Saab, I know exactly what you mean with reagrds to this "cone flap" My copy of "Led Zeppelin II" makes my cones go mental :eek: I also own the CD version which doesn't cause this "cone flap". At first I thought that this was due to the fact that I was using a cheaper (albeit superb sounding) TT - a Rega P3. However, even after having recently acquired an LP12 it hasn't gone away - or got any less for that matter! I won't pretend to know what's causing it, but I will say that I don't believe it to be an indicator of vinyl's superior fidelity over CD. (If anything, it's a bad thing) All I will say is that it does annoy me, and on the vinyls that do exhibit this problem, I am reluctant to "turn it up" for fear of damaging my speakers. Regards, Lefty