REL Quake

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Im with Chris, Dr Who with Tom Baker, or John Pertwe (sp)

Pratchet is even worse in real life, a bad dose of head up arse.

I loved that computer in a fishtank on Blakes 7, i must build one.
Personally I loved Revelation Space (There are now 3 sequels as well).
I have to say thoughthat the first 3 Pratchett books are OK. The rest are shit.

lowrider said:
Any doubt I am the best with corners... :MILD:

You are certainly proving to be adept at own goals Antonio ;)

But then you've always got the referee on your side.
As you are the moderator you could just delete's a post or 2 to move your own posts up or down ;) , if it means that much to you. We wouldn't mind. Really ;)

Alternatively, just post about 10 replies in quick succession.

BTW, the corners are not the same for everyone. I get 40 posts in one page. I think the default may be 10.
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heinlein is probably my favourite sf author especially his 'future history' stories. larry niven - before he started collaborating with everyone not just jerry pournelle, is also a big favorite. orson scott card and raymond e feist are also up there too although feist has gone a bit collaborative and downhill of late. e e 'doc' smith is great when you consider the age of the stuff he wrote a bit cheezy though.

lets play recommend a book

mine is 'a confederacy of dunces' by John kennedy Toole
joel said:
Not if we're talking Siemens Eurodyns or JBL Paragons :)

Are they really 14K... Bloody hell, as Ian says, they'd better be good.
Does anyone know how much Tannoy Westminsters are in the UK?


Yes, they are bloody good, however I actually preferred Merlins Dynaudio/JBL sub setup. For me that played music much better and had truly magical bass. The ProAcs just dont have that magic in the bass.

What Merlin really needs to do is to pop some ESL57s on top of the JBLs subs and cross them over at 200 hz. That'll be close to perfect I feel.
Robbo said:

Yes, they are bloody good, however I actually preferred Merlins Dynaudio/JBL sub setup.

Pretty spot on there Robbo with a couple of provisos. One is that the Proacs are nowhere near run in, so it's maybe too early to judge. Ther other would be if I listened to big orchestral works, I'd take the Proacs.

To put it into perspective, were the JBL's ever to be commercially available like the Proacs, the subs alone would retail for around two thirds of the cost of the D100 :(

Now enough of that, lets keep this thread serious :D
The whole series of revelation books are excellent and battlefield earth was terrific but you had to read all ten volumes, oh and you need a sense of humour, the books were satire what do you expect, the film was crap. can't call yourself a science fiction reader if you haven't read them all, way over a million words pretty impressive I thought, although agree that larry Niven and jerry pournelle were good but not with out each other.
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