naim boys' playground fight

Originally posted by Marco
Tony, after reading that, I'm more convinced than ever you and I have very different ideas as to what is considered accurate and 'true' bass. I'd love you to come round to my place and offer your comments on my system's bass performance these days, just to confirm beyond a shadow of doubt that we're coming from two different directions :)
Tony, 135s aren't perfect, but let me assure you when set-up on Mana (in my small-ish room), each with a blank case fuse, and powered by two dedicated 10mm mains spurs through unfused hard-wired hydras, speed and control they lack not! :MILD:

Btw, you still haven't answered the question I asked you yesterday about you and Naim gear. Scroll back a few pages to see what I'm referring to, and please give me answer.


Ok Marco, you'll have to ask me the question again, I can't find it :rolleyes:
Quite possibly, we have different versions of bass, Being a drummer, I like my bass the way I hear it, when playing.
You gone half way on the mains, so why not got the whole hog? all the earthy boys make such a fuss of seperate spurs, then just leave it :confused: , Mains power in one area, we know very well.
Just think all that internal dwelling noise isolated power, going straight to those amps, untouched :confused:
Always wondered, isolating hifi from internal noises, but leaving the 'main cause untouched', still just think what you could achieve :)
Good to see Dev the 'BP Sunbury master of disaster' :D wading in there, class mate real class :)

There's been a big change with Naim equipment, and also the way the forum is run - none of it for the better. Particularly, regarding the forum, tolerance of any criticism of the new equipment, even that of a constructive nature is minimal. It's as if they know you're right but can't admit it. You can't discuss anything remotely controversial. Most of the 'interesting' contributors have left in droves and gone to Pink Fish, or post very infrequently.

Naim now pander to the mass market, and their products have lost their niche quality. It's a shame, really.

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would you tone your attitude down a bit please. it's ok to defend your point of view but this can be done perfectly well without recourse to insults of the type you've levelled at some members.
it may also be wise to apologise for the outbursts but that is down to you.

julian - in moderator mode.
But it was just so funny to see them go on thread after thread saying " mine is bigger than yours" when there aint one of em has much to show for himself.

Then I come along with a proper big rig and they all start crying and calling me Dev. It pissed me off some.

Could you get back into class please. I understand that, under new government guidelines, your parents may well face a fine and I rather doubt that they can afford to pay one judging from your sadly primitive use of the English Language .
I dunno, I reckon Metalhead's got a point in some respects - certainly an awful lot of modern speakers are too bass-light to my ears, and I certainly don't have the dosh (or neighbours!!) to get big bass speakers myself...

Rock music is meant to be played loud though - especially stuff like Maiden (who I'm seeing in December - wey hey!) - and rock defo loves deep and controlled bass... I for one wouldn't mind hearing this JBL/Rotel etc system - with everything from grunge to glam metal - would be a good laugh!
The idea that you have to have one sort of speaker for rock, and another kind for something else is an old one.

Dom, the rig doesn't exist, this is Dev Banerjee trolling yet again. There is only one true metalhead and he is elsewhere (with Gomez).
Metalhead - if you continue to be a troll and insult people here you will be banned. Also, whilst there is no automatic censorship of bad language here your use of it is excessive and gratuitous, tone it down.

Regarding Merlin and bass. He's right, I agree. This is how properly driven Briks sound, in a junior amateur loudspeaker sort of way...

I would like to hear Bub's ATCs with different amps, but still active.

JW drove a pair of ATC 150s actively with six Stealth monos at a show in Manchester I think. I would like to have heard that. A bit on the expensive side, though.

I'm told that the reason he settled on the 100s was that the 150s wouldn't fit through his front door!

Paul, briks are not 'bad', I just prefer the ATCs - the midrange is clearer and they go a lot louder.
Originally posted by The Devil
Dom, the rig doesn't exist, this is Dev Banerjee trolling yet again. There is only one true metalhead and he is elsewhere (with Gomez).

Must have missed something there re Metalhead/Gomez then...

I still want to hear a system made up of those components though - PA in your front room, or audio nirvana?? Interesting one to find out...

I still want some of those 4343 studio monitors though one day! Raaaawk!!!
Originally posted by The Devil

JW drove a pair of ATC 150s actively with six Stealth monos at a show in Manchester I think. I would like to have heard that.

I did.

It was gig-style loud, and a truly awesome experience! The Mana room could be heard from almost anywhere you went in the hotel, especially when they played Pink Floyd's 'The Wall'. What was really funny was that the room was located next to a comany selling some low-power valve amps playing some tinkly, tinkly shit, and they kept complaining to John that his music was too loud and scaring off their potential customers...

I think JW, in his nicest possible way, told them to '**** off' :D

I wish he still did shows today.

Marco, from what I heard (and I believe I am probably right) is that you were proper banned from the forum, for stirring up trouble.

Why don't you post on PFM Marco?

Marco I notice you don't post much on Mana any more?

Marco why is this?

In context it makes Your naim bashing seem little more than bitterness. I hope for your sake that you don't have a repeat of the massive u-turn you did regarding mana products, because frankly every one is laughing their tits off at how stupid you have been.

Was it not you that said the new XPS-2 was a great product...
garyi, go away and play somewhere else you silly little boy. You don't know what you're talking about, and no one gives a tuppence what you think. You're a bigger sheep than Rico and Dev put together - and that's saying something.

This is my last word to you.


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