My weekend

Andy - I found the spikes made a big difference to mine (as JJ took around 4 months to get me the spikes).

The thread is an imperial one. I know the shearwaters use a 3/8th UNC, but the kestrels use a much smaller thread. It could be 1/4 UNC.
penance said:
I can find a thread to fit, so seems they arent M8 or M6, so im not sure where i can get suitable spikes in the UK. Once sorted ill start playing around. Hopfully more run in then aswell. Oh, and the binding posts
Also, just got hold of some free marble today, i need to take to a stone mason to get it cut, i will try that on cones aswell.

Would the american size not be imperial 1/4 " or 5/8" possibly. Trip to B&Q to buy some cheap screws to get size.

Edit Issac got there first
penance, why not try meadowlark directly for some spikes? otherwise maybe wm could suggest a possible supplier from across the water.

OK, ill try and get to B&Q tomorrow and get a handfull of bolts.
From the website it seems ML only do some steal spikes, by the time i pay for shipping i could probably buy or get some basic brass ones made.
merlin said:
Sadly, all this forum is becoming is a mutual humiliation platform. Wouldn't it be nice if we could simply pat each other on the back and praise each othyers purchase decisions :confused:
I'll be asking you for cable advice before that happens :D

Andy - I know James was winding you up, but there's still no need for personal insults.

James - please don't wind people up just for fun :rolleyes:

Lights out now children :D

Andy stop worrying about them they will sound great, but you need new posts and Spikes, then they will really come on song, why not connect the Dyns up just now until they are sold or until you have your new parts.
I'm loathed to do that AK, incase i dont get round to sticking the ML's back on soon enough.
I'm going on the theory of more play will sort them sooner.
A long listen last night and i concluded i do need to move them about, maybe closer together, that will get them away from the sloping wall's of the bay window.
I'm not panicing, just impatient;)
penance said:
I'm not panicing, just impatient;)

Yup me to mate, me to. I think that spikes will make all the difference, heres a left field try, if you find bolts at B&Q why not use them intil you've got spikes, should give much the same effect.

Please refrain from using ML to refer to Meadowlarks :mad:

In hifi terms, ML means Martin Logan who make proper speakers. Why not try MDWL :confused:
I do hope that Martin Logan & Mark Levinson aren't the victims of some terrible glitch in the matrix, whereby any kit referred to as 'ML' for short is automatically crap.

I think we should be told.
I can understand your dislike of Logans James - their qualities are totally at odds with your goals.

But Levinson kit is basically posh studio gear. Overpriced yes, but still apparently good enough to be used by a number of world famous mastering engineers in preference to active monitors :eek:

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