Currently Spinning

keb mo - keb mo

good ol' fashioned blues...

anyone like this style of music and can recommend similar artists I'd be grateful

of course I could always try more keb mo

Had a listen to Keb' Mo' "Peace" album - excellent just had to go to Amazon and order some CDs - Thanks for your posting. I think that if you like Keb you'd probably also like JJ CALE

thanks again :MILD:
Today's playlist "There's no place like America today"; Curtis Mayfield. What an album. Gil Scott Heron; "The Revolution Will not be Televised"; a BMG Special edition on red vinyl,l ooks the business and the grooves groove. "Stretchin' Out"; Bootsy's Rubber Band for some elastic funk and Van Morrison "Tupelo Honey" just lovely late night music.
To get me through work today:

Cluster - Cluster II
Cluster - Sowiesoso
Gert Emmens / Ruud Heijj - Silent Witnesses
Durutti Column - The Return of
Peter Hammill - The Silent Corner and the Empty Stage
Pink Floyd - A Saucerful of Secrets
The Aliens - Luna Can someone tell me who this sounds like? Loads of 70's references but I can't pin it down. Class though. Favourite Tracks are 'Dove Returning' and 'Boats'

Aretha Franklin - Amazing Grace

Waiting for my 'Mobile Fidelity' Sticky Fingers to arrive, sweeeet
Levon Helm - Dirt Farmer

An amazing CD, cannot fault it. Great Mid West roots folk blues traditional etc - Guts an all and can even make you laugh. Beautifully and simply recorded full of emotion and love for this traditional music.

Grandslamms Jane Siberry - Bound by the Beauty.
Miles Davis - Tutu
Camel - Stationery Traveller.


You have got excellent taste on all counts but particularly for liking Jane Siberry....I have seen her live twice and both times she was amazing and the quality of sound also excellent. And you like Camel.....also excellent.

Regards D Louth 77:)
Been playing today FLEET FOXES new Album. Had it now for a month or two without working up great enthusiasm for it, despite rave reviews.............but, today, I seem to be warming to it.....!

Also enjoyed these last 24 hours SIGUR ROS latest, the unpronounceable 'Med Sud I Eyrum Via Spilum Endalaust' - splendid.

Others have been :-
PJ Harvey's brilliant 'White Chalk'.
Radiohead - In Rainbows.
Joan as Policewoman - To Survive.

Been playing today FLEET FOXES new Album. Had it now for a month or two without working up great enthusiasm for it, despite rave reviews.............but, today, I seem to be warming to it.....!

Good isn't it? If you like that and haven't already heard them try

Bon Iver
P.I.L - Album
Cult - Love
House of Love - House of Love
Grace Jones - Nightclubbing

cranked up for a change.

(on vinyl of course, through valves!)

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