
Well, I can cross a few off that list. Mana - non-Mana ping-pong aside, Paul has a good point reasonably (as in with reason, rather than just adequately) expressed as always. Some hear no difference, others hear one and either like what they hear or don't, its almost as simple as that.

What's not so simple is when the very same product, whatever it may be, can sound good in someone else's system but not in your own. Cable, support, equipment, mains evangelism is all very well but whatever works for one may not for another. Too many variables, let alone taste, ears, brain, drugs. I'm convinced that the room (not just my awkward room, any room) has far greater effect than just about anything else. Most of what cables, mains and supports do is attempt to negate room effects (or compensate for equipment idiosyncrasies like the LP12's mid-bass hump or Briks' inherent slowness and midrange colouration); might be better to start by treating the room (and buying less idiosyncratic equipment).
Oh I'm feeling faint and can hardly type this but the Devil is spot on with his last few posts

Taking a rest and deep breath.........

I know we have disagreed from time to time, [in fact I think we did earlier on!] but as the resident Mana expert he knowsa thing or two about stands.

Just to add that the Troika is a good cart though not everyone cup of tea.

For those mere mortals that can't afford the latest in chrome and glass for the cherished gear. The DIY scene can hold a number of alternatives that will provide a level of performance that may suprise some people.

Whilst reading this thread it occured to me that the Ikea Lack table, used as an equipment support could benifit from the super balls. Using a 25mm wood drill [the chisel shaped things with the piont that I can't remember the name of] drill out a hole to a depth of about 20mm in the bottom of each leg, and insert the super ball to the remainder rests on the table below. Of course you do this after deciding how long a leg length you need, and cutting of the excess.
Originally posted by zanash
Whilst reading this thread it occured to me that the Ikea Lack table, used as an equipment support could benifit from the super balls. Using a 25mm wood drill [the chisel shaped things with the piont that I can't remember the name of] drill out a hole to a depth of about 20mm in the bottom of each leg, and insert the super ball to the remainder rests on the table below. Of course you do this after deciding how long a leg length you need, and cutting of the excess.
Have you tried this yet? I'd be interested in how it turns out.
Well Zanash, all the resident Mana Expert really knows is that LP12, Naim electronics and Epos speakers work better on Mana than the Ash Designs stand or whatever he had last. Equally if you have any form of Isobarik system fronted by an LP12 then Mana is a complete no brainer and the more you have the better it goes.

Alex has a Well Tempered Turntable with Densen CD , and Dynavector electronics which to my ears work very well on Hutter. Maybe they would sound better on Mana, I haven't heard that one so I really can't say. I suspect though that Hutter suits that system and that for him Alex has made the correct choice. Remember what I said above about bewaring of zealots. Hi Fi has a fifty year history of people who knew all the answers, raved like mad about them and of course most are now forgotten. Anyone remember Peter Belt?,
Paul, you are being far too reasonable.

My list above is kit I've owned and tried on & off Mana. However... if you read the reviews which are on the Main Mana website (not the forum) from well-respected reviewers using a variety of other gear, you will see that it works with other stuff, too.

If you think about how Mana works, which is no great mystery, it is almost certainly correct to say that it will work with any piece of hi-fi; TVs, videos & DVDs as well.

It only doesn't work if you botch the set-up, which is easy to do with multiple levels. Patience is rewarded.

Peter Belt is in another league.
Originally posted by michaelab
Cheers Tone - nice and constructive response.

You (and others) seem to think that's fine and just a bit of fun but similar sarcastic comments about the benefits of cables are "ruining the forum" :rolleyes:



I'm surprised by your responce, a good clean living sort of a guy, stay pressed creases and that ;)
I do think if you can't handle a bit of jibing, it's shows lack of fortitude sir :( I thought you made of Iron Brew
After 2 or so months of the Dat squardron enlightening us, as to our 'pre concieved ideas on cables et al' and how we are all dellusional, I thought it would only be fair to apply the same algorythym to this thread, sotr'a of a ying & yang balance if you like.


In reply to your question, you have heard them, Gary's power amp had them underneath them at the Heathrow show, ontop of the air platforms.
Do I use them :cool: just one of 2 sets, do they work, waste of time posting that here, either PM the last couple of visitors or pop round for an earwig, then you can 'Measure with your ears, what is measurable' see if feel they work or not :)
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I am trying to be fair here Bub and have to point out that those reviews on the main website are now over a decade old in the main. At that time it was Mana that got everyone interested in stands and control of vibration. It may be that in that time other designers have had their own ideas on vibration and done as well in a different way. I have no idea I have heard too few.

I mean do all components resonate in exactly the same way needing exactly the same remedies, or is say a Well Tempered Turntable a different case to an LP12 with a different resonant pattern and thus requiring different isolation solutions? Obviously I have no idea.

Having said all that I have just bought another Mana Top for my rack. But then my system responds well to Mana, it's the Devil I know and I own an LP12 and a CD player that tries hard to be an LP12..
Originally posted by wadia-miester
do they work, waste of time posting that here
Why? That's what we're all here for isn't it? :confused:

AFAIK there haven't been any "you must be a delusional audiophool" type posts for quite some time, which is why I'm a bit miffed about the non-stop piss taking over the last month or so :(

Oh no, not the botched setup part of the roundabout again. James, just ask other James, the centre lift guru and setup king whether Mana worked under my speakers when he came round the other week!
I think this thread proves that it is not impossible to have a sensible discussion on isolation and supports. It's just very very difficult.

Switches to Horse mode,

BUB I ASKED YOU A QUESTION, stamp, toss of head, I am too important to be ignored by nonentities like you, answer me you parsimonious pill pusher.

A reasoned arguement has no place in a stand discussion ... Duerden, get thee to the back of the class and I will expect 100 lines of "A reasoned arguement has no place in a stand discussion"



PS You made some excellent points and I think you would love Alex's system with the big Neats. It is very, very good.
Sorry Jason,

I just felt like making our querulous quack use his brain for a change.

if Alex's system is sounding that good please do guard duty and stop him from changing anything until I can get down and hear it.

thanks for the kind words. Don't worry, I'm taking this in the spirit in which I think the remark was made. One of these days, I'll have to pay Fox back for a reference to somone who just made a surprise comeback over on Mana.

That Fox can be a real bitch at times.

Maybe I should call him vixen.
Originally posted by Paul Duerden
I just felt like making our querulous quack use his brain for a change.

if Alex's system is sounding that good please do guard duty and stop him from changing anything until I can get down and hear it.

Both of these are Herculean tasks are beyond a mere mortal such as I.



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