It's interesting that Dynaudio has been suggested a few times, they were also on my shorlist along with PMC.
Have been listening to the pint sized active JBL's a bit more and comparing to the 35's. On a track like FGH "Two Tribes", the JBL's have a drive and groove in the upper bass/lower mid that is completely missing from the 35's. I can hear the 35's going lower (as expected) but the sound is not getting my foot tapping - it just sounds slow somehow. Maybe what I am really looking for is more drive and energy in the bass around 50Hz and above rather than absolute extension down to say 30Hz.
I would expect the JBL's to be more fatigueing over extended listening. However, my listening habits tend to be an hour here and there and I just need a quick music fix and then I'm off. Hence I would prefer a slightly forward/brash/gritty sound over something that's going to send me to sleep.
If I didn't have to satisfy "her indoors" I would definately be looking for some punchy 2 or 3-way actives, but all the ones I have seen look pig ugly. There is no way I can get away with a pair of black boxes on stands in that room. The look of the OB1's is perfect (slender, wood veneer). I understand that you can get the domestic PMC's "activated". Even on the JBL's I can hear there's a speed, grip and drive to the bass that seems to be a trait of active speakers that I like. After hearing what the JBL's can do, maybe I could drop back to a 2-way active like the PMC FB1+. I am prepared to sell up the power amp to go that way if need be.
Anyone have experience of going that way with PMC's or any other suggestions of good looking active floorstanders (excl. ATC)