naim boys' playground fight

Mick is definitely an NBL/NAP500/NAC552 sort of person. His current speakers are clearly quite out of line with current Naim thought, Mick's little retro-rebellion, along with the Garrard.

Re: Sorry I disagree

Originally posted by mick parry
Naim's latest equipment does the same as the old stuff in many ways but seems to do it better. I like the new sound.


Yep I agree for once, the new Naim kit is a step in the right direction for most people. If they can improve on the 500/552 a small amount and drop the price by 50%, I truly believe they might have a competitive product to take on the new wave.
whoever jw is, he doesn't deserve to be at shows IF what he said is true, telling someone to f off is not big or macho...its basic monkey mentality and deserves to live in the jungle.
As do the people who respect this kind of scumbag attidtude.
And Marco, forums are not for that kind of direct and personal abuse. Insults in context can be funny....
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Hi Data,

I would completely agree with you, if a word of that story was true. I happened to be with the Mana guys for a lot of the time during both Manchester shows. At no time was there any kind of complaint from another exhibitor nor did John Watson tell anyone to **** off or indeed have an unpleasant word with anyone.

John is a very nice guy, as anyone who knows him will I'm sure agree and runs a good and very helpful company. Neither he nor Mana deserve this kind of Internet mythmaking.

Sorry that my first post on what looks a good forum has to be setting the facts straight like this.
quite alright...sometimes info can be put around to slur people or even simply exaggerate, without any foundation or backup whatsoever....shows you should not believe what people do not know what ulterior motives they may does sound rather out of order for a paid up exhibitor to tell a fellow exibitor where to doubt it would cause disquiet with others had it been SO loud...I am sure they would have made trouble, and indeed the organisers of the exhibition...maybe these sorts of stories ought not to be put in the public domain without cast iron proof, statements, for the moderator?
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Originally posted by Lt Cdr Data
maybe these sorts of stories ought not to be put in the public domain without cast iron proof, statements, for the moderator?
I can't really check that everything people say is true or insist that people only post things which they can prove.

People are always going to post bullshit stories on forums unfortunately - it goes with the territory. People have to use their own judgement as to what they believe, or they can always challenge the poster.

Well, none of it is bullshit, Michael, as far as I'm aware.

I was at the Manchester show in question, so I can tell you that the Mana room was loud (and really good), the room was also near a firm selling valve kit, and somebody else told me what JW said. So if they're bullshitting, it's not my fault.

Mr Duerden just likes to stir it, as he has already done on the Mana forum with the rest of the Groovy Gang. JW has already told him and others off about winding people up.

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I've just read this post from the beginning. I've not a clue what the f**k you're all on about.

It reads like a load of people with their heads up each other's bottoms.

No personal insult intended.

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Hi Everyone,

Like Paul Duerden I apologise for joining your forum to correct some statements that have been made here.

First some background info. I have known John Watson at Mana and been a friend of his for many years. I have helped him out at various Hi-Fi shows over the years as Mana isn't a big company but likes to really put a lot of effort into Hi-Fi shows. To try and make his room look and sound different to others. This takes a lot of effort! So to read statements like this is very frustrating.

"It was gig-style loud, and a truly awesome experience! The Mana room could be heard from almost anywhere you went in the hotel, especially when they played Pink Floyd's 'The Wall'. What was really funny was that the room was located next to a comany selling some low-power valve amps playing some tinkly, tinkly shit, and they kept complaining to John that his music was too loud and scaring off their potential customers..." Marco

"I think JW, in his nicest possible way, told them to '**** off' " Marco

"I was at the Manchester show in question, so I can tell you that the Mana room was loud (and really good), the room was also near a firm selling valve kit, and somebody else told me what JW said. So if they're bullshitting, it's not my fault." Marco

I think there is a bit of fabrication in these statments! I was there the whole show. Helped set the room up, talk to people during the show and take the room apart afterwards. I went and had a chat with the guy selling the valve gear, next door, and he was completely okay with the Mana room. He had no problem with the volume level or the people running the room or the visitors to our room. In fact he was quite pleased we were there as we were dragging a lot of people down to the end of the corridor that otherwise wouldn't have made it to his room!

John Watson also talked to the guy running the room next door for some time about music and valve equipment!

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That's got to be pretty much the entire Naim and Mana forums joined now. How long till Mr JW joins up too :D
Hi Steven,

What are you doing up at this hour?

I am at work waiting for Q2, just the odd cabling issue to sort out whilst the rest of my team do some real work!


I'm always up at this hour. I'm a night owl and finished my taxi shift at 4 am.

Give my regards to JW - I don't post there any more, and haven't for nearly a year as I feel it is for the best, not because I have any animosity towards him or Mana.

I'll be over at Marco's in the next few weeks to hear the improvements more Mana will have undoubtedly brought to his system.
Hi Steven,

Q2 is the second qualifying session that takes place on saturday during an F1 race event. In this session the teams run with enough fuel on baord to complete a race stint as the cars go into parc ferme at the end of the session, ready for the start of the race on Sunday. Teams are only allowed to make changes where safety is at stake or they can make a good enough case to the stewards that they should be allowed to changes something e.g. the engine!

Cabling issues are to do with items back at the factory. We have various ways of viewing what is happening at the track. Some of these are by necessity rushed together and we seem to be struggling this weekend with cabling problems. A bit strange after 2 years of use but .....

You certainly are a night owl!

Ian, is one of the mana boys acceptable faces, JW must have sent him to 'patch up' marco's chopsing, Ian also runs those Stealth amps, (I think)
Ian didn't used to work for one of my old Boss's Uncle Tommy W ? Jags wasn't it? Wm
Originally posted by wadia-miester
Stop it children or teacher will spank you :spank: :D :D


Poor Marco, everyone's causing trouble except him. Yet again. This is a repeating pattern, a basic Law of the Universe....

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