Thoughts on Naim...
If Naim equipment wasn't worth mentioning, you'd not be taking about it. Whether you like the stuff or not, no other manufacturers products divide opinion so much, at least here in the UK.
Of course, it's personal taste, but in my opinion Naim make the best CDPs in the world, certainly the ones nearest to the sound of a good turntable. I wouldn't change my CDS2/XPS2 (with new Burndy) for anything...ok maybe a CDS3
Preamps, IMO, are their next best product, but really only when you go up the range. The 52 is a legend and the 552 takes things even further.
Their power amps are very good, but other manufacturers offer similar or better performance for less money, and the 500 is not in the same ball park as other hi-end designs on the market. You need a Naim Preamp to hear them at anything like their best.
Speakers? Not that keen on the tonality of Naim speakers, finding them a bit cold and harsh (overall), but they excel at things some folks can't live without. I like NBLs on the end of a CDS2 and 135s (on Mana), and ditto with DBLs. Was fortunate enough to hear Paul Stephenson's active DBL system driven by a 552 and three 500s, needless to say it was very impressive!
Aro? Prefer the Ittok or Ekos.
Tuners? Nat-01 still unsurpassed, IMO, although a good Troughline or Magnum Dynalab gets pretty close.