its interesting what people say, there is so much discord and controversy over naim....if it was not any good, no-one would really bother...I have heard a lot of stuff, and it really is an excellent cd...funny how people say it doesn't image, or doesn't do tonal does have a soundstage, and does tonal accuracy superbly, strings are particularly difficult, and they are nearer than most on the naim, it does bass depth and drive as good as anything, it has that rhythmic drive, and it is far from harsh or tiring, if anything, the treble is a little laid back. So naim isn't all about prat, its got everything...I recall hearing a cheapish denon amp and cd in a shop once, then he put on the naim system, and it WAS music, ebb and flow, detail, nuances, drama, captivating...I suppose we all have different was my kind of sound..trouble is, it IS expensive, but its a long road auditioning everything. I can see why they are above, they do keep their value, but that makes it harder to buy, too. Maybe liken to a mercedes?
I think now though they are getting greedy and pushing prices through the roof, now they have their loyal followers...phwew..if its THAT pricy, it must be good sort of thing, coupled with the 'I must have the best' attitude...lots of companies are now going that way, Tom Evans is getting greedy, musical fidelity, too.