
Also coupling any vibrating object to a block of lead, concrete, glass, acrylic, marble, concrete or wood will also drain vibration.

I'm sure that you are right, but I don't think that the concept has been adequately explored by other stand manufacturers who use 'non-resonant' elements as part of the 'isolation' sales pitch. Making a hi-fi stand out of non-resonant materials is obviously doomed to fail.
Originally posted by The Devil
I meant that the improvement in sound with properly-implemented Mana is not a matter of opinion!

Priceless ... keep your nose to the wall Bub, I'd hate for you to see their is an alternative.


Whatever you do Jason, don't visit me. I wouldn't want to shake your prejudices against Mana users, dreadful oiks that we are.

I know that there are alternatives, but they aren't any good.
Originally posted by The Devil
Whatever you do Jason, don't visit me. I wouldn't want to shake your prejudices against Mana users, dreadful oiks that we are.

I know that there are alternatives, but they aren't any good.

Zealousness in a polite form these days eh?
Have all mana uses been on a JW approved Etiquette and upstanding model citizen coarse that mana has introduced as part of its image clean up campaign ?
Originally posted by The Devil
Also coupling any vibrating object to a block of lead, concrete, glass, acrylic, marble, concrete or wood will also drain vibration.

I'm sure that you are right, but I don't think that the concept has been adequately explored by other stand manufacturers who use 'non-resonant' elements as part of the 'isolation' sales pitch. Making a hi-fi stand out of non-resonant materials is obviously doomed to fail.
I think that there's much to be said for resonant elements. Clockwork Audio, a hi-fi dealer in Cologne (and advocates of C37 lacquer) use this principle throughout the entire hi-fi chain in an interesting way: Clockwork Audio if you're interested. The site is in German but they have a Babbel fish translator (sorry for the biblical reference but "there's nothing new under the sun" - whoops, there I go again).

You say that Making a hi-fi stand out of non-resonant materials is obviously doomed to fail. Strangely enough, this isn't at all obvious to most of us. Incidentally, a similar approach can be taken to speaker enclosure design and there are advocates of this approach - such as Peter Qvortrup of AudioNote. It's not the way that I go but hey, each to his own.

I'm not pro or anti Manna - how can I be? I haven't heard it. However, I am anti 'fundamentalism' or 'absolutism', particularly in a field as subjective as hi-fi.
Originally posted by The Devil
Tones, you are a very nice fellow, and I'm sure we'd get on if we met .....but..... and with the greatest respect....if you can't hear the difference between your LP 12 and your CD player, then either one of three things (or all three) is true:

1. There is something wrong with the LP12.
2. There is something wrong with the preamp.
3. You are a little hard of hearing.

Remind me to belt you with my ear trumpet when we meet!

However, I am anti 'fundamentalism' or 'absolutism', particularly in a field as subjective as hi-fi.

Me too, but we are discussing vibration sinks, not hi-fi. If you have a piece of hi-fi which doesn't benefit from vibration control, then Mana is irrelevant to it. And I'd be interested to know what it was.
Originally posted by The Devil
Whatever you do Jason, don't visit me. I wouldn't want to shake your prejudices against Mana users, dreadful oiks that we are.

I know that there are alternatives, but they aren't any good.


I know there are better things than I own its just that at I think my stuff matches best to what I want at the price I can afford. I don't think Mana users are "dreadful oiks". The three serious Mana users I have met (Pog (briefly), Paul D and Mr. Ribbee) have all struck me as great people with a fine sense of humour and perspective.

Maybe the were hiding there true thoughts and in reality they are as rabid to convert others to the one true way as yourself? ;->


Originally posted by The Devil
Tones, you are a very nice fellow, and I'm sure we'd get on if we met .....but..... and with the greatest respect....if you can't hear the difference between your LP 12 and your CD player, then either one of three things (or all three) is true:

1. There is something wrong with the LP12.
2. There is something wrong with the preamp.
3. You are a little hard of hearing.

Hi Tones,

Just a slight observation that requires some clarification, old chap. ;) As Bubsy has so eloquently stated, a while back you claimed (rightly so, perhaps) not to be able to hear a difference between your Linn CD player and your LP 12 turntable. However, IIRC, you have now replaced that Linn CD player with the Meridian 588 CD player. No? If so, do you now hear a difference between the LP12 turntable and the Meridian 588? If not, would it not mean that there was no audible difference between your 'old' Linn CD player and the Meridian 588 in which case, there was no reason to replace the Linn CD player with the Meridian in the first place?

Actually, in a round-about way of asking, why did you replace your Linn CD player with the Meridian 588? ;) A lot of questions there I know, but I hope you can see what I am getting at.:D

Enjoy the music,

Lawrie. :D
Originally posted by Lawrie
Hi Tones,

Just a slight observation that requires some clarification, old chap. ;) As Bubsy has so eloquently stated, a while back you claimed (rightly so, perhaps) not to be able to hear a difference between your Linn CD player and your LP 12 turntable. However, IIRC, you have now replaced that Linn CD player with the Meridian 588 CD player. No? If so, do you now hear a difference between the LP12 turntable and the Meridian 588? If not, would it not mean that there was no audible difference between your 'old' Linn CD player and the Meridian 588 in which case, there was no reason to replace the Linn CD player with the Meridian in the first place?

Actually, in a round-about way of asking, why did you replace your Linn CD player with the Meridian 588? ;) A lot of questions there I know, but I hope you can see what I am getting at.:D

Enjoy the music,

Lawrie. :D

Hi, Lawrie. The simple answer is that I didn't replace the Linn CD player. It is still doing its job splendidly in No.1 system. No, there arose the opportunity to acquire a second-hand Meridian 588 from an impeccable source (Ian "Sideshowbob") at a good price, so I grabbed it. It replaced the Marantz 63 IIKI/DAC20 in No.2 system down in the basement. Now, because of domestic rearrangements, this is where the LP12 now finds itself, playing through the same EAR 834/Quad 405-2 as the Meridian (with a little help from a Creek OB-Somethingorother phono stage). And do they sound different? No, not really. I can tell myself that they do, but to me they really don't.

I personally suspect that I'm very non-discriminating and that I'm adhering too closely to your motto ("Enjoy the music") ever to be a real audiophile.
Of course it is a matter of opinion. At least until you've done some serious blind testing. That's one of the wonderful things about Hi Fi everything is a matter of opinion, we are the modern day alchemists.
If only Mana just took unwanted things away. Sorry, it doesn't. It adds a great deal of its own.
It doesn't add anything 'of its own' to my hi-fi AFAICT. It just gets out of the way, lets the kit get on with its job, and all you hear is the music.

Alex, I think your experience is atypical, I have no idea why that should be, but Mana is widely acknowledged in the hi-fi industry to be the best stand available. There's no need to be sorry, I am sorry for you..
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The Renegade Alex S

The Walrus and the Carpenter were walking close at hand
They wept like anything to see such quantities of stands
"If these could only Mana be", they said "it would be grand"
"If seven Devils with fourteen hands typed for half a year
Do you suppose" the Walrus said " "Alex could be made less queer"
" I doubt it" said the Carpenter and shed a bitter tear.
Originally posted by The Devil
Alex, I think your experience is atypical, I have no idea why that should be, but Mana is widely acknowledged in the hi-fi industry to be the best stand available. There's no need to be sorry, I am sorry for you..

What! Good grief, maybe ten years ago but not now.

I can think of 3 reviewers that use it (maybe 5% of all pro. english writing reviewers?) and one of these preferred the Pagode and bugger all manufacturers (possibly because they make/ distribute/ recommend their own preferred stand).



PS. Sorry about the forum its amazing what one individual can achieve.
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Re: The Renegade Alex S

Originally posted by Paul Duerden
The Walrus and the Carpenter were walking close at hand
They wept like anything to see such quantities of stands
"If these could only Mana be", they said "it would be grand"
"If seven Devils with fourteen hands typed for half a year
Do you suppose" the Walrus said " "Alex could be made less queer"
" I doubt it" said the Carpenter and shed a bitter tear.



Re: The Renegade Alex S

Originally posted by Paul Duerden
The Walrus and the Carpenter were walking close at hand
They wept like anything to see such quantities of stands
"If these could only Mana be", they said "it would be grand"
"If seven Devils with fourteen hands typed for half a year
Do you suppose" the Walrus said " "Alex could be made less queer"
" I doubt it" said the Carpenter and shed a bitter tear.
Paul can you confirm this isnt a derisive remark about homosexuality?
Originally posted by bottleneck
They look interesting Tone. Havent seen them before. Have you tried them, what did you think?


Some stillpoints in action, in one of many applications


I personally find 3 to give a sound more to my liking than 4, but then its all down personal taste :)

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