De testing of DeMagic

Originally posted by Uncle Ants
Tones - do you think this might be down to the nature of the kit itself - y'know - maybe some kit is more suseptible (sp?) to whatever the problem the demagic claims to fix than other kit?

If there really is an effect (i.e., if the DeMagic really does what it's said to do), that would certainly strike me as the most likely explanation. I personally don't believe it does, but that's just me.
Like i said, *if* there was any change it was minimal, im erring to the side of caution here and not going to say i didnt imagine it.

I do find it hard to believe the disc works, but then the idea of time and space confusses me no end........

Rather late in the day I know, but if you can't hear any difference yourself, then what is the point in this experiment?

If you can't hear any difference then is there really any point in acting on any findings of others to the contrary by (possibly) changing any of your equipment so that you may hear a difference yourself?

I can see why a Mana Soundframe, for example, would not have made a difference in your system given the furniture it was cited upon in turn and the effect this would have had in negating its potential benefits.

Your own scepticism regarding such tweaks as a Demag disc, cabling, supports or even a lobster sperm pen will only be overturned by a succesful demonstration to which your own ears/brain will be privy to.

In the meantime, it would be better to focus on making improvements that you can actually hear yourself that, in turn, will make your music more enjoyable to listen to.

Even if certain tweaks can be proven objectively to work either by "scientific measurements" or by any general consensus generated by this rather protracted experiment, if you still can't hear the differences for yourself then the whole operation of involving others and their own findings in this matter is utterly pointless.

Indeed, the opinions of others in this regard should be considered as irrelevant until you are able to hear genuine improvements in musical reproduction for yourself.
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Well for one thing for the price of one stamp only, a few of us got a chance to try out whether this tweak is good or bad. For me I don't notice any benefit in my set up. Something that would have cost me about a tenner to find out. :D

It is not easy to set up any experiment. Everyone will undoutbly interpret the method and result differently. As far as everyone is concern this is not a 'anal scientific study' of any description. Just a fun way for anyone to try out this Denson CD together. I am sure publishing the score/result as we go along could influence the later guys but who cares.
I'll second Wolfgang's comments. I didn't hear any difference myself, but appreciated being given the chance to give it a whirl.

So far as I was aware this wasn't about overturning Tones scepticism - it was about giving as many people as wanted a chance to have a listen and make up their own minds.

Don't think it was ever meant to be a serious scientific study, y'know.
I agree wolfgang. I think Steven has missed the point. The idea is to de-mistify another so called snake oil product by allowing both the believers and non believers of tweaks to have a play and to get a general concensus to see what people thought. Double blind testing this aint!

Not to give Tones a new perspective on this particular product and try and convince him that it makes a difference or not.

It also saves us all a few quid and gives everyone on the forum a bit more of an insight into these kind of tweaks.

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Originally posted by Steven Toy

Rather late in the day I know, but if you can't hear any difference yourself, then what is the point in this experiment?

Hi, Steven, you mean there needs to be a point? There is none and there never was one. Having failed to sell the DeMagic, I decided to circulate it to any interested ZeroGainer to let them hear for themselves whether it makes a difference.

You're right of course - I've decided that it's snake oil and nothing will change that. However, a lot of folk here, more experienced than I with respect both to critical listening and variety of equipment, and whose opinions I greatly respect (I will not embarrass them by naming them), do hear benefits from various tweaks, so I was interested to hear the reaction to the DeMagic.

The old story of the Mana Soundframe is still with us, I see! The fact of the matter is that it was used for the purpose for which it was specifically designed, according to John Watson, and it failed to work for me. Anyway, James is very happy with it, and I'm forever grateful for having tried it, because it started me down the road to money-saving scepticism.
Well, I posted the Demagic to Lordsummit...

I only tried one track before/after - Ruby's "The whole is equal to the sum of its parts" - it gets quite load and busy, and has good bass...

I tried it first in the bedroom system (Rega Planet/Mira 2000/MS25is). Immediately after the Demagic, there was less grain up top, and the bass was less flabby (and maybe stronger). Seperation was also better; it wasn't night-and-day, but was certainly an improvement.

Next up, the Naim gear (CD5/Flatcap/NAIT3/Rega Elas). Hmm - not AS big an improvement, but still an improvement in all the same areas. Actually, if anything, the seperation was a bigger improvement here than on the Rega stuff.

I don't know if I'd buy this, but I'd certainly say it was a ++ (1 + for each system) for me. I was half tempted to run it in the Discman as well, but I didn't have time :(
Thanks, Dom. So, after a poor start, the "improvements" are overhauling the "no changes", with the "made it worses" languishing in the rear.
exactly the same as Lawries experience,everything thinned out,bass lightened and treble went bleaty,horrid,now going back to normal:rolleyes:
Tested it on Saturday, and to be honest there was little perceptible change. I think you should put me down as no difference.
Sadly it didn't wind up the dog either. She's taken to howling if I listen to Strauss or Wagner too loud. Only works with LP's though. Guarantees her a hasty exit from the room. The wife says she's got taste.
For what i's worth. I have one of these things and I use it after I've done a thorough system cleaning mostly. I feel it's beneficial; but would argue that it's benefits are not enormous. Essentially more ease, it's very hard to qualify.
Dunno -- where did it get to? I'm two down on the list. Looks like matthew2456 should be up next, but he hasn't posted in many months... I sent him a PM, so let's see if he still comes here.
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