point where penance is, the bestis not to put in his head all the components which come in your mind. It is also very much a personal taste and since (I assume) we don't really know completely Penance taste it has no sense to tell him about two hundred eventual good components. It will make him only more confused I supose.
Maybe take a break for a while. Enjoy life but stay in the forum. I'm sure the situation will get settled. Don't buy anything. If you really love music, you will enjoy it with any system then some when even with the one you got now.
i think what ssb means is just visit a few of us with some cd's and take a listen to our kit, not cart your own kit around the country.

once it's summer you'll be itching to go for a knee dropper around the countryside so why not do it with a goal in mind?

that way you'll have a much clearer idea of what other kit is out there without any heavy sales pressure or guilt at wasting dealers time.

i'll change my advice to - flog the rotel and go back to what you liked.


For me I have found the Rotel to work quite wel the Dyn's having had a pre/amp with the Contour 1.3's.

But like everyone has said if you don't like it don't keep. But bear in mind that you may try another amp and still not like it, then maybe start looking at the rest of your system ie your speakers.
penance dear boy you know what the problem is,you almost admited it a few weeks ago,you want some of these in your power amp stage

know wad i meen ;)
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