Freezing CDs?

anyone wanting to listen to the two cd's I used me

first come etc

it will cost you your postage .....£1.50 ish

on the one condition that you then pass the disc on to anyone else who might be interested.

you can then work out how large a difference there is for yourselves ......mind you I bet few of the descenters will leap at the offer ....

yes thats a challenge

It's right at the bottom of my list of things on which to waste £1.50. Rip the "deep freezered" CD before and after being in the deep freeze for an arbitrary time period, and compare the files. That's the real challenge.

Do the freezer enthusiasts believe in horoscopes?
Good grief .....thats an admission in itself ........thinks can make a difference to how a hifi sounds ....

take a long hard look at robs history of posts .....whats suddenly brought you to the opinion that you can change the sound by altering things other than the system components ?

As polycarbonate is a solid could suggest that its already frozen ?

Another observation .....

a ripped frozen cd sounds the same as a ripped unfrozen cd ....[as far as I can tell in my system]

If thats accurate then what ever is slightly effecting the sound its not the data on the disc such ...I don't have the answers

lets tackle that last precis it's claimed that more expensive wire sounds better than cheap wire.

what is cheap wire .....copper with a poor purity or iron or worse
whats an expensive wire ...copper with a high purity or silver or gold ..

As a experiment build a cable out of iron wire and then build one from silver ...both identical in all respects

guess which is going to sound better ...and which will cost more to make ?

Once you've answered that, its going to be as plain as the nose on your face the validity of the statement.....

That is complete nonsense Pete, as well you know.
I haven't 'suddenly' arrived at any conclusions - I've actually tried most of this stuff over many years and formed views accordingly along the way.

Your comments re wire hold no water I'm afraid.
For starters, iron wire behaves quite differently to copper and is in no way suitable for use in audio systems.
Even if it were - it's cheap, as is copper, or silver plated copper. Even solid silver in the quantities used for interconnects isn't much more expensive, certainly relative to the cost of many silver cables.

A challenge for you:
Supply a meter length of your finest cable and I'll put that up against the most basic, 99p phono interconnect. The cables will be inserted into the (passive) tape loop of a WD valve amp and played into a choice of Harbeth or Quad ESL speakers.
Two volunteers needed, simply to detect any difference under blind testing - no matter how small - with any degree of repeatability. I care not what cable you supply, platinum, gold, silver (not iron), entirely up to you.
And you are wasting your life attacking those with open minds (Deluded in your vocabulary). This Forum is for all to have a gentlemanly/womanly (if any are members and I doubt it.) to discuss things audio. It is hard to do all this when such as yourself chip in with the same old same old......

James if you think everyone bar yourself and your cronies are right and everyone else is wrong(those with open minds) why don't you go form your own forum and discuss that nothing makes a difference. Cables-NO, Isolation-NO, Mains-No, I could go on but what would the point be. It was a miracle this thread went on for 5 pages without you chipping in...your usual negativity.

Heres the thing if you have never tried anything (and you wont admit to telling us if you have...perish the thought to find out about your audio experiences...)how can you add to any of these threads. If I have no experience one way or the other or have not tried or heard a thing then I keep out of it. Why don't you try to do that yourself. But no that would ruin your fun......

Can I suggest to all forum members who can't abide James approach to posting, that you don't respond to him. Response is oxygen to his agenda.... I for one, from now on wont is way to short.

I haven't heard cryo frozen anything, so I don't know if it makes a difference or not...I am skeptical, but until I hear it one way or another I will say nothing....I HAVE AN OPEN MIND AND OPEN EARS....unlike some ?



I suspect you are probably right.
A challenge for you:
Supply a meter length of your finest cable and I'll put that up against the most basic, 99p phono interconnect. The cables will be inserted into the (passive) tape loop of a WD valve amp and played into a choice of Harbeth or Quad ESL speakers.
Two volunteers needed, simply to detect any difference under blind testing - no matter how small - with any degree of repeatability. I care not what cable you supply, platinum, gold, silver (not iron), entirely up to you.

Is that what you use then, Rob?

99p phono inteconnects?
That's an interesting point you make Tuga, but I don't think I really get it. Whether or not there's a change to the sound is an objective question of fact, but whether or not a change is an improvement is entirely subjective isn't it? I may find a change improves matters whereas you may find the same change is a backward step. I guess this goes to the question of whether we are all looking for exactly the same thing from our music reproduction (I think not).

In my view, the subject of "taste" in Audio can (roughly) be compared to the seasoning of a dish. If you use quality ingredients and cook properly you get good results and then herbs and spices can be added to taste without affecting the overall quality. For this you need the right recipe.

No matter how you season a Pizza Hut pizza, you will never get good result.
However, if you don't know what to expect from a pizza then a Pizza Hut pizza might very well be your nec plus ultra...

As far as music goes, for evaluating systems there's the adequate and inadequate kind and this is independent of taste. The same goes for recording techniques. In my view. :MILD:
If cooling CDs really makes an audible difference, then the data on the CD must have changed - easily demonstrable.

I very much doubt the data on the CD can change. The data is binary, what could happen is the way the data is stored has changed and is therefore having an effect on the playback system. The change must lie with the laser based playback and must therefore affect all laser based systems for it to be audible on all systems. The carrier is metallic and therefore will clearly be affected by extreme cold. Not so the actual data.​
Tuga; good points, well made. I understand where you're coming from. If someone has a hankering for Pizza Hut then all power to them I say. Who is anyone else to tell them their Pizza's no good.

Now please excuse me, I'm feeling oddly peckish...
I very much doubt the data on the CD can change. The data is binary, what could happen is the way the data is stored has changed and is therefore having an effect on the playback system.

Your first sentence is correct, and that's my point. The rest is nonsense.

The change must lie with the laser based playback and must therefore affect all laser based systems for it to be audible on all systems. The carrier is metallic and therefore will clearly be affected by extreme cold. Not so the actual data.

The "change" lies entirely within the fevered imagination of the shamen, or high priest.

My "agenda", for the record, is that of "The Resistance of the Rational", as Christopher Hitchens put it, in a certain book.
Tuga; good points, well made. I understand where you're coming from. If someone has a hankering for Pizza Hut then all power to them I say. Who is anyone else to tell them their Pizza's no good.

Now please excuse me, I'm feeling oddly peckish...

Please do. It's a matter of taste. Some people like to listen to opera on a tabletop radio...just don't tell ME it's good.

Anyway, taste can be educated.
Your first sentence is correct, and that's my point. The rest is nonsense.

What I quoted is very possible and is no more nonsense than that which dribbles constantly out of your mouth. If you have tried all of these possible tweaks and come to a conclusion then you are fully qualified to comment but somehow I suggest that you are just a tosser with a serious inferiority complex.​
"The placebo effect is an Audio phenomenon where the results of a change in a system are affected by the audiophile's ideas about how effective the change is. The term is especially used when a audiophile responds dramatically to an insignificant change. Insignificant changes used to induce the placebo effect are called placebos; power cables and room resonators are typical examples.

The placebo effect is a pervasive phenomenon in Audio and placebos are widely used in contemporary marketing. The placebo effect sheds light on the brain's role in Audio, and allows the industry to take advantage of the audiophile's faithfulness in reviewers to their advantage. The deceptive nature of the placebo creates tension between the audio community and the honesty of the industry-audiophile relationship."

in wikipedia

P.S.: satire alert :JPS:
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What I quoted is very possible and is no more nonsense than that which dribbles constantly out of your mouth. If you have tried all of these possible tweaks and come to a conclusion then you are fully qualified to comment but somehow I suggest that you are just a tosser with a serious inferiority complex.


Can I suggest you try banging your head on the floor before you listen? After all, if you haven't tried it, you can't comment on whether it improves the sound, or not, can you?

Can I suggest you try banging your head on the floor before you listen? After all, if you haven't tried it, you can't comment on whether it improves the sound, or not, can you?

I have never suggested that it has a positive or negative effect on the sound. I have not tried it and therefore cannot come to any form of conclusion. What is more, I do not intend to try it. I doubt it would work with vinyl.​

Can I suggest you try banging your head on the floor before you listen? After all, if you haven't tried it, you can't comment on whether it improves the sound, or not, can you?

Do I take it from your comment that you have actually tried this technique. If you haven't then you prove yourself a hypocrite.​
No, of course I haven't, nor would I recommend it. But I'm certain it would have much more of an effect than freezing a CD, because this is "Peter Belt territory".

Can't you see that this is the thin end of the wedge? If you believe this, you'll believe anything.
Your loss....!


Your financial loss actually ;)

You live near a train station?
Pop down for a listen and bring whatever cables (or chilled items) you wish. I've done these things a good few times now and I'm sure that those who've met me will confirm that I don't bite :)
Free food, free booze and whatever music you care to choose, or bring. Casual listening, informal gathering and I promise no pressure.

Invite is open to all.
No, of course I haven't, nor would I recommend it. But I'm certain it would have much more of an effect than freezing a CD, because this is "Peter Belt territory".

Can't you see that this is the thin end of the wedge? If you believe this, you'll believe anything.

I'm an agnostic. I never believe nor disbelieve until it has been proven or I prove it myself. In this case I think it is a very healthy discussion which may or may not be deluded. The truth is, I do not know one way or the other. I do fully agree with you though, this really is Peter Belt territory.​