Well the TT is now set up
A long afternoon was required, the amount of care required with one of these contraptions is astonishing, aligning the springs, tuning the base and so on
That was before we started playing with the cartridge loading and gain.
It was interesting that both visitors today are confirmed vinyl fanatics, one in the industry, and the other a mastering engineer. Neither of them had heard the TacT setup before, but were of course fearing the worst
Well they were unhappy with the results using the Michell to start with, as was I. Obviously using an ADC is less than ideal, a fact pointed out by my visitors, although it's use is essential in my current listening enviroment. After much toing and froing we ended up with a compromise that I found most enjoyable, if flawed. It was funny that they seemed to be trying to make the TT sound more like CD, whilst I insisted on using 100 ohm loading to get that warm, smooth Koetsu sound. Aparently most people find this loading to lack air and soundstage
Well it does, but then for me, air is unatural anyway, body and warmth are far more important.
So the Michell's strengths for me are enormous bass power, an architectural quality missing from even Wadias and Teacs, and a suaveness that is beguiling. The disadvantages are less precision in the bass, less secure placement, and massively higher noisefloor (although I accept this is less distracting on some stuff than one might assume)
I'd say that both sources now have their strengths, although, the CD, with longer playing times, remote control, and importantly, the ability to sound good with anything, would still be the preferred option for general listening at my place. More exposure is needed to form a definitive view but the day did cause a surprise or two
The biggest shock was the two vinyl heads sitting with smiles on their faces whilst I demmed the CD playback. Their comments went along the lines of it being the most analogue like digital playback they had ever heard, along with favourable remarks about flow, pace, and groove
So they both left with their opinions of digital replay somewhat altered, I was left apreciating some of the things that even a great digital rig like the TacT cannot emulate.
I suspect that, for me, the convenience and reliability of the digital route will win out, but that won't stop me grinning like a cheshire cat when I hear the names Koetsu and SME
I will for the time being, hold on to the Orbe, you never know I might just start to become addicted

A long afternoon was required, the amount of care required with one of these contraptions is astonishing, aligning the springs, tuning the base and so on

It was interesting that both visitors today are confirmed vinyl fanatics, one in the industry, and the other a mastering engineer. Neither of them had heard the TacT setup before, but were of course fearing the worst

Well they were unhappy with the results using the Michell to start with, as was I. Obviously using an ADC is less than ideal, a fact pointed out by my visitors, although it's use is essential in my current listening enviroment. After much toing and froing we ended up with a compromise that I found most enjoyable, if flawed. It was funny that they seemed to be trying to make the TT sound more like CD, whilst I insisted on using 100 ohm loading to get that warm, smooth Koetsu sound. Aparently most people find this loading to lack air and soundstage

So the Michell's strengths for me are enormous bass power, an architectural quality missing from even Wadias and Teacs, and a suaveness that is beguiling. The disadvantages are less precision in the bass, less secure placement, and massively higher noisefloor (although I accept this is less distracting on some stuff than one might assume)
I'd say that both sources now have their strengths, although, the CD, with longer playing times, remote control, and importantly, the ability to sound good with anything, would still be the preferred option for general listening at my place. More exposure is needed to form a definitive view but the day did cause a surprise or two

The biggest shock was the two vinyl heads sitting with smiles on their faces whilst I demmed the CD playback. Their comments went along the lines of it being the most analogue like digital playback they had ever heard, along with favourable remarks about flow, pace, and groove

I suspect that, for me, the convenience and reliability of the digital route will win out, but that won't stop me grinning like a cheshire cat when I hear the names Koetsu and SME