REL Quake

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Yeah ! Whatever Ant, you're da man, even the mighty Merlin has to bow down to your superior understanding of ALL things.

In fact you are so knowledgable about matters of hifi I bet you highresolution AV system would wup the arse of anyones on here and especially mine. Maybe Titian ought to come to you for advice instead of Mr Nestorovic, in fact they could both come over and learn a thing or 2 from the wise sage of Portugal.
analoguekid said:
In fact you are so knowledgable about matters of hifi I bet you highresolution AV system would wup the arse of anyones on here and especially mine. Maybe Titian ought to come to you for advice instead of Mr Nestorovic, in fact they could both come over and learn a thing or 2 from the wise sage of Portugal.

Now, there you go, misquoting me again, all I did was mention something everybody knows... :rolleyes:
Where did I quote you Ant?

You are correct about infinite baffle being better, but they also bring other probs, re efficiancy and box design, in a normal listening room, bass reflex is fine especially if it is done well.

As to your quote under your name, this is clearly wrong, unless you are one of the musicians in the band/orchestra. Eg listening to someone playing guitar and the sound comes from the hole in the soundboard, not from 5.1 soundboards dotted about the room. and as for ochestras and bands, most of the sound is in front of the audience, the only sounds coming from behind are natural reflections from the venue, not some bastardised pseudo mix up in s some electronic chip, which will add even more reflections as each speaker interacts with the room, this leads to a false muddled sound that 2 channel enthusiast cannot bear, when will you get it in your head that none of us has the naswer, we are all different and want different interpretations of sound, our auditory systems are so different in fact that even stood next to each other in a concert hall we will percieve the sound we hear differently, one of us may love it , the other may think it's pants, I;m glad you love your system, Ant. But it really is an AV system as far as I'm concerned, and had you spent the same money on a proper 2 ch setup, the sound would be way better than what you get now, I'm not saying you would prefer it, but if you are happy with your compromise then who am I to tell you different.

I replied as I did cos I don't want to get involved in your pointless arguing, especially since your not very good at it.
Good to see Mr A/V Guru pontificating again, such a pleasant surprise.
I mean for the Great & All-powerful 'Hog Meister' to dispense such a vast and immense knowledge to such 'lean & dry' subjects as yourselves.
Truely you are a blessed group of individuals, such Omen's are rarely seen in the civilised world :kneel:
sideshowbob said:
No he isn't. Sometimes it's better, sometimes it's worse. It all depends.

-- Ian

Yeah i was humouring him Ian, in theory it should work better, but due to inneficiancy and colouration from the box, then what you say is true.

But would be wasting my time arguing with the irrational, self oppinionated Portugese wazzock.
Oh, what I see: my name and Nestorovic.

Well concerning myself, believe me or not, I am not at all knowledgable as you think.
I just have a Hifi system which with help of people like Mile make me very happy and which I believe is really good. Without their help I might at this moment have a really crappy system. I have only the experience how good a system could sound like.

So please don't mention my name referring to be a knowledgable person. I can learn lots of stuff from all of you.
Concerning Mile I cannot say how knowledgable he is, since I am not at all myself.
technobear said:
That depends on whether you count a transmission line design as a ported speaker :)

Of course, but I was referring to sub bass, and I dont know many
TL bass modules...
titian said:
Oh, what I see: my name and Nestorovic.

Well concerning myself, believe me or not, I am not at all knowledgable as you think.
I just have a Hifi system which with help of people like Mile make me very happy and which I believe is really good. Without their help I might at this moment have a really crappy system. I have only the experience how good a system could sound like.

So please don't mention my name referring to be a knowledgable person. I can learn lots of stuff from all of you.
Concerning Mile I cannot say how knowledgable he is, since I am not at all myself.

Sorry Titian, not a dig at you just being sarcastic to mr Hog Rider, he who knows all things, FWIW I have found you to be extremely modest, and never suggested you know a lot, and as for Miles I think you have found an enthusiast who is after the same things as you are and is willing to help you achieve them. Loudmouther on the other hand cannot learn anymore as he knows everything already.
lowrider said:
No port at all is the best solution for good bass... :rolleyes:

How would you know :confused:

What size would the cabinet need to be Lowrider for say a 10" driver to accurately reproduce 25hz at say 90db?
analoguekid said:
1- You are correct about infinite baffle being better, but they also bring other probs, re efficiancy and box design, in a normal listening room, bass reflex is fine especially if it is done well.

2- As to your quote under your name, this is clearly wrong, unless you are one of the musicians in the band/orchestra. Eg listening to someone playing guitar and the sound comes from the hole in the soundboard, not from 5.1 soundboards dotted about the room. and as for ochestras and bands, most of the sound is in front of the audience, the only sounds coming from behind are natural reflections from the venue,

3- not some bastardised pseudo mix up in s some electronic chip, which will add even more reflections as each speaker interacts with the room, this leads to a false muddled sound that 2 channel enthusiast cannot bear,

4- when will you get it in your head that none of us has the naswer, we are all different and want different interpretations of sound, our auditory systems are so different in fact that even stood next to each other in a concert hall we will percieve the sound we hear differently, one of us may love it , the other may think it's pants,

5- I;m glad you love your system, Ant. But it really is an AV system as far as I'm concerned, and had you spent the same money on a proper 2 ch setup, the sound would be way better than what you get now, I'm not saying you would prefer it, but if you are happy with your compromise then who am I to tell you different.

You are the ones tarting the pointless arguing with your contradictory statemens... :SLEEP:

1- So, did I say anything wrong... :confused:

2- "clearly wrong, unless", "sounds coming from behind are natural reflections from the venue", cammon, make up your mind... :rolleyes:

3- "some bastardised pseudo mix up" , "2 channel enthusiast cannot bear"

4- "none of us has the naswer", "different interpretations of sound", "auditory systems are so different", "percieve the sound we hear differently", "one of us may love it , the other may think it's pants"

We are all different, but only "two channel enthusiast" are right... :newbie:

5- What is a "a proper 2 ch setup"... :confused:

Yours, one of Merlins flavour of the day, Bub's, WM's, 7_V's, Titian's, please educate me... :bs:
wadia-miester said:
Good to see Mr A/V Guru pontificating again, such a pleasant surprise.
I mean for the Great & All-powerful 'Hog Meister' to dispense such a vast and immense knowledge to such 'lean & dry' subjects as yourselves.
Truely you are a blessed group of individuals, such Omen's are rarely seen in the civilised world :kneel:

Guru, me, just because I have an AV system that plays music well enough... :yikes:

It is not that complicated, anyone that would step out of his cave for a moment could learn it... :MILD:
i'm with the 'portugese wazzock' on number 2 here. that would be down to the mix just as a stereo image is. i would have thought that with propper mixing it would be much easier to more accurately locate a sound with 5.1 speakers than with just 2. of course the skills needed may not be honed yet but in future?

analoguekid said:
Do you mean that Ant is acting like a tosser again, or have I completely misquoted you. :)


A most astute observation sir. As always, your accuracy in such matters are handled with atomic clock precision, and delievered with such a robust counter-manding resolve :)
To Paraphase you sir. Ant<>serial peckerhead
julian2002 said:
i'm with the 'portugese wazzock' on number 2 here. julian

So why waste your money on five channels of shite when there is no software worth listening to unless you are a rampant poseur with no more than a passing interest in music and the recorded arts. :confused:
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