REL Quake

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penance said:
You change your argument whenever your loosing, a sign of insecurity :)

No its you that dont read my arguments, a sign of imaturity... ;)

Any doubt I am the best with corners... :MILD:
I have read your so called arguments, they are the demented drivel of a deluded old aged wanna be biker.
Accept fact, harleys are shit, no way on earth could it outperform a modern sports bike in any aren:rolleyes:
to say otherwise just shows your inability to accept the truth. Were you bullied when you were young?
At this rate, Bub'd better get back off his hols quick or he's gonna miss #1666 - and then we'll need another 1000 posts :rolleyes:
So that's crap subs, crap cars, M**a, crap AV, crap bikes.....what's next - which is the best crap sci-fi?

I think you need to realise that not everone wants a Harley or aspires to own one, IT does it for you, that throb of engine must cause quite a stir in the loins dept. The pop, bang, quarter of a mile ,the insessent crash bang spine jarring wallop as the hardtail goes to work ;)
Still if the image gives you buzz, then who are we to judge?.
After all we just music lovers not grandad chapter of the toothless angles :rolleyes:
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penance said:
to say otherwise just shows your inability to accept the truth. Were you bullied when you were young?

Penance, keep speaking to yourself and some guys in white will come and get you, no, not to take care of your piles... ;)
GrahamN said:
which is the best crap sci-fi?
Great idea Graham. Let me start with a nomination for Blake's 7. I thought it was the best sci-fi at the time, and not just because of Servalan ;) . Now I can only laugh when I remember the crew running with ORAC and the poor (by modern standards) special effects.
penance said:
Antonio was talking about his own bike, saying it was faster/better handling than a ZXR slighly delusional me thinks.

There you go, show me where I wrote that, unless young people's english is also different from what I learned... :confused:

Man, you defenetely cannot read, maybe you have piles on your eyes, poor guy... :rolleyes:
lowrider said:
I am serious, with a few suspension mods (not WM's), in sharp corners they out handle most rice burners, low center of gravity and BIG torque help... :MILD:
^ :rolleyes:

And if you were not talking about your own bike, then you have even less understanding
Antonio, it is pathetic how you seem to want to prove everything you own is better than anyone elses. You even argue against basic concepts.
GrahamN said:
At this rate, Bub'd better get back off his hols quick or he's gonna miss #1666 - and then we'll need another 1000 posts :rolleyes:
So that's crap subs, crap cars, M**a, crap AV, crap bikes.....what's next - which is the best crap sci-fi?

I feel I can answer that.

Ive read and loved science fiction novels since I was a child.

The worst one Ive ever read - is so bad its actually funny. ! In fact I reccomend it to laugh at.!

''Battlefield Earth''

The worst novel written by man.

I havent seen the film, I couldnt bring myself to see it after having read the book..

Blakes 7 is a cult masterpiece. The Liberator possibly the best looking ship ever? Hammy in places sure, special effects dated - definately. Its still better than its competitors of the time though I feel.
i'd agree with you that battlefield earth is pretty crummy (as is the film which i foolishly rented in a fit or boredom - i'd have rather inspected the inside of my eyelids for a few hours) but i feel it was bettered (worsted ?) by revelation space by alistair reynolds (iirc). some nice ideas in isolation but awfully implimented also some of the post gibson cyberpunk wannabes were cringeworthy in the exreme. absolute wosrt sci-fi / fanasy books are (and a big controvertial decision this) anything by terry pratchet.
the man can think of titles which can make you smile but actually buy one his books and try to read it and you quickly realise that they are crap.
a decent beginning with a poor ending leaving you with the feeling that he should pay you for your wasted time spent reding his drivel.
blakes seven was good - not least due to servelan and that blonde bit from dempsey and makepiece but dr who was sheer class - can;t wait to see what the new series is like.

contentious stuff Julian!!

I havent read ''revelation space'' so I'll reserve judgement! :)

Terry Pratchet was interesting and new for about...2 novels.. he then became utter utter utter shite. Like a ten year old kid that keeps saying the same crummy jokes again and again he is dull dull dull.

Dr Who? Fabulous at times. Tom Baker especially.

But then, there were the fallow years when Dr Who became a comedy figure with a silly umbrella. Sylvesta Mcoy has a lot to answer for. I used to cheer on the daleks.

Bring back Dr who with a decent doctor, and K9 !!!
I liked Blake's 7. I think it was very good for the reasons already mentioned but seeing the repeated series recently just highlighted the cheap effects. It was the best and in some ways crap. That's why I voted it best crap sci-fi. Perhaps a paradox?
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