REL Quake

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Not gonna say until I've heard them, so that all the naysayers can't pour scorn on them until I have heard them.

Ps Andy originally £600 paid £150 s/h If they are not for me you could have them for what I paid plus postage, if not they would easily sell for that.
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analoguekid said:

1- when it comes to pure speed and handling then Penanace is correct a Sports bile will waste a Harley,

2- when it comes to gently cruising along a sunny road then I'm sure you would be more comfortable with the Harley, FWIW I actually like the noise harleys make but some have too much chrome etc,

3- you are completely wrong about the sports bike though and these guys will continue to try and let you make a fool of yourself,

4- argue the virtues of the harley compared to the sports bikes, ie lazy effertless performance, it would be like comparing a large sedan to a compact 2 seater sports car, both types of bike are designerd for completely different jobs,the sports/race replica are designed to go as fast as possible everywhere, whereas harleys and other lowriders, are designed for covering long distances in comfort.

5- Admit that the sports bike would slaughter a harley in quickest point to point race

6- however if you had to traverse europe say 1000 miles plus then the harley would prolly be the better companion.

7- Merlin admits to knowing FA about bikes so don't argue with him on this,

8- but Andy is correct with regard to performance.

1- Correct

2- Correct, I also dont like too much crome, if you look at my Harleys, they are mostly black, some aluminum, little chrome...

3- Nothing I said about those bikes is wrong, they are the ones making fools of themselves

4- Correct except for "everywhere", you have exceptions like dirt, sand, mountain roads... :p

5- Most times yes, not allways nor all Harleys, you are forgeting they are allways tunned, sometimes not only the looks... :MILD:

6- Correct

7- I dont argue with Merlin about bikes...

8- Not completelly, he forgets torque for instance...
lowrider said:
3- Nothing I said about those bikes is wrong, they are the ones making fools of themselves

:ffrc: :ffrc: :ffrc: :ffrc: :ffrc: :ffrc: :ffrc: :ffrc:
lowrider said:
4- Correct except for "everywhere", you have exceptions like dirt, sand, mountain roads... :p

8- Not completelly, he forgets torque for instance...

Ok dirt sand but how well do fatboys do in the sand, mountain road, I reckon sports will still win, torque may give advantage on corners but oveall the sports bike would win, they will be faster in the sraights, they will have higher corner entry speed due to lower weight and consquently better braking, they CAN lean more, and will therefore have higher apex speed, so torque advantage (if any) will be eroded after a straight or 2.

Antonio you are arguing apples with oranges, both are fruit but taste completely different, this is what is making you look foolish, if you said you prefer Harleys due to superior comfort and easy laid back continent bashing performance then I'm sure no one would argue with you.
what advantage the increased torque will give him becuase he avoids changing gear going into a corner is a fraction of a second, (ie the time it takes to change gear)and this will be lost when he runs out of revs on a straight

torque makes for real world speed,but ultimately,you need power (torque is only a bi-product of lowering the power down the rev band anyway)
I will try to make this simple for you, as obviously you have difficulty with all but the very simple explainations.
I did not forget torque, but you do not understand power to wieght ratio.
My bike has around 2/3 the torque of your farmyard shit pump, but it wieghs around 1/4 of said pig iron. I guess maths is not your strong point, but i am sure even you can work that out.
lowrider said:
Whos talking about straights... :confused:

Does this mean that we only measure speed in the corners most mountain roads, have the corners joined with straights, other wise the only way up is with crampons, caribinas, and rope, unless yopu are half mountain goat, now I know you are ugly antonio but mountain goat you aint, get real you have lost this argument, settle it come over to UK and hire Harley and give P a race, loser pays expenses.
Don't argue with a simpleton, they'll only bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.

I reckon the Chopper I had when I was a kid could beat your old Orange Mr P on a downhill race!
Saab said:
what advantage the increased torque will give him becuase he avoids changing gear going into a corner is a fraction of a second, (ie the time it takes to change gear)and this will be lost when he runs out of revs on a straight

torque makes for real world speed,but ultimately,you need power (torque is only a bi-product of lowering the power down the rev band anyway)

Dave you are correct I was giving him the benefit of the doubt, the only time torque would make a lot of difference woulkd be with engines having similar power to weight ratio but then the one with abundance of torque would have advantage.

you will eventually run out of revs,you can't set off in third and stay in third forever

Paul,agreed,and his bike weighs 6 tonnes and has a ptw of 1 donkey per tonne
penance said:
My bike has around 2/3 the torque of your farmyard shit pump, but it wieghs around 1/4 of said pig iron. I guess maths is not your strong point.

:ffrc: :ffrc: :ffrc: :ffrc: :ffrc:
Antonio, that the best you can do.
No constructive argument against it?
What i wrote is approximate figures and very near the truth, But i understand you dont have the competance to get that into your head.

As has been mentioned, hire a bike and take me up on a race, looser pays.

Put up or shut up!
analoguekid said:
1- Does this mean that we only measure speed in the corners most mountain roads, have the corners joined with straights

2- come over to UK and hire Harley and give P a race, loser pays expenses.

It takes a while for the rocketshit to catch-up after leaving the corner, less torque, changing gear a couple of times, picking up his knee from the gravel, straights are quite short on mountain roads, we will already be in the next corner... :p

2- why not P coming over to Portugal, it is quite fashionable this days, well not for the English maybe... :rolleyes:
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