Julian's Speaker Build Diary....

Nice work! It must be such a relief knowing all your hard work hasn't been in vain.

I'd wait and see what it's like with two of them running before worrying about their sensitivity, plus having speakers sitting directly on carpet really deadens their output in my experience.
just as you say the feeling you get when something you've built actually works is great. another big thanks to you mate as without you this wouldn;t have been possible.

i've now glued, tacked and strapped no 2 up so it should be ready for takeoff tomorrow. this one is actually the 1st one i built and the front baffle isn;t quite straight. it's lined up at the top but tilts outward by about 1mm at the bottom so there is a slight lip towards the bottom. not really noticable unless you inspect them minutely and i suspect this could be cured by judicious use of a sander (and nicely radius the edges whilst i'm at it - is there a tool to do that? or do you do it by eye :yikes: ?)
so i sould have the pair up and running by tomorrow.
just listening to some nitin sawhney and the bass has made a welcome return to my system after about a month of the missions - and with only 1 speaker.
the other thing is that the room doesn;t seem to be being excited anywhere near as much as it was with the b&w's.
after a slightly more critical listen the bass is a little woolly but i've not stuffed the bass / mid cavities with the long hair wool yet which is meant to tighten things up a lot. i'm going to do that after i've run them in for a week so i'm tuning a more nearly run in speaker which shiuldn't change any more.

That is one fine looking loudspeaker you have made.

By the way, this is a hypothetical question.

When you finish the other loudspeaker, hook them up, sit down for a listen and declare like a proud father, ''my new baby is has a truely beautiful and sweet sound''. Then some pleb in the forum ask an extremely stupid and inappropiate question like ahh..... but did you believe they are so beautiful because you have compare them to your old one under blind condition. Would you ........ ammmmm......skin him alive, KILL him and display his head on a stake????

You must realise this is not ME.
i would probably sniff, ignore them and then abuse my status as moderator to post embarassing topics using their account. i'm sure that the stigma of being though an adult baby is enough to stop anyone making adverse comments about my little darlings....

ta michael,
yes there is a perfectly good reason for that. it's tilted exactly to coincide with the toe in of the speaker to afford lateral time alignment.

not buying it are you? ok i forgot to square it off. forgot the other one too so at least they'll be wonky together. doesn't effect the sound though.


Cracking build, and an even better write up. Well done that man!

On a different note, anyone noticed the obsession with kittens that seems to be taking over the forum?
:rds2: That is bad. You see my friend has been wondering so he ask me to ask you how you are going to compare those mighty fine looking and undoubtedly even more wonderful sounding loudspeakers when they are finish. I just I have to warn my FRIEND that we don't do ****ing blind testing in the DIY forum.

Anyway, I have been wondering what all this with nice photo of cute puss poping up every way.
i subscribe fully to the 'if it sounds good... it is good' school of hi-fi evaluation. i have my imperfect audio memory of the 7nt's and of my missions and several other speakers which have impressed me over the past few years. hopefully once both s5tl's are in place i'll be happy and i'll be closer to my ideal amalgam of preferred speaker traits. but if i'm not i'll be able to tweak and fettle my way towards happiness with various stand and wadding tweaks as well as the inevitable better offboard x/over and properly soldered wires (with better wire too).
to paraphrase - hi-fi is a journey not a destination. i just chose to climb a fairly respectable mountain (given my abilities) which made my journey all the more interesting. boy, the view from up here.....


p.s. the kittens. origionally merlin had an avatar of someone threatening a kitten with a handgun. i set the karate kittens on his arse and stumblin got lee harvey kitten on the case too.
julian2002 said:
p.s. the kittens. origionally merlin had an avatar of someone threatening a kitten with a handgun. i set the karate kittens on his arse and stumblin got lee harvey kitten on the case too.

my name is Mr Cat - so it kinda makes sense... :rolleyes:
julian2002 said:
it's lined up at the top but tilts outward by about 1mm at the bottom so there is a slight lip towards the bottom. not really noticable unless you inspect them minutely and i suspect this could be cured by judicious use of a sander (and nicely radius the edges whilst i'm at it - is there a tool to do that? or do you do it by eye :yikes: ?)

What you need is a router, flush trim bit will be better than a sander for trimming the excess and a radius cutter will give you a nicely rounded edge.

Looking good BTW

As you say all that matters is if they sound good to your ears they are good.

Build quality looks mighty fine.

If you don't mind me asking how much was the kit?


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