Freezing CDs?

Whatever happened to Peter Belt...? I used to have a pair of PWB Electrostatic headphones and damn fine they were. Only problem was they were actually electret and not electrostatic.​
Whatever happened to Peter Belt...? I used to have a pair of PWB Electrostatic headphones and damn fine they were. Only problem was they were actually electret and not electrostatic.​

He made very good headphones. Should have stuck to that.

He's still around I think with his wife May:

I still remember the look on my Grandfather's face back in the 80s when as an impressionable teenager I returned home from a Heathrow show and had bought several 'polarised' bits of plastic and foil after attending the PWB dem.

I proceeded to wrap bits of spirotube around the house mains inlet wiring, put little tiny triangular foils around the room and rubbed something call 'sol-electret cream' (IIRC) on various bits of kit.

Grandfather looked on with incredulity and thought I was barking mad, and of course he was right.
He made very good headphones. Should have stuck to that.

He's still around I think with his wife May:

I still remember the look on my Grandfather's face back in the 80s when as an impressionable teenager I returned home from a Heathrow show and had bought several 'polarised' bits of plastic and foil after attending the PWB dem.

I proceeded to wrap bits of spirotube around the house mains inlet wiring, put little tiny triangular foils around the room and rubbed something call 'sol-electret cream' (IIRC) on various bits of kit.

Grandfather looked on with incredulity and thought I was barking mad, and of course he was right.

LOL...! Those were the days. You've just reminded me of the tiny triangular bits of foil that were supposed to have some sort of graphite on their surface to break up static charges or whatever...! I daren't say how embarrassing it all is now. Thank God it's 2009...!!! (Using the word God as a figure of speech you understand)​
Your financial loss actually ;)

You live near a train station?
Pop down for a listen and bring whatever cables (or chilled items) you wish. I've done these things a good few times now and I'm sure that those who've met me will confirm that I don't bite :)
Free food, free booze and whatever music you care to choose, or bring. Casual listening, informal gathering and I promise no pressure.

Invite is open to all.

I haven't spent that much on the time you factor in your connectors there probably actually isn't much in it.

(though) If I had the dosh I'd consider plat alloys a worthy investment to my kit....not wasted/loss at all.

Thanks for the more after work.
Even more incredible, do you remember the price for those foils...!!! Bloody 'ell...!!! That was some way to earn money.​
Even more incredible, do you remember the price for those foils...!!! Bloody 'ell...!!! That was some way to earn money.​

I do remember.

The demonstration at Heathrow was interesting.
I don't recall the electronics but I remember the system used Quad ESL63s. The dem consisted of playing a piece of music, then playing it again but with a few inches of spirotube wrapped around the telephone cable in the room.
About two thirds of those listening indicated that we heard an improvement. Why, is dead easy to see with hindsight and a little life experience passing under the bridge.

PWB is a very clever chap. Each playing was accompanied by his narrative, and of course that and his body language were markedly different for each playing. You can see much the same technique in use today if you attend a Quadraspire or Nordost demo. Some say that Ivor T from Linn also used this idea.

Of course not everyone is open to this type of suggestion, but many are and certainly enough to support a market. If you are (as I was) you need to learn how to see through it, and life experience also helps greatly.
.. body language were markedly different for each playing. You can see much the same technique in use today if you attend a Quadraspire or Nordost demo. Some say that Ivor T from Linn also used this idea.

The "dancing salesman"? Seen it several times - Nordost & Linn.
That's him James.

Quite funny the first couple of times.

Rack 1 - <sad and angry face on> Oh can you hear that.... the band have fallen asleep, sounds like they are all playing a different tune, hopelessly incoherent and turgid <makes various lumbering gestures>.

Rack 2 - <smiley happy-clappy face on> Oh that's better - the band have woken up, at last - some energy and enthusiasm. <does boppy little ditty along to the toon>

Did you hear that people?
Course ya did, ya not deaf after all - amazing eh?

Repeat ad nauseam until dissent is crushed or hard-core dissenters ejected from the room with some verbal.

<... ushers in another band of plastic bag carrying victims>
Even more incredible, do you remember the price for those foils...!!! Bloody 'ell...!!! That was some way to earn money.​

Should you ever again feel the need to spend lots of money on weird science, I believe Shun Mook can help..... ;)
The thing is, what drove someone to bung a CD in the Frigidaire in the first place?

There must have been some sort of (pseudo) science behind the idea?
The thing is, what drove someone to bung a CD in the Frigidaire in the first place?

There must have been some sort of (pseudo) science behind the idea?

His plan was to use liquid nitrogen... The freezer was the closest he could his hands on. :rds2:
Your financial loss actually ;)

You live near a train station?
Pop down for a listen and bring whatever cables (or chilled items) you wish. I've done these things a good few times now..... Casual listening, informal gathering and I promise no pressure.

Invite is open to all.

What would this prove ?... If what matters is what the individual hears.. on their own system in their own castle , then why would any seek to change what has already decided upon, and why should said individual have to seek verification in another's space when their decision in personal moment can and should be final. Whether others accept or not is of no consequence, and so don't see why a special effort should be needed in order to manipulate it to change...unless that is, those individuals are thought of as larbat sheeple people in danger of being led to slaughter by the Tweak Demon, i doubt this very much, i do however know of a few pharmaceutical companies/ Gun Manufactures/ Governments etc etc that are up to no good..... "If you really want to wear your halo with pride" :)
The thing is, what drove someone to bung a CD in the Frigidaire in the first place?

There must have been some sort of (pseudo) science behind the idea?

You are being both charitable & optimistic. If this freezing lark really worked, the record companies would use it & market it. The cost per CD would be negligible. Not even Naim (the tweakiest company in the known world) freeze their CDs.

CDs hate heat, but that doesn't mean they love cold.
...why should said individual have to seek verification in another's space when their decision in personal moment can and should be final. Whether others accept or not is of no consequence,

You don't. But you must accept or endure The Resistance of the Rational, just like religions have to. IOW, make implausible claims, and people might start asking awkward questions.
don't think i've ever read as much negativity in a thread with all negative parties not having tried the freezing process and therefore not knowing the results
You don't. But you must accept or endure The Resistance of the Rational, just like religions have to. IOW, make implausible claims, and people might start asking awkward questions.

How exactly will CD freezing and Cable Talk upset the fabric of the universe ? ... and i Resist Rationality when it's value would be of worth to non... "but the egoist" . :(
What would this prove ?...

Well, if the listener can detect absolutely no difference when the most basic, cheaper than cheap interconnect is inserted into the signal path, it surely calls into question the whole notion of cable sound (other than those due to measurable effects, eg phono cartridge loading). Might also save the listener a pile of cash over the years.

If you cannot hear any negative effect form one of those bootlace thin leads with plastic plugs then the whole notion that expensive wire is somehow more transparent is shown as a lie.

Call it education, if you like.
and i Resist Rationality when it's value would be of worth to non... "but the egoist" . :(

I find some of your posts quite difficult to interpret at times, but you appear to be suggesting that a rational view on life is of no value. If this is the correct interpretation, then an irrational viewpoint would be preferable, in your opinion. This is what you appear to have, so everyone's happy, I guess.
don't think i've ever read as much negativity in a thread with all negative parties not having tried the freezing process and therefore not knowing the results

Do you really need to carry out a completely pointless and futile action in order to know for certain that it's a complete waste of time? Checking for the sake of checking is bordering on OCD.

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