Got me a record player!

I don't think it is. Starting with a TT and vinyl simply doesn't make any sense to me at all and I'm not into the type of music that really 'demands' a TT (like sideshow is). I can see that others might have different opinions. I've no doubt it would be fun and I probably could find enough LPs to keep me happy (btw sideshow, ordering from the US to Portugal is a total no-no because of the absurd Portuguese customs charges) but I simply don't have a need for it. I'm more than happy with CD and for the inevitable expense of a decent TT setup I'd much rather spend it on other parts of my system or more CDs


Agree with you 100%
Jazz - very little, allthough I like a lot of, shall we say, "traditional" jazz but know very little about it and consequently by very few CDs. An area I've always wanted to get into more but haven't been able to for some reason :confused:

If you had a turntable you could buy job lots of secondhand vinyl for a few quid a throw and work out whether you do really want to get into it more. Having a turntable is a fantastic incentive to buy job lots of stuff on spec. I can't think of a better way of broadening your musical horizons without spending shedloads of cash.

Titian has a vast vinyl classical collection nearly all bought from ebay for next to nothing, as another example.

Compared to the MF CDP it sounded utter shite to me and it wasn't badly setup because the two vinyl buffs who were there aswell (and had brought a couple of LPs) were loving it :) They just couldn't believe I thought it sounded shite. In summary, it was all warm and bloomy, no soundstage, rather like listening to one of those old mono valve radios your grandad used to have (big wooden box with a knob at each end and the freq. scale in the middle).

Sorry, but it obviously *wasn't* set up properly. Properly set-up TTs do *not* sound anything like that description. Utter nonsense to think they do. If they did, I can't believe many people would prefer them. The fact that even Merlin - the high priest of the digitalians - can hear what a good vinyl setup is capable of should give you pause.

I'm quite content that some people can't be bothered to get into vinyl and are happy to stick with CDs, but this notion that vinyl is in some way warm and cuddly is just plain wrong.

-- Ian
Originally posted by sideshowbob

I'm quite content that some people can't be bothered to get into vinyl and are happy to stick with CDs, but this notion that vinyl is in some way warm and cuddly is just plain wrong.

-- Ian

I'm gunna have to agree with Ian as well here, the 2 decent sets up's Ive heard, were nothing like that at all, fuild and dynamic with bags of slam, and one of them was using valve amps :eek:
BTW I subscribe to a different 'Digital Cult' to merlin ;)
But the sleeves would do it for me, if I was into them, but be safe in the knowledge, I'm not :) WM
Why are we zipping round in these circles? There has been some realy crap "science" bandied around here.

Red book: 16 bits and 44.1kHz was the technology limit in the 70's when the standard was thrashed out by Philips and Sony. btw Sony wanted 14bit as a maximum because ...

Most CD players actually don't have a real 16bit dynamic range. More bits allows the DACs to operate more linearly.

Vinyl does not have infinite sampling, grain size of the material (tape or vinyl itself) limits it as do the filters etc. of cutting lathes.

CD benefits from up-sampling because it allows the DAC to do its thing without putting crap back in the audio range.

My preferred explanation for CD's failings? Jitter and brick wall filtering.


<justification mode>Who has lots of science qualifications and works for a humungous consumer electronics company.</justification mode>
both turntables and cd's suffer from distortion. call it missing bit's, surface noise, speed instability or digital filtering. neither format is perfect and the only differences are the prejudices of the person listening.

Well there are real differences, not just prejudices.

Yes I know that vinyl's sampling rate isn't infinite, I said tending towards infinity.

Can someone who knows please explain the 'bit' thing to me/us? I assumed, perhaps wrongly, that 96kHz would give better resolution than 44.1kHz. If this assumption IS wrong, why do studios record at higher sampling rates? I mean, what's the point?

Also does anyone know anyone who has both formats & prefers CD to LP on sound quality grounds? I guess there must be one, there always is!
I was in the room at the precise moment Graham did an A/B comparison and preferred the vinyl...

He hardly has much of a turntable setup at the moment either. A budget deck versus a Wadia 861 is not much of a comparison.

-- Ian
The times I have been with him at bake offs doing a/b comparisons (at HenryTs for instance) he has told be he prefers CD for classical music due to the better dynamic range.

Methinks we'll have to ask the man himself!
Put it this way, Robbo, he seemed to like Titian's setup enough that he was having serious TT-buying thoughts.

-- Ian
Anyway, the point is does it really matter! As long as people enjoy the music they are getting from their systems who gives a flying f*ck whether it is vinyl or CD.

I have heard quite a few well set up systems using both vinyl and CD as front ends that make excellent music and thats really all that counts in the end!
True enough. I don't care what people prefer, but digitalians who won't accept that vinyl does some things exceptionally well get on my wick, not least because they're closing themselves off to so much music.

-- Ian
I for one have never said that as I am a fence-sitter on this issue:D

Anyway Ian, shouldnt you be off line? Theres meant to be a huge power cut atm in London:D
Yes, I keep hearing that people who are unfortunate enough to live south of the river don't have any electricity at the moment either.

No power failure in Westminster, I'm glad to say.

-- Ian
Well down in Surrey I've got electricity but no speakers. No music for another 24 hours. Aaaaaagggghhh

PS: Strangely enough, I did have a power station but I've just sold it. Damn, how's that for timing?
Originally posted by 7_V

PS: Strangely enough, I did have a power station but I've just sold it. Damn, how's that for timing?

Steve what a coincedence, I have a few for sale, starting at your basic Giga watts rising to 100 terrwatt monster, and all in the palm of your hand, amazing what a small trip to an alternate universe gives on a wet and windy August tes time :cool:
Originally posted by wadia-miester
Steve what a coincedence, I have a few for sale
W-m, I can pass on as many as you can supply (no pun intended).

I'm offering customers a gift wrapping service. Can you oblige?

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