Hi Everyone,
Like Paul Duerden I apologise for joining your forum to correct some statements that have been made here.
First some background info. I have known John Watson at Mana and been a friend of his for many years. I have helped him out at various Hi-Fi shows over the years as Mana isn't a big company but likes to really put a lot of effort into Hi-Fi shows. To try and make his room look and sound different to others. This takes a lot of effort! So to read statements like this is very frustrating.
"It was gig-style loud, and a truly awesome experience! The Mana room could be heard from almost anywhere you went in the hotel, especially when they played Pink Floyd's 'The Wall'. What was really funny was that the room was located next to a comany selling some low-power valve amps playing some tinkly, tinkly shit, and they kept complaining to John that his music was too loud and scaring off their potential customers..." Marco
"I think JW, in his nicest possible way, told them to '**** off' " Marco
"I was at the Manchester show in question, so I can tell you that the Mana room was loud (and really good), the room was also near a firm selling valve kit, and somebody else told me what JW said. So if they're bullshitting, it's not my fault." Marco
I think there is a bit of fabrication in these statments! I was there the whole show. Helped set the room up, talk to people during the show and take the room apart afterwards. I went and had a chat with the guy selling the valve gear, next door, and he was completely okay with the Mana room. He had no problem with the volume level or the people running the room or the visitors to our room. In fact he was quite pleased we were there as we were dragging a lot of people down to the end of the corridor that otherwise wouldn't have made it to his room!
John Watson also talked to the guy running the room next door for some time about music and valve equipment!