notaclue said:
As I understand it, the whole point of an ABX/DBT is that it random - what you listen to is randomly selected, thus it is a true test of the listeners hearing, and hearing alone.
You clearly do not understand.
IF (and there if is one my points) the subject has no expectation what they will hear and IF (and there is another of my points) the test is implemented without pre-weighting the results by having more same or more different presentations then we attain sensible and usefull results, within the limits of the statistics applicable to dataset. Of course, a better analysis than the "black/white" preferred by parlour tricksters would be a confidence intervall, but that would run counter to their aims.
notaclue said:
3DSonics, first, do you believe that it is possible for sonic differences to exist between two level matched speaker cables that measure within 0.1db from 20Hz to 20Khz in a given system?
I believe nothing. I have no use for the religious mode of thought. I do know for a fact that frequency response is not sufficient to charaterise an audio system sufficiently for percieved sound quality.
notaclue said:
You say one thing, Stewart Pinkerton says another...
As allways. There are different understandings of what goes on. Please read my recent thread on HiFi & Philosophy (which was moved as supposedly non-topical).
notaclue said:
Second, would you be willing to put up £1,000 that you could organize a DBT where you do acheive 16 or more passes out of 20? You control the test protocol, you pay up if you fail and get less than 16. I'm imagine, if so, Stewart Pinkerton or other Google audio group members may be interested in this.
No. I'm not even interrested to spend any time on it.
If I control the statistics my test would have datasets, implementations etc different from SP's, out of neccessity, as I would be determined not to produce with a high degree of reliably null results, but the opposite.
However, I have no interrest in what amouts to intellectual forgery and fraud, I'll leave that to those who wish to engage in suhc behaviour. I have better uses for my time.
notaclue said:
At the moment, that is where Stewart Pinkerton holds the upper hand. He is putting his money where his mouth is, as they say.
He puts his money "there" about the same way (but with better odds for him) as any gambeling establishment. I'd not call that "putting his money where his mouth is".
But as you say, views differ. Any charlatan will have those that march along to his pipe, you are welcome to follow whomsoever you want to, though quite frankly it is my considered opinion that you would be better off doing your own serious research if you want actually know, as opposed to repeating some religious dogma.
Ciao T