Merlin one upmanship perish the thought. I couldn't compete with your goodself, I'm far too modest, be sides, they are far better set up's than mine out there ( even the odd TT one as well), but I fear not , don't need to change the 'sound it gives every 5 mins', just improve upon what is there, I'm looking for the nth degree of thwack, not the Nth degree of the nth degree.
Merlin was quite honest here
"For my money, speaking personally, it is clear that vinyl is inherently superior to CD in a number of areas, something I would have seriously doubted until recent events."
Prehaps the Tact and all the accompanying ensommble just wern't giving you that 'something' and even by adding a Teac and power leads & Hydra, you still felt that a TT was better?. I spose in the same way I'm looking for more musical dynamics and thwack in my mods & fiddling !!!!? yes I could by a TT, but I need to have some substancial better, to cause me to invest, and I just aint heard it yet, enough for me to say wow I have that now, maybe I will soon, but at what cost?.
Yes analogue is some thing good when done well, no arguement here at all, but based on what we/you/I/The world has indivdualy heard?, maybe Robbo/Mike B/Antonio/Dev have all heard different setups at different times, we all have differernt preceptual idea's of how/what/why it will sound, based on what we use a our own personal references.
I was going to go into great big post but I can't be arsed
This debate will roll on for enternity, until the next CD replacement comes out, and then it'll start all over again
Just stick with what you like, even if it sounds naff, but hey I can cope with a flawed, inheinently inferior and grim sounding medium

Got to say though, the Vinyl lovers do get to have gate-fold sleeves, sort a bit unfair really