Good grief .....thats an admission in itself ........thinks can make a difference to how a hifi sounds ....
take a long hard look at robs history of posts .....whats suddenly brought you to the opinion that you can change the sound by altering things other than the system components ?
As polycarbonate is a solid could suggest that its already frozen ?
Another observation .....
a ripped frozen cd sounds the same as a ripped unfrozen cd ....[as far as I can tell in my system]
If thats accurate then what ever is slightly effecting the sound its not the data on the disc such ...I don't have the answers
lets tackle that last precis it's claimed that more expensive wire sounds better than cheap wire.
what is cheap wire .....copper with a poor purity or iron or worse
whats an expensive wire ...copper with a high purity or silver or gold ..
As a experiment build a cable out of iron wire and then build one from silver ...both identical in all respects
guess which is going to sound better ...and which will cost more to make ?
Once you've answered that, its going to be as plain as the nose on your face the validity of the statement.....
That is complete nonsense Pete, as well you know.
I haven't 'suddenly' arrived at any conclusions - I've actually tried most of this stuff over many years and formed views accordingly along the way.
Your comments re wire hold no water I'm afraid.
For starters, iron wire behaves quite differently to copper and is in no way suitable for use in audio systems.
Even if it were - it's cheap, as is copper, or silver plated copper. Even solid silver in the quantities used for interconnects isn't much more expensive, certainly relative to the cost of many silver cables.
A challenge for you:
Supply a meter length of your finest cable and I'll put that up against the most basic, 99p phono interconnect. The cables will be inserted into the (passive) tape loop of a WD valve amp and played into a choice of Harbeth or Quad ESL speakers.
Two volunteers needed, simply to detect
any difference under blind testing - no matter how small - with any degree of repeatability. I care not what cable you supply, platinum, gold, silver (not iron), entirely up to you.