Considering complete change

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by penance, Mar 4, 2004.

  1. penance

    joel Shaman of Signals

    Jun 21, 2003
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    Sounds to me like audio fatigue. Try to forget about audio and demming, and all the potential variables for a while. Go and do something else, then come back to your system with fresh ears.
    I think we all suffer from this from time to time.
    Don't spend any more money, and don't sell anything (at least not yet). Let your brain recover, lose the "itch", come back in a month and hear how it sounds.
    When you do, listen with your GF. She probably has better hearing than you (or I), and if it sounds good to her, then it probably is good. Throw a party, invite some (music loving, but non-audiophile) friends round and bask in their admiration for the sounds.
    Upgrading the mind is the cheapest and by far the most effective tweak of all.
    And eventually, when the time does come for a change (as it does for all of us :D ), do as Titian says, work out what your priorities are first, and take it from there.
    Just my thoughts for what they are worth.
    joel, Mar 4, 2004
  2. penance


    Jun 20, 2003
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    I must sympathise with you Penance, I felt the same as you about my Spendor S8 Speakers.
    Although I did have them a little longer than your amp.

    Not much consolation, I suppose, but I'm sure you will eventually get what your after. It sure is a pain in the arse throwing good money after bad, I've done it enough myself.

    I wish you all the best in you quest.

    Mark67, Mar 4, 2004
  3. penance

    domfjbrown live & breathe psy-trance

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Exeter (not quite Cornwall!)
    Yeah - music fatigue CAN happen. Mind you, it's not happened to me for a while.

    Penance - the Rega Planet 2k/Mira 2k/Dyn Audience 42s made some VERY nice noises when I was demming amps. My advice - sell the pre/power, and get a Mira 3 and Rega Couple - you'll break even and it might just sound more musical if not absolutely better. Factor in a nice rack as well (if yours isn't up to par) and ENSURE you're using the PROPER Dynaudio speaker stands - yes they really ARE worth the £199.

    Failing that, sell the lot and get a Bose Waveradio; you'll save some money and NEVER want to play music on it again!

    Alternatively, if you really want the midi route, get some 2nd hand Rega Kytes and a new Denon DM31 (or whatever it's called) - I get the feeling that baby'd rock!

    Or get Naim CD5i/NAIT5/Intro2 and have a REAL HIFI one make system (or sell the Dyns and get the Rega Mira 3/Ela 2000s - he he!

    How many variables?

    Just be assured - a very good mate has downsized back to portable/micro system products at least twice, and is always back on seperates ASAP, though I dread to think how bad his current system sounds, since he's using a Cyberhome DVD as the source at the mo!
    domfjbrown, Mar 4, 2004
  4. penance


    Jul 15, 2003
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    I found this thread very interesting. My other main hobby is cycling, and I've found that fellow cyclists seem to be suffering from a similar srt of malaise. In many cases they've got shiny new £3000 bikes which don't make them feel as good as their cheap old ones did. I think its the same with Hi-Fi, I can enjoy the right song at the right time immensely more on a crappy mono FM radio than the wrong song at the wrong time on my Hi-Fi. Part of what surprised me about the Bristol show was the high quality available for a reasonable price - whilst I'm happier with my system at S/H prices, I could happily live with a Rega integrated, CDP and a little pair of standmounters - much the same as the old Nait2/ Kans combo. Aim low and you can hardly fail to be impressed.

    Cookiemonster made, as far as I'm concerned, a very brave but also sensible decisision. He decided he preferred music to Hi-Fi, and was happy to buy a mini-system. Whilst I'm not suggesting (or dismissing) that Penance does the same, it is an eminently rational decision to make in a situation where you're not enjoying your system and could realise a lot of money for new music if you sold it.

    That said, I do believe there can come a point where you have too much software - I've got over a thousand CDs, which isn't exceptional around here, and even then I feel I hardly scratch the surface of it when it comes to playing stuff - there's not enough time.

    Penance - I don't know the tech specs of the speakers and Shearne amps, but would it not be an idea to flog the Rotel for good money and buy a Shearne pre/power assuming it's got enough guts to drive the Dyns? Alternatively, I think the idea of a 'tour' of a few peoples systems shoud give you an idea of what you might like - didn't you go to Bristol and if so was there anything you liked there? I fell in love with Totem speakers, and have ordered a pair of Model One Signatures, because for me they were head and shoulders above anything else I heard.
    SimonConnell, Mar 4, 2004
  5. penance

    bottleneck talks a load of rubbish

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Simon - if theyre mountain bikers, have they gone to clumpy full suspension bloaters? :D

    Penance -

    I know that I have been through similar experiences to you in trying equipment. Most of us have. Obviously, if it was as simple as just buying 'x' box to fix a problem, there would be no Zerogain!.... I myself have gone through.... ooh.... ermmm 5 pairs of speakers, 5 amplifiers, 3 cd players and 3 turntables before settling on what I have.

    In light of upgrades or better name - ''swaps'' like those above, I can see anyone thinking of giving up and settling for a naff-o-box from currys.

    I know that budgets are limited. .. why not try...

    Getting a car for the day. I know this will take time, effort, and some money.

    Shoving ALL your kit in it, and driving to a SECOND HAND DEALER. There are 3 or 4. The one with the best trade in prices Ive ever found, is my old haunt the emporium in Diss.

    Bomb down there, and just play kit swapping - with an absolutely massive choice of second hand kit. Swap away with his help, and by the end you will have the best combination..

    You would get 3/4 of the second hand value of your item as a trade in price... (approx). I dont think it would cost all that much to swap as much as needed. Although who can say what price/piece of equipment you will like?

    Trade in that which didnt come out on top, and back you drive with equipment with better synergy!.

    Of course, home acoustics may differ, but this sounds 1000 x better than the ''buy it, try it'' attempts so far.

    Good luck
    bottleneck, Mar 4, 2004
  6. penance


    Jun 19, 2003
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    Berkshire, UK
    I am coming a bit late to this, but there are lots of good replies.

    I would echo the comments that others have given already, and these are my views FWIW.

    First of all do nothing. Haphazardly buying any old thing that happens to come along is a recipe for disaster. Take some time out from Hifi too.

    Secondly, forget any kit recommendations you have been given on this thread. You are not at this stage yet.

    You really need to work out in your own mind what kind of sound you are wanting to achieve. This can be done by dealer visits and also visiting some forum members systems to give you an idea. Only you can decide what sound is best for you. Once you have it in mind the kind of sound you want, it's then time to start assessing the kit that is required to get you there.

    But first of all you have some system listening to do.

    Cheers Robbo
    Robbo, Mar 4, 2004
  7. penance

    bottleneck talks a load of rubbish

    Jun 19, 2003
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    change of mind..

    Id do what Robbo said first, then what I said.

    It might give you some time to get a few quid together aswell..

    bottleneck, Mar 4, 2004
  8. penance

    bottleneck talks a load of rubbish

    Jun 19, 2003
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    another thought...

    why not have a bake off at your house?
    bottleneck, Mar 4, 2004
  9. penance


    Jun 19, 2003
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    Penance, have a kit kat. Spend an intimate week with a walkman or something if necessary. Then when you get back to the hifi, make sure you buy something vintage with large dials on it, and preferably in silver with lots of knobs.

    Oh, and you are welcome to come round for a listen and a beer anytime. It may help to put things in perspective. Then again it may not, but a cool beer whilst slumming it, ain't all that bad.
    cookiemonster, Mar 4, 2004
  10. penance

    The Devil IHTFP

    Aug 13, 2003
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    Disco Towers
    You won't learn nuffink from a bakery, you need a couple of weeks with a new piece of gear, at least.

    Visiting other people with allegedly good systems might be helpful, as that way you will find out what is possible and what isn't.

    You'd be welcome to visit me if you would like to, but it is a long way and my system is crap.
    The Devil, Mar 4, 2004
  11. penance

    Graham C

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Oh well if it's crap you want to hear, why didn't you say?

    I'm about 20 miles colder of Julians abode, on the way to James, [via Mr Cat, Paul and Ian in the NE], for the grand tour. No kids music tho, in the Church of Rock..I might have some big blackash Mord Short floorstanders to shift in 2 weeks. Just what all neighbours in Bristol deserve.
    Graham C, Mar 4, 2004
  12. penance


    Jul 15, 2003
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    Bottleneck - yep, they've all brought Santa Cruz Blurs and Tuner 5-Spots. Me, I'm a hardtail man through and through, and I don't like all that disc brake malarkey. Maybe thats why I'm not the one posting daily about how all the fun has gone out of the sport?

    Getting back on topic, it seems like things are drawing to a natural close, Penance has a number of options, including a bake-off at his place (I'd come to that, and obviously he gets to hear lots of different kit in his room. SO might not approve though!). Equally, I thought the Emporium idea works well, though it does involve lots of faffing with kit and might put you off more than get you back on track (combine with romantic weekend in Norfolk for the SO).
    Or there's the option of listening to other peoples systems - again, anything catch your ear at the show?
    SimonConnell, Mar 4, 2004
  13. penance

    garyi Wish I had a Large Member

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Your welcome over here where I will indoctrinate you into the 'One Way'

    On the M1 before Julians house.
    garyi, Mar 4, 2004
  14. penance

    Paul Ranson

    Sep 4, 2003
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    An octopus's garden.
    I know nothing much about Dynaudio speakers, but if they're supposed to be 'good' then Penance is running a mullet. And messing about with cheap amps isn't going to fix it.

    I don't know what the answer is, but you have to identify the problem first. And this problem seems to be an absolute classic example.

    FWIW anybody's almost always welcome here to listen to my venerable old Linn system. But it won't fix anything...

    Paul Ranson, Mar 4, 2004
  15. penance


    Jun 19, 2003
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    Berkshire, UK
    Paying £800 for a second hand amp is hardly cheap Paul!

    Incidentally, it was recommended to Penance by a fellow flat earther. Just goes to show that one should always take forum recommendations with a huge pinch of salt and always trust you own judgement rather than the opinions of others.
    Robbo, Mar 4, 2004
  16. penance

    penance Arrogant Cock

    Jun 30, 2003
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    Bristol - armpit of the west.
    Thanks for all the offers guys, i feel touched:D ;)

    First, not haveing a car is one prob, not having a licence is the other, so long distance demo's are out.
    But i like the idea of hearing other peoples systems, i know it wont be the same as in my house, but a start.
    A get together at my place would be great, very limited space though. I will have a think on that one and maybe sort something later in the year.
    Yes, i think the advice of sitting back and reconsidering at a later date is very valid, i think i fell prey to upgraditus in a bad way. I will still be looking out for bargains but maybe not like a ravaged dog as i have been. I have one amp that is in reasonable distance that i may try to go and demo but i think maybe that is all for a while. (its an AVI lab series, ex dem 300 off list price)
    One thing that has added to my perililous condition is the place i got the Rotel from are not being forthcoming in taking it back. I feel that getting my cash back and sticking it back in the fund pot to accumulate some more would be a good move.

    I think Paul's post saying that messing with cheap amps has hit the nail, i am finnaly relising that to achieve what i want will take some time and saving. I have been very impatient and dug myself a big hole, going from bad to bad.

    I very much appreciate all the help and advice from the forumers:)
    penance, Mar 4, 2004
  17. penance

    bottleneck talks a load of rubbish

    Jun 19, 2003
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    I wouldnt necessarily blame the amp.

    In the right conditions with sympathetic kit you can make almost anything shine IMO.

    Perhaps lumping the amp to a dealers to hear it with a variety of speakers might show you if its capable of making a noise that you like.

    bottleneck, Mar 4, 2004
  18. penance

    penance Arrogant Cock

    Jun 30, 2003
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    Bristol - armpit of the west.
    speaker replacement will also involve genital deplacement:(
    penance, Mar 4, 2004
  19. penance


    Jun 19, 2003
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    Berkshire, UK
    I am sure you will be able to get those dyns singing, they are just going to need good quality ancillary components that are more to your taste.
    Robbo, Mar 4, 2004
  20. penance

    penance Arrogant Cock

    Jun 30, 2003
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    Bristol - armpit of the west.
    thats to my way of thinking aswell Robbo
    penance, Mar 4, 2004
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