RA - interesting change of tack?

Originally posted by penance
So now capacitors dont make any sonic difference either?

oh dear.

Here's a quick link for you, which is Google hit #1 for "audible difference capacitors" :D (yep, this is a well-informed debate at my end :p) . And BTW if you concentrate you'll notice I didn't actually say that they "don't make any sonic difference" - we'd all get on much better in these discussions if we could have a little less twisting of words. :)
no twisting of words, sorry if i miss read your post.
I stand by what i said, capacitors, amongst other components can make huge differences.
Try comparing some PIO caps to teflon or PP.
All I meant in my original post - in the context of a comment concerning periodic updates of products - is that the cynic in me would suggest that the differences between last year's and this year's version of the same amp often tend to be along the lines of 'slightly change the circuit topology so the front panel looks different and substitute a capacitor (or whatever other components) from X electronics manufacturer with a very similar capacitor from Y electronics manufacturer which we've negotiated a better deal on'.

The effect that meaningful capacitor changes may make is a different question and one that I personally know nothing about ;)
lawrie - IMO no one "in the biz" on the forum has ever abused their membership and people like Steve (7_V) and Tony (WM) are scrupulous about not using the forum in the "wrong" way.

When I say "several" it's a reference to some infrequent posters who I know are perihperally involved in the cable biz and/or make a bit of money selling DIY cables etc. WM and timpy are the only regular posters who are in the cable business AFAIK.

Originally posted by PeteH
Here's a quick link for you, which is Google hit #1 for "audible difference capacitors" :D (yep, this is a well-informed debate at my end :p) . And BTW if you concentrate you'll notice I didn't actually say that they "don't make any sonic difference" - we'd all get on much better in these discussions if we could have a little less twisting of words. :)

And here

is where it started going squirly

cheers all
Originally posted by michaelab
lawrie - IMO no one "in the biz" on the forum has ever abused their membership and people like Steve (7_V) and Tony (WM) are scrupulous about not using the forum in the "wrong" way.

When I say "several" it's a reference to some infrequent posters who I know are perihperally involved in the cable biz and/or make a bit of money selling DIY cables etc. WM and timpy are the only regular posters who are in the cable business AFAIK.



Thanks for that clarification as your post gave the impression the forum was full of cable merchants.;) I am aware that the websites of both 7_V (loudspeakers) and WM (cables) are in their signatures. I just hope that any other would-be "hifi enterpreneurs" would do the same and declare their status up-front to the rest of the forum so we know exactly where they are coming from, opinion-wise. On that note, I'm now off to bed as it's gone past midnight here in Lawrieville.:D

Enjoy the music,

Originally posted by michaelab
lawrie - IMO no one "in the biz" on the forum has ever abused their membership and people like Steve (7_V) and Tony (WM) are scrupulous about not using the forum in the "wrong" way.
I think that 'scrupulous' may be putting it a bit strong. It's just that I haven't yet found a profitable way to abuse the forum. :D
kermit - I agree we don't want an "if you don't like it, piss off" approach at all. That's what I've been reacting against. There has been a suggestion by some people that that's what ZG was when it started and that's how it should stay (ie, if you don't believe in cables, piss off).

thank you for answering Michael ,
And I,m glad that you agree with me .
i,m inclined to agree with the suggestion that ZG was like that when it started . I,d also say that GH was the same .
And PF a year and a half ago and Mana and Naim .
I think PF has matured into a well rounded forum and amazingly think this was helped by the invasion of the ZG,ers nearly a year ago now .
the point is that forums usually get started by like minded people and back when GH was formed and then ZG a lot of the guys were tweakers (note I say tweaker not into wire).
But , if a forum is to last and become popular it has to broaden it,s horizons . Hence it was nice to see a few PFers and Manaites (and I think some Naimies)posting when I finally got back onto the net .
All you got to do now is sort out some guidelines for this melting pot ;) oh and impose them .

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