REL Quake

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FWIW Antonio I'm a four wheels kinda man, I prefer cars so no axe to grind, I like bikes but prolly won't buy one, I also like Harleys lovely noise great cruisers excellent lazy torquey engine, just waht you need for traversing coast to coast in the US of A, but I'm sure even Harley Davidson plc would agree that for racing on Tarmac, ie hard standing, not dirt or sand, that the Harley's wouldn't even see which way the sports bike went.

Both are good at what they do, one going as fast as possible A to B the other cruising across continents in comfort.

Just look at the clothing FFS you'd be mad to go full pelt in a sports bike without full leathers, yet a lot of harley riders are happy with a T-shirt and jeans.

Ps no one guessed my Headphones yet?
lowrider said:
For instance 5 feet tall speakers are great for small rooms...

I can tame room ressonances with the volume of the woofer's amp with xover at 500hz...

A digital amp for the mid/bass and tubes for mid/highs integrate very well...

What next, the earth is flat...

The earth will be flat before I buy a pair of thumbelinas and an AV processor. Like I say, if you want to do a job properly, use the right tools for the job ;)
No Antonio i was keeping to the original argument and was using Rossi as a real life example to make my point, it's called arguing, you went off the railks with your talk of sand and dirt, obviously both bikes we were discussing would be beaten by good motocross machine with articulate suspension and knobbly tyres, keep to the original argument please, or admit you were exageratting, Andy has only stated he thinks harleys are crap, but thats cause they are not what he looks for in a bike, when arguing with you he never stated that a sports bike would always be better than a Harley, he was countering your bold statement that harleys are FASTER than sports bikes and this is clearly wrong, they are more comfortable and have better range, but they aint faster, when it comes to race pace.
merlin said:
The earth will be flat before I buy a pair of thumbelinas and an AV processor. Like I say, if you want to do a job properly, use the right tools for the job ;)

Like your avatar, good thing I am not at firing range... :duck: :gatling:
Bah it's boring now :mad:

It's so obvious Ladrider is only on a massive windup - try reading it with that view and all will become clear.

Well done Antonio :D
No Merlin we are just giving him an excuse now for posting drivel.

He made a bold statement and now won't backtrack, and he can't argue as even he knows he's wrong, so now the man is clutching at straws, and along comes you and gives him an out, we should not let him off the hook until he admits he is wrong. Or proves it buy racing,

I bet Penance could even thrash him on the same bike.

PS what about my headphones, (trying desperately to change the subject)
analoguekid said:
He made a bold statement and now won't backtrack, and he can't argue as even he knows he's wrong, so now the man is clutching at straws, and along comes you and gives him an out, we should not let him off the hook until he admits he is wrong.

And what was that statement, can you please quote, everybody is confused now... :rolleyes:

Are you calling the inquisition... :confused:
lowrider said:
I know you dont like to use your grey matter to think much, you rather live hand in hand in the flock, reveering common places and the popular gurus... :kneel:

But here go some facts anyway:

The Harley will start faster than the average street rocket, after about 80 meters the Jap will pass never to be caught again by the iron horse, except those that are not able to turn when they should... :p

When you accelerate out of a tight turn they will tend to lift the front wheel, also the rear wheel when they brake hard, so, on a twisty road, the racers will rarely have a good road grip, particularly with average users, like you or me, thats why there are several accidents every sunday on the road I mention, never with HD, except this friend of mine that was hit by a Suzuki that lost it comming from the opposite direction... :rolleyes:

So a reasonably prepared Harley, I mean custom shocks, brakes and the usual engine tweaks, will outrun all but the best drivers on Japanese rice burners, in very twisty roads, of course it wont happen on fast highways... :MILD:

Ok Maybe I'm paraphrasing but this is the bold shite that started the whole thing off, how many of these rice racers have you ridden, maybe your just so good that ordinary guys on rice racers can't keep up with you, but have you with your obvious talent tried them in comparison?
merlin said:
Bah it's boring now :mad:

It's so obvious Ladrider is only on a massive windup - try reading it with that view and all will become clear.

Well done Antonio :D
OTOH, this sort of logical thinking is NOT for this thread :D

We must believe he's serious, or this thread may die.
penance said:
Loosing gracefuly is a virtue.

You are the ones loosing, not me, just because there are many loosers and only one winner, doesnt mean I loose too... :MILD:
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