Freezing CDs?

as they say the devil is in the small print .....and as print goes his print very very small [if you look for constructive content]

its interesting to concider he once boasted that his system sound best when he was in the kitchen whilst it played in his lounge !

laugh ......I all but wet myself

but hay it takes all sorts and if he wants make an ass of himself with his comments I'll defend him to the last as, they must be heart felt or he would not keep repeating them.

on a more serious issue I'll be comparing the now thawed cd with its unfrozen partner ......may have some results tomorrow.
Great, thanks. Venice.

This kind of thread is the reason why normal people think hi-fi freaks are freaks.

I would hope that the only 'Normal' people you know are those that you don't know very well, have my commiserations. :(

'Zanash'. I look forward to hearing the results, i too should be comparing over the weekend, as said, ill say what i hear,and accept what others hear without hostile impulse. :)
What is worrying is that their have been those in this thread that are so consumed in their own seething excitations that they, with a deliberate manner..would seek to turn a harmless rhyme into a nightmare.

Thanks 'Haselsh1' and 'Larkrise' for the interesting tips..:)
Granville "pin-point" :D
Perhaps you should try it before your next post !

As you are pathologically incapable of ever offering constructive criticism perhaps you should seek some medical intervention, maybe a frontal lobotomy would improve your ability to interact with others of differing opinions, whilst also reducing the inanity of your baseless, egotistical and unwarranted statements.

Sir, you are an arse :p

'fraid so.

I find it more than a little bemusing that someone is spending PRESUMABLY quality time writing unpleasant remarks on a forum.

:confused: :confused:
the results of my experiment ....[and obviously these are only my opinions but feel that its a simple task to reproduce them ]

Having allowed both disc to stand at ambient temperature [approx 12 degC] for twenty four hours in the same room.

My first test is to play track one on the unfrozen disc .....these are my initall thought jotted down at the time.
Thick congested sound...splashy symbols piano stands out of the mix ..vocals mid mix Imaging ok width of the stereo presentaion from my central seated position [20deg off axis] ..

Now for the frozen disc ....

brighter less heavy and congested presentation ..imaging width has increased to 28deg off axis ....

as a comparison played the same track from a ripped file off a different album .... this was cleaner and slightly more dynamic ....this at variance to the normal were the cdp sound better than he ripped version of the same track I'll put that down to the cheap cd bought from tesco.

So to sum up yes there is a difference but to put in perspective the effect could be described as 3-4% improvement

when compared to the cd lathe that offers 25-30% flux by phonosophie 15-20% Auric illuminator 0% green pen 1-2%..

So I get to thinking what would happen if I cleaned both disc with the magic fluid from Phonosophie....first the unfrozen cd

wow is this the same disc ....seriously outperforms the ripped version imagining now expanded to 40% and cymbols sound unsurprisingly like cymbols ....

ok what will it do to the frozen disc great shock this time but it does sound better than the unfrozen disc ...the imaging is now 45deg off axis ..better instrument separation you can hear the air and space around the performers .....

God only knows what they cover the discs with but once removed allows even the most modest cdp to sound better ....but don't ask why as I've no idea..though its odd that a ripped cleaned disc sounds identical to the uncleaned version so its something in the transport pick that works better ?

For the sceptics ...this is totally repeatable, if you try it and can't hear it ..... I'd suggest you don't look to your gear but else where for the reasons why your not experiencing the same ...

As an aside wife listens to music in a totally different way .....she often can't hear changes that to me are quite profound ...unitil I walk her through the track pointing out things to listen to...then repeating the track when she will often then pick up the differences. She describes how she listens to music as listening to the whole ...she's often even unaware theres a vocal track ....She likes music but would be quite happy with a transistor radio playing on am ! Thats not to say she does'nt appreciate good sounds and will often comment that music systems in other peoples house sound dire !

This suggests to me that music is appreciated in different ways by different people .......
Thanks for bringing back on track Zanash - thought this thread was turning into Friends Re-united!
So to sum up yes there is a difference but to put in perspective the effect could be described as 3-4% improvement .

whether it be 3-4% improvement or 30 - 40 %. improvement is something all us enthusiasts aim for in our little tweaks and upgrades and if an improvement of 3 - 4% can be acheived with no cost incurred, well imho its worth doing. I have and was happy with the outcome.
Whoa! Six pages on this non-subject. I'm amazed...

Not really six pages on the 'non' subject as puffed out with snidey remarks and bizarre Friends Reunited exchanges.

For a while recently i thought Zerogain might be on the return but alas. . .
How long in Venice?
I find a few days is enough.

Five days - plenty, I agree. I'm not really a fan of Italian food, and overpriced Italian food is obviously worse still.

This topic is so daft that it satisfies the criteria for "not even wrong". If there was anything in it, CDs would be freeze/thawed in the factory. The only purpose it serves is to identify the credulous amongst us, where "credulous" might be a euphemism for another adjective.
why ? would increase there costs and lower the profit margin you really think their worried about the tiny fraction of cd uses that have kit capable of hearing such changes....come on think again. Their only interest in the general public is what they keep in there wallets.
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Five days - plenty, I agree. I'm not really a fan of Italian food, and overpriced Italian food is obviously worse still.

Oh dahhhhlings quite so, quite so - 3 hours is enough for me - I was chatting about this only the other day with Antonio - and the copious use of cheap parmesan and the price - the PRICE!!! - ohhhh - I shudder - how I shudder.

I tend to spend a little time in those lovvvvvvverly little places that the plebs haven't discovered yet, you know where they deep freeze the ice cream - makes such a difference.

Anyone going anywhere nice this summer - just post below - must dash have to collect the porsche - service is carried out by a lovely little Italian man.
the results of my experiment ....[and As an aside wife listens to music in a totally different way .....she often can't hear changes that to me are quite profound ...

I guess she listen to music and you listen to sounds...:D
Very interesting Zanash,I know we have both mentioned about the way people listen to music differently before. When I learn't to play the drums some 25 Years ago,it totally changed the way I would listen to music,your brain is forced/trained to listen to parts of the music on it's own,even more so if you are learning a new bit of music. I can just about remember back in my teens,listening to music without thinking about all the other bits,for me it was all about the lyrics then, and HI-FI didn't matter!
Try going to the movies and focusing your attention on the image properties/qualities. What happens is that even if you "get" the story you will be missing some of the nuances that give depth and enrich the plot.

Same with music: most guys doing audio worry so/too much about sound properties that they no longer listen to the music. Of course that is not so bad if you listen to pop/rock, but that's another story...

How many spend day after day listen to only three audiot-approved CDs trying to find new detail in the recordings, comparing power cables or worse, freezing CDs. This attitude has nothing to do with music, it's an obsession about sound. High Fidelity matters not as a goal but as a mean to listen to music.
Try going to the movies and focusing your attention on the image properties/qualities. What happens is that even if you "get" the story you will be missing some of the nuances that give depth and enrich the plot.

Same with music: most guys doing audio worry so/too much about sound properties that they no longer listen to the music. Of course that is not so bad if you listen to pop/rock, but that's another story...

How many spend day after day listen to only three audiot-approved CDs trying to find new detail in the recordings, comparing power cables or worse, freezing CDs. This attitude has nothing to do with music, it's an obsession about sound. High Fidelity matters not as a goal but as a mean to listen to music.

NO, I don't know any one who takes it that far.

btw there is certainly no "worry" involved!
