Active Hiatus said:
If you look out of the window you'll see the sun setting. It is obvious that the Sun goes round the Earth. Except of course we know better because more careful observations have been made. What would happen if science had said "It's obvious the sun goes round the Earth so we don't need to challenge this"? Statements like "it's obvious" and "It don't believe it's true, so why bother" are lazy cop outs.
Science needs to challenge or it becomes mere dogma
The problem here is that "differences" DO exist between cables but nobody yet has proved objectively that they do and the reasons why are simply understood.
As ACTIVE HIATUS rightly says, science as it stands cannot be bothered to take up the challenge to find out why cables make a difference, because it's perfectly content in it's current stance of stating that known science dictates that cable differences do not and cannot happen. For science to take another step forward in it's understanding of the subject it wants MONEY to do just that and anyone who thinks that science will conduct intensive costly research without funding is living in cuckoo land TBH. Is it a major advance that will get us nearer the planets, end world poverty, or cure incurable diseases? No, it would only be done to stop endless debates like this amongst a tiny fractional minority of the population and that puts it all into proper perspective.
Arguably, the big cable manufacturers COULD put their heads together to fund this research, but what in reality is their motivation for doing so? None is the true answer, because they are doing quite nicely thank you without it and the prime example is Eupen who do publish their objective tests for all to see and has that put them at the very top of the cable sales tree? Nope. Does any buyer actually use that objective information in an informed buying decision? I doubt it.
Forget objective testing then you say, give us a double blind test as SOME form of reliable proof. Some have tried and failed miserably, not because a double blind test is an impossible dream, but because all the right ingrediens have never been in the same place at the same time for it to succeed. The Nordost Valhalla test was doomed to fail because:-
a) IMHO the cable itself wasn't one by which ALL other cables are to be be judged by. Nordost are excellent at marketing and promotion hence you all recognise the name, but the cable that I think would wipe the floor with the Valhalla few have ever heard of. *See below
b) The listening panel choice was flawed from the very start and some posts on this thread have explained the possible reasons why.
c) Only the one hi-fi system being used with cable swapping going on is bad news because it's said that sonic memory retention in humans cannot cope with breaks whereas instantanous switching will produce better results. Nobody yet has done this.
d) Bias was AUTOMATICALLY present because the listening panel knew well in advance they were going to be attending a listening test. This is my opinion coloured the final results whatever they were.
e) The biggest killer of all was that no money was used to conduct the test properly. All done on the cheap, relying on goodwill. Few people realise just how much time, money and organisation needs to be sunk into preparing a properly conducted blind test and a bunch of middle aged men slung into a poorly set up room, only one unfamiliar hi-fi system being used, unfamiliar source material, one Nordost mains cable on trial and one kettle cord do not a blind test make.
I run a cable making business (in case you didn't realise) and I have conducted double blind tests that were successful, not for "proving" anything to the outside world but to validate that the product intended for sale did actually have sound enhancing properties, not my enthusiasm and plainly obvious bias getting the better of my commercial judgement. * See above. Not one of mine I may add.
Is it all a dream, figment of people's imagination, or merely placebo? In my opinion placebo is a medical phenomena rather than one which directly applies to audiophools. "Expectation" is I think a better word in this instance and even then I say it works only once as a one shot effect, because when people can swap back and forth at will for days, weeks and months later and consistently repeat what they hear, then the expectation and placebo argument dilutes very quickly. When they call in another independant party (friends or wives) in an improvised unplanned blind test to confirm what is believed to be heard and under those conditions another person also hears the same differences, then IMHO expectation, placebo and imagination begin to hold considerably less worth in the debate.
The only time objective measurements are going to be made in the scientific world to end the debate is when someone stumps up the money to do it. Anyone going to pass the hat around for a collection?