naim...load of tosh??

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Ah Merlin you are a wag.

Mr data, do you have a real name? How do you find the CDP that would be more interesting than trying to get us all going again. If naim kit was built just by that amount of chat it gets on these forums, it would be turning out a lot of kit!

Why don't we all talk about some other kit now eh? You are all beginning to sound jealous. :p
don't worry about it. there is prolly some deep jungian reason why people talk about stuff they don't have but secretly wish they did. it's a bit sad really, especially as the author of this thread is doubting his own ears thanks to these people.

have I missed something...that there was a big punch up debate over naim?? my I have missed out....sounds like fun..

name?? nnnames nnn newt..
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the top subjects which cause the most arguments and are therefore staple forum fodder are...
naim vs the world
mana vs the world
lp12's vs the world
analog vs digital.
valves vs solid state
tweaks - lobster sperm, power cables, i/cs' and speaker cables etc.

bringing any of these up will polarise most people one way or another and can cause some really bitter stuff - witness the lim debacle on hfc! not a pretty sight. most people who've seen this before adopt either a posture of indifference and wait for the thread to die, or reach for their stirring stick and have some fun :JOEL:


Re: All I am saying

Originally posted by mick parry

Tone, .....if I speak nicely to Paul Darwin, I am sure we can build a one off very large Naim case to bury you in, how about next week.

Mick, I'm sadly disappointed (twice in as many days? are you feeling alright, I take a trip to the Doc's mate, you know what the say about these things :) )
Next week!!!!! God thats awfull Mick, and there was me thinking you had real clout at Salisbury HQ :( , your shattered my illiusions Mick, gone are the all powerful images of Mick in full Hooded gear weilding a Gong ;) and ordering legions of salisbury minions scurring to the carpentry shops, I'm gutted Mick, you are forever lowered from pedistal from once you sat, oh Mick, the power/respect/worship all gone in a thrice :(
And twas us that you led us to believe that you sat at the right hand of J.V. (the real power was yours, not that puppet at HQ)
Mick it is a sad day indeed :cry: :newbie: :chop:
Originally posted by julian2002
the top subjects which cause the most arguments and are therefore staple forum fodder are...
naim vs the world
mana vs the world
lp12's vs the world
analog vs digital.
valves vs solid state
tweaks - lobster sperm, power cables, i/cs' and speaker cables etc...
The first four explain my immense internet popularity!
A minnow


I keep telling you that I am but a lowly public servant who has never sought recognition or reward and I am unknown to those at Salisbury.

I eek my pittance of a salary to save up to buy Naim equipment and then you come along and cast scorn upon it and shatter my dreams. Life is a bitch and then you die.

If you want a God, then bow to Bub, because he is mega popular and well loved, or so he tells us.


Re: A minnow

Originally posted by mick parry

I keep telling you that I am but a lowly public servant who has never sought recognition or reward and I am unknown to those at Salisbury.

Mick, I relation to the above comment :bs: :bs: :bs: In lesser awe these days. Tone
I have to say that Naim does have a good side:eek:

It has excellent second hand values, so when you realise there is better out there for less, you can get some of your hard earned back retatively easily.
'better' is such a loaded word to use. some people may find that a big lumley / hovland / audio aero system is the pinacle of musical reproduction with air and space a-plenty. personally i find it dull as ditchwater boring with no life or groove. naim kit does certain things better than anyone else, it also does other things worse. it all depends on where your priorities and tastes are.

Originally posted by julian2002
naim kit does certain things better than anyone else. julian

Julian, I think that is stretching the truth somewhat, but that's just my opinion.

Take a listen to the likes of Dynavector, Sim Audio and Spectron to name just a few. These guys offer the energy levels and timing capabilities of Salisbury's finest, but also offer the other parts of the jigsaw, such as timbral accuracy and the ability to position the musicians properly.

I grant you that there was a time when Naim had exclusive rights to the groove thing, but those days are long gone. There are many people out there who are discovering there is life after Naim, indeed the guy who bought my turntable was one of those who had seen the light ( gone to Dynavector Amps and Avondale CD player)

If you get the chance, you are more than welcome to come over and hear the Sim Audio kit. You can then post whether you still feel that Naim are peerless in the areas that they are known for. It would be interesting to compare one of Les' modded Arcams teamed up with a Sim I3 , against a Nait 5 with their cheapo CD player. I suspect it might disprove a myth or two.
cake and eat it

The list of hi-fi products offering the groove and a stage is longer than you think.

Add Densen, Sugden and Primare to that list.
i'd love to come and have a listen to your moon gear and i'm sure that it does certain things really well too.
i don't want to get into a po-tay-to / po-tah-to argument but i've heard a lot of kit and nothing has beaten my gear for what i'm looking for. that was my point it's subjective so you saying dynavector beats naim all round could be the amazingly enlightening experience for me that you believe it will be or it might be a crashing dissapointment. the trick is to keep an open mind and listen to different kit just in case.
the thing with naim though is that as you move up the naim ladder you get more added without losing what attracted you in the first place (well with the old stuff you did, if you go from olive to tryptich then the sound changes radically and i'm not convinced for the better), this means that you always have a garuanteed way of improving your kit rather than just getting a different sound - which may initially sound good but later you realise that it's not really to your taste. that coupled with the good resale value means that providing you like the 'naim sound' in the first place, staying on the naim ladder is a very attractive thing.
imho either method, plodding up the ladder or playing mix and match, is valid and the destination is the same, enjoyment of your music collection.

There are a lot of myths flying around these forums. Naim kit does provide imaging and 'soundstage'. Whether that is important to you, or not, says more about you than Naim.
Originally posted by sideshowbob
julian, stop being so reasonable. This is a hi-fi forum, dammit!

-- Ian

Well said Ian,

Julian, you've been watching too many Party Conferences me thinks.

Naim:confused: Trust me here Julian, I do try to get it, I just don't. Take that set up at heathrow. What was it £25,000 or something? For me, the Harbeth room was vastly superior, the Vertex room timed better and was more involving. Both systems cost about 20% of the Naim setup, so I am at a loss.

On the Friday, I made a point of sitting down and trying to find that certain something. Well the scale was quite good, that was about it. £25K, no thank you. I honestly believe that if you put 10 people in that room blindfolded, and compared the Naim setup with say my rig or say a Wadia/Spectral/Avalon combination, about 9 out of 10 people would prefer the American rig (given a varied diet of music).

So I give up, I'm never going to get it. I like music too much I guess:p
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