naim boys' playground fight

Originally posted by Marco
I did.

It was gig-style loud, and a truly awesome experience! The Mana room could be heard from almost anywhere you went in the hotel, especially when they played Pink Floyd's 'The Wall'. What was really funny was that the room was located next to a comany selling some low-power valve amps playing some tinkly, tinkly shit, and they kept complaining to John that his music was too loud and scaring off their potential customers...

I think JW, in his nicest possible way, told them to '**** off' :D

I wish he still did shows today.


IF thats true Marco, then he is inconsiderate and selfish. I dont see anything good about that at all Im afraid.

NB Michael - hasnt this thread disintegrated into Kindergarden levels? I think it has.
I think it's highly entertaining, bottleneck, if you don't like it, don't read it.

Dev's having a laugh, no-one has taken umbrage except you.
Sorry I disagree


You said
There's been a big change with Naim equipment, and also the way the forum is run - none of it for the better. Particularly, regarding the forum, tolerance of any criticism of the new equipment, even that of a constructive nature is minimal. It's as if they know you're right but can't admit it. You can't discuss anything remotely controversial. Most of the 'interesting' contributors have left in droves and gone to Pink Fish, or post very infrequently.

Naim now pander to the mass market, and their products have lost their niche quality. It's a shame, really.


I do not consider 552's, Nap500's and CDS3's pandering to the mass market. Naim's latest equipment does the same as the old stuff in many ways but seems to do it better. I like the new sound.

I also disagree about the moderators being intolerant of criticism.

I think if you are honest with yourself, they tolerated your "temper" quite a bit. I hope you do go back in there after your sabbactical but you are going to need to cool it a lot more.

I can see this thread going into the sin bin, so hopefully you get my drift. You are too good to be banned from another forum but you do push your luck on occassions. I sometimes wonder if you are a poker player. Ever heard of bluff / backing off.


Hi Mick,

If you are so keen on the new kit, why haven't you bought any yet? You've been going on and on about the NAP 500 for two years now.
Argumentative liver plucker


I have been going on and on about all Naim products. Please remember I keep buying the stuff and now have two systems.

Too be honest, I am toying with the idea of a NAP 300.


Re: Argumentative liver plucker

Originally posted by mick parry

Too be honest, I am toying with the idea of a NAP 300.

Mick, shame on you really, that's like buying an XK8 and having a rover metro 1.1 engine fitted :(
A man of your stature in Naim hall of wannabe's, must rate at least a 500, doesn't Darwin do Special deals ;) to those salisbury folk, Prehaps Tom Tom Audio have a pristine pair of Nap 500's at a more realsitic price? more fitting for a man of your standing in the community sir :)
Too be honest, I am toying with the idea of a NAP 300.

Is that all Mick? I would have though someone of your impeccable standing should be aiming a little higher than a lowly NAP300. Surely a triamped 500 system would be more appropriate.
Arh But Robbo, Alex s will be along in a minute to tell Mick that a pair of Dynavectors HX1.2 are the way to go. humm tuff choice choice, Guttless Glopping or powerfulish analitical yawn, It's a difficult choice, maybe Steve Toy could help those people, I know they hold his opinions in good stead, arh but then we are fogetting the 'Ju-Ju stick', I wonder which window it's in today :eek:
Hurrah it's back, thank you very much indeed.

I was annoyed because Mick Parry was 'on the ropes', and it all went away.

Now Mick, heh heh....

You've rabbitted on and on about the Fraim, the 500, the 552, the CDS3, [God only knows what else] for as long as these crappy overpriced trinkets have been available.

I am sorry to see that you are now lowering your sights and settling on a lowly NAP 300. No matter.

When's the chequebook coming out, then? In other words, put your money where your mouth is.
PA in your front room, or audio nirvana??
:D for some reason the ex girlfriend took exeption to 2 4foot x 8 foot stacks in the living room . o and the mixing desk got in the way of the sofa.
Sounds like a serious party Hippy. If she's X now why not put it all back and find a girl who likes it?

Tip, try your local metal disco.
Originally posted by The Devil
When's the chequebook coming out, then? In other words, put your money where your mouth is.

I get the impression from what you guys keep saying that Mick won't need the chequebook. Just a few more months on the internet should do it, or am I mistaken?

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